Fast Eddie's Wonder Pawn

Noble* gnikrul


Overhaul —March 8, 2024

Lots of new tools have been printed for this deck since I first put this together. Thraben Inspector, Novice Inspector, and Dawnbringer Cleric completely replace our bottom end, which was far too slow. Planar Incision replaces Otherworldly Journey and its ability to hit artifacts might even be relevant if we decide to put Tumble Magnet back in. Ephemerate isn't strictly better than Ghostly Flicker in every situation but for the price it's a big upgrade.

Trying for Reality Acid synergies was simply too much. That will have to be another, separate deck. In order to get this thing truly playable it was necessary to cut out cards like AEthersnipe, Kor Skyfisher and Auramancer that sort of worked with our main plan but were suboptimal choices aimed at compatibility with Reality Acid.

ankrist86 says... #1

conciderd having a cuple of ninjas,good for trading due to high cc and cheap ninjitsu cost..Ninja of the Deep Hours and Mistblade Shinobiand greate for returning some of the enter battlefield effect creatures.

January 30, 2017 3:32 a.m.

gnikrul says... #2

Ankrist - They do seem potentially powerful. The problem is, I can see a lot of situations where they don't work:

  1. I'm getting blocked
  2. The creature they aren't blocking is owned by the opponent
  3. I've traded a Mistblade Shinobi to my opponent and now he's using it to get his own stuff back!
  4. I'm well behind on board and self-bounce seems like suicide

The Skyfisher is risky enough. The Ninjas are more well suited to an aggressive tempo deck or highly evasive midrange.

January 30, 2017 3:46 a.m.

ankrist86 says... #3

lets be honest, ninjas are way cooler than koor ally whatchamallaciilt.but yea they do a better job i a tempo build.

January 30, 2017 4:25 a.m.