Fochlucan Lyrist -- (Yisan Elves)

Commander / EDH Optimator


Finally! —July 5, 2018

Added Seedborn Muse! A dream come true--thank you Battlebond! Saved me $20. Took out Quest for Renewal. A fantastic Yisan card, and it might be good to run both, but since Yisan can tutor the Muse it seemed like I would often have access to it.

NV_1980 says... #2


I like your deck a lot! To my knowledge, Instill Energy deserves a place in the mainboard though, along with a card you have not considered yet but does the same thing: Nature's Chosen. Both are cheaper (free) to use than Magewright's Stone for instance. Furthermore, I prefer Soul of the Harvest over Regal Force but both are good so whatever makes you happy. Last but not least, I think Joraga Warcaller would fit well in here.



April 17, 2018 8:33 a.m.

Optimator says... #3


I very much recognize Instill Energy's power, and I own one, but I like Magewright's Stone because if Yisan gets whacked over and over it sticks around to untap Karametra's Acolyte, Priest of Titania, et al to enhance the elf ball ramp strategy. I'm not actually trying to go that wide with elves as a true elfball deck--it's the backup strat for when Yisan can't get online. I'll ramp into my Yisan bombs or alphastrike with my mana dorks and Beastmaster Ascension or Craterhoof Behemoth, as opposed to using Lords and tokens.

If I was trying to be as optimized as possible instill energy would be in, along with Birds of Paradise and Utopia Sprawl but I don't mind a slow startbhere and there. Helps keep friends from hating the deck.

April 27, 2018 10:24 p.m.

Optimator says... #4

Joraga Warcaller would indeed be good though. Fits in nicely with what I'm trying to do with the elves, and I often have mana to spare.

I think I have a Soul of the Harvest lying around...

April 30, 2018 1:47 a.m.