Edgar's Dega Vampires

Commander / EDH Last_Laugh

SCORE: 201 | 196 COMMENTS | 32067 VIEWS | IN 73 FOLDERS

100 Upvotes! —Sept. 13, 2019

First personal deck to (or anywhere near) 100 upvotes! Thank you to everyone who's upvoted!

To the rest of you slackers (just kidding, kinda):

Let's upvote this list to the top (currently ranked 3rd). Not to toot my own horn but I feel my list is more competitive than the 2 ranked above me. Especially aekrusty's garbage sitting at #1 for no better reason than being the first user to post a list. Shots being fired back for the pissy bitch blocking me for suggesting Reconnaissance (twice, 2nd time was about a week later and I missed that I'd suggested it previously).

borjaambroce says... #1

Last_Laugh - Hey men, Would you be so kind to kindly check my deck Daddy Markov's Vampires

This is the deck that I've constructed with a limited budget. I would appreciate if you could give an insight regarding this deck.

I was planning on having a +1/+1 and token deck.

May 10, 2019 1:33 p.m.

Stasissword says... #2


After responding to your comment on my Animar deck and checking out your list, it lead me here, which I also have a Edgar Markov commander deck. Edgar Markov

My build went more for the Pact / Aristocrats mid range plan. I think Edgar Markov is one of the best Aristocrats commanders. Since Edgar himself provides the fodder and we get so many vampires that provide free sac outlets, it cuts down 2 of the 3 pieces needed for an gravepact strategy.

I've been thoroughly enjoying my deck. It was originally a Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter vamp tribal deck that quicky moved over to Edgar once previewed. The lower curve of the deck really allows for explosive starts and makes cards like Dark Prophecy and Skullclamp do amazing work.

I can comment on individual cards if you would like, but it depends on how happy you are with the deck and what direction you want to move towards.

In terms of your maybe board:

Phyrexian Tower : I cannot recommend enough, in this deck it's basically a black Ancient Tomb . Amazing card!

Anointed Procession , Purphoros, God of the Forge , Erebos, God of the Dead , Well of Lost Dreams . I would stay away from these cards. They are too costly for a slow upside. Procession itself takes casting 3-4 vampires before it outpaces the benefit just casting a vampire instead would provide and does nothing to protect you from board wipes or help you rebuild afterwards.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician . Even if you don't build towards Pacts, I must recommend him. He's everything the deck wants. Provides board control/removal. Card draw. And can even buff Edgar's +1/+1 counters anthem.

September 4, 2019 2:08 a.m.

Last_Laugh says... #3

Stasissword - This deck is retired. I try to keep it updated with new additions and keep it up to date for others to reference though. If you don't run it already, look into Reconnaissance ... card is super busted here.

September 4, 2019 9:16 a.m.