[EDH][Primer] Sythis Enchantress Prison

Commander / EDH AstroAA


Update #5 - Deck Description Overhaul —March 25, 2022


I'm sure you've probably noticed by now if you're a frequent visitor, but I've been overhauling the deck description to make it more informative and cleaner looking. It's still definitely a work in progress, but I've made considerable progress. Currently, I'm working on expanding the "Card Inclusions" section. As of 3/25/2022 I need to finish the "Lands" section, but I'm not in any particular rush. I also need to go back and finish putting the set on each of the cards, but again, I'm not in any particular rush. I'm also working on expanding and tidying up the "Cards Cut" section, but same still - I'm not in a rush.

Hopefully everything will be finished somewhat quickly, but knowing me and how I work on these things it's gonna take a while. Regardless though, I'm happy with the progress I've made thus far.

MoKuhl_EDH says... #1

I just recently got back into MtG and want to copy your Sythis Deck. I like who it works! Maybe a stupid question, but: why do you play Meekstone? Do you use it to protect yourselfs in the early game? And how do you act when your bigger creature are on the board? Hope for removal? Thanks in advance!

January 19, 2022 10:24 a.m.

AstroAA says... #2

Thank you for your comment MoKuhl_EDH!

I run meekstone because we don't run that many creatures over three power, so it doesn't affect us nearly as much as it would our opponents. Whenever a big creature is on board, unless it's something that immediately needs to be dealt with like Massacre Girl, I'm not to terribly worried. I run a myriad of effects such as Elephant Grass and Ghostly Prison to protect myself.

January 19, 2022 12:04 p.m.

MoKuhl_EDH says... #3

Thanks for the fast reply! But what about the win cons with Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite or the alternate with Sigil of the Empty Throne? Do you speculate that you will then have a removal spell ready?

January 19, 2022 3:25 p.m.

AstroAA says... #4

MoKuhl_EDH Do you mean protecting our own win-cons? Usually if I try to establish a hard lock on the board, I do it all in one turn in order to give as few points as possible where our opponents can interrupt us. The deck generates a ton of mana through methods like Sanctum Weaver and Serra's Sanctum, so generating 12+ mana is rather easy.

Sigil of the Empty Throne is honestly just in the deck as a backup, and not meant to immediately win the game as soon as it comes out, unlike the Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Nature's Revolt combo. It is meant to be played and then we slowly (or quickly, depending on if we have cards like Flickering Ward ready) start to get Angel tokens and then playing something like Craterhoof Behemoth to finish our opponents off.

In order to protect these combos/cards, I run cards like Sterling Grove and Greater Auramancy to protect our permanents once they're already on board, Silence and Orim's Chant in order to interact with counterspells, and Destiny Spinner in order to completely bypass counterspells.

If you mean an opponents Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, my method to solving the issue is not letting it be a problem in the first place - calling on Silence and Orim's Chant in order to counter the threats before they have a chance to hit the board. If they do end up hitting the board, then spot removal through Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are our next solution. I do not have any boardwipes in the deck because, frankly speaking, I haven't had a need to run them. Usually I can slow my opponents down enough I can win or establish a lock before they gain too much steam. If I did though, it would probably be Austere Command due to the ability to choose what we need to blow up - most of the time you would choose artifacts and creatures with CMC four or more since most of our deck is enchantments and creatures with CMC three or less.

Also, I know you said you were returning to Magic, and while I'm honored you want to copy my deck, if you're unfamiliar with how it plays it can be quite tricky. In addition, this decklist is most certainly not budget friendly. I've considered trying to make a budget version, but at the moment can't be bothered due to being busy.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!

January 19, 2022 4:53 p.m.

MoKuhl_EDH says... #5

Thanks for the explanation! I understand the strategy and the mechanics of the deck. Even though it will take a while for my gameplay to flow smoothly, I like the challenge ;) What I ment is: In the case that I have three opponents, Meekstone on the board and holding my win con Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Nature's Revolt in my hand. What if can't run over all opponents at once? I'll run out of mana, cause all of my lands are tapped out and I guess, that I won`t have any more creatures that are going to untap cause of Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Meekstone. So I figured out to cut it in favor of Crackdown. What do you think? I've already noticed, that this decklist is not the cheapest...I've checked the cards that I own and checked out cardmarket and it'll currently cost me arround 200-300€. I thought of cutting a few missing cards in favor of a few token summoning cards like Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse, Ajani's Chosen, Arasta of the Endless Web, Archon of Sun's Grace + Overrun Do you think that would be a possibility? Otherwise, I would also be happy about 1-2 budget deck suggestions that you would recommend ;) Thanks a lot for your support!! I really appreciate that! Excuse my somewhat dusty English, I hope everything was understandable so far!

January 20, 2022 4:04 a.m.

AstroAA says... #6

MoKuhl_EDH Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Nature's Revolt does not win through combat damage. It wins by animating everyone's lands and them killing them due to the -2/-2 effect of Elesh Norn. The deck is not designed to win primarily through combat damage - it can, but it is not the goal. Same with Linvala, Keeper of Silence + Nature's Revolt , it animates everyones lands, but they can no longer tap them for mana due to Linvala's effect.

This deck is not a combat-based deck - it is a deck designed to make your opponents suffer and limit their ability to play Magic. As I said previously, the only reason Sigil of the Empty Throne and Craterhoof Behemoth are there is as a backup win-con if we are unable to land any of Elesh Norn, Linvala, or Nature's Revolt.

January 20, 2022 7:47 a.m.

MoKuhl_EDH says... #7

ok now I understand the point and the benefit of Meekstone. Thanks for your patience!

January 20, 2022 8:51 a.m.

aisthetikos says... #8

Hi! I'm converting my Azusa Lands Alive deck to Sythis, and one of my pet interactions is giving everyone lands(not a requirement, but makes for a bigger boom), making all lands creatures, and casting Ezuri's Predation. It's a nice closer when you get tokens and blow up lands!

I also enjoy running Craterhoof Behemoth along side Altar of Dementia. One of my favorite win cons milling in mono green(soon to be GW)!

February 6, 2022 11:03 a.m.

AstroAA says... #9

Hello aisthetikos! Thank you for your comment!

That's a pretty nifty combo, albeit very mana-inefficient. I would personally much rather only pay the five mana for Nature's Revolt and either the four mana for Linvala, Keeper of Silence or the seven mana for Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite than an eight additional mana for Ezuri's Predation. Plus, with Ezuri's Predation, our opponents could save their stuff through the likes of Heroic Intervention or other methods of giving indestructible; Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite kills through indestructible, which is part of the reason as to why she is so good.

The only reason I run Craterhoof Behemoth is to act as a closer if I need to kill someone immediately. I've thought about cutting it before and am not against the prospect in the future. The deck itself doesn't run much recursion if we need to get something back, and it's a lot easier to get 40 damage to kill someone in a single turn than it is 70+ damage to mill someone out in a single turn - especially with this deck in regard to the fact that most of our creatures are 2/2's. If I were to mill someone out, it'd be using a method like Aluren + Whitemane Lion + Altar of the Brood. However, keep in mind - this is a deck designed to prevent our opponents from playing Magic, not a combo-oriented deck.

February 6, 2022 11:56 a.m.

aisthetikos says... #10

Thank you for the response, AstroAA!

Understand for sure. Really dig your deck focus, and preventing people from playing. I would like to do more of that, but my home group might leave me if I do :)

I think my fascination with lands came when I saw living plane etc, and decided I wanted to slap people in the face with things like Triumph of the Hordes lands. "I am going to do things that you don't like but in a way you can't complain!"

February 6, 2022 1:23 p.m.

AstroAA says... #11

aisthetikos Yeah, I really wish I picked up a Living Plane a couple years ago; would much rather run it over Nature's Revolt as it's both cheaper mana-wise and makes our opponent's creatures 1/1's instead of 2/2's.

February 6, 2022 6:01 p.m.

Guerric says... #12

Nice deck! The guide is also well thought through. +1 from me. Sythis is a great commander, and it's nice to have an alternative to Tuvasa the Sunlit. I play Tuvasa myself with Sythis in the 99 at its a combo-y good time. The Nature's Revolt combos would be another way of doing what I do with Enchanted Evening and Calming Verse in my deck, but it's nice to have more options! Opalescence + Parallax Wave is the one lock combo I use in my deck that you could run with here- it really helps to keep your opponents' boards clear of meddlesome creatures, and you could also take out their lands with Nature's Revolt, which actually improves it and makes me think about running Nature's Revolt myself! I explain the combo in my primer for Tuvasa, which is here if you're curious- [Primer] Enchantress's Pillowfort: A Tuvasa Guide. Nice job!

March 19, 2022 9:28 a.m.

AstroAA says... #13

Hello Guerric! I appreciate the comment!

Thank you for compliment on the primer! I'm still working on it - particularly a short write up about each card, but it's just taking forever to do.

I've thought about running the Opalescence + Parallax Wave in the past, but ultimately I decided against it due to me both not necessarily wanting to make any cuts and being undecided on what I wanted to cut. Plus for whatever reason I don't like the idea of turning my enchantments to creatures since it opens them up to being more susceptible to more kinds of removal and all the enchantments I run are like 1 or 2 CMC - albeit I know that isn't the point of Opalescence and you'd really only play it whenever you're trying to win the game.

Regardless, I'll check your deck out!

March 19, 2022 3:08 p.m. Edited.