Falconer of the Forbidden Way

Commander / EDH* DreadKhan


In Goes Emmy! —Jan. 23, 2024

Finally have all 3 Titans in here, this deck has very little synergy with Zhulodok, so that can probably stay out. The deck has a few more ramp effects, and I'm really curious if Green Sun's Twilight will effectively play better than Elvish Aberration, finding a Forest without any Green was technically a helpful ability to have access to, but the ceiling of Aberration is really terrible compared to what Twilight can do in here, I have some decent hits if I dump some mana into it.

Still curious if Bramble Familiar makes sense in here or not, I have some big hits, but the card might be too 'fair magic' with it's restriction to only the Milled cards.

Edit: So, I'm feeling Skyfall, but I'm also wondering about Parade, from Paprika, representing the Eldrazi cult that surrounds Sunastian?

Edit: Well, did some more background work, hopefully this will provide more fuel for future ideas.

Ooh, we're at 100% Casual baby!