E. V. I. L.

Commander / EDH Lhurgyof

SCORE: 112 | 82 COMMENTS | 23831 VIEWS | IN 36 FOLDERS

WAR! —June 23, 2019

With the release of War of the Spark, many new planeswalkers and cards that synergize well with planeswalkers have been released. For now I'm only making some small changes, but any input is always appreciated!


  • Deliver Unto Evil: Flavorful, and seems like it's really good with or without a bolas walker. Will need to playtest though.

  • Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God: Amazing synergy with planeswalkers, game-ending ultimate.

  • Spark Double: Clone for planeswalkers? Sounds good to me!


  • Oath of Liliana: Sure it made blockers, but every time I had it I never found a good time to cast it.

  • Portal Mage: Changing one creature was relatively weak in my opinion.

  • Ral Zarek: Probably the weakest walker in the deck in my opinion.

Once again, if you like the deck please leave a +1 and/or a comment!

Lhurgyof says... #1

Dreno33, Kozelek, Poptartz95, -KinkyPie-, He_Who_Seizes_Thoughtseize, TheFoilAjani, dewicious007, and griffstick: Any help now that I've updated the build?

October 4, 2015 9:13 p.m.

Dreno33 says... #2

  1. 13 planeswalkers is pretty low for a "Super friends" deck that runs The Chain Veil.

  2. Why is there no Tamiyo, the Moon Sage??

  3. Not enough artifacts for Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas.

  4. Consider adding either one or both of the other lilianas.

October 5, 2015 11:27 a.m.

griffstick says... #3

Your not running Doubling Season? Why?

October 5, 2015 1:34 p.m.

PlattBonnay says... #4

because its not in his colour identity griffstick

October 5, 2015 1:46 p.m.

griffstick says... #5

Oh, duh, brain fart.

October 5, 2015 2:47 p.m.

griffstick says... #6

I think you should switch out the stuff that proliferates for extra turn stuff take out Tezzeret's Gambit for Time Warp, and The Chain Veil for Time Stretch. I think because your running both 11 creatures and 13 walkers that extra turns will benifit them both better

October 5, 2015 3:10 p.m.

griffstick says... #7

I would also add Rise of the Dark Realms, Rite of Replication, and Insurrection cause these cards are just game winners in most cases.

October 5, 2015 3:16 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #8

@Dreno33: I thought I was a little low on walkers, so I dropped some spells I didn't need in favor of a couple Chandras, Tamiyo, and an extra Jace.

I'm on the fence about Ashiok. I am putting my Liliana of the Veil in my Karador deck, and I don't think Dark Realms would be worth it in this deck. I have a Daretti, but once again there aren't really enough artifacts to use with him. I also have Flipiana, but I don't have enough critters to use her either.

@griffstick: Nice suggestions. I was thinking of putting in some extra turn cards, but wasn't sure what to cut necessarily. I have Temporal Mastery, Time Stretch, and Time Warp at my disposal, but I'm iffy on cutting The Chain Veil or Tezzeret's Gambit (Mostly since the gambit is instant-speed and offers card advantage). But I'm always bad with deciding what cards to remove from decks.

Rite of Replication and Insurrection both have one problem: I'm constantly wiping the board and bouncing stuff back. I understand that they are win-cons all in their own right, but with the amount of removal I have I don't know if it's justifiable to run them. Rise of the Dark Realms is a Lilly ult, however, and I like it a lot. I'll put it on the maybe board until I can snag one.

Do either of you have suggestions for cuts? Did I put in too many protection cards and not enough walkers/win cons?

October 5, 2015 5:11 p.m.

griffstick says... #9

Your commander is your easiest win con. You could do a lil bit to make him kill quicker. An instant win condition with your commander like Savage Beating and if you also threw in Tainted Strike or Grafted Exoskeleton for quicker easier kills

October 6, 2015 12:24 a.m. Edited.

Psycho1024 says... #10

You could add Everflowing Chalice to get infinite planeswalker loyalty activation out of Tezzeret (so long as everflowing has at least 4 charge counters on it).

November 2, 2015 6:08 p.m.

toastySmorc says... #11

Im sorry, but I can't handle all this badass...

July 29, 2017 3:59 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #12

Not exactly sure what to do with the deck right now. I want to move around walkers and try to get my color spread a little bit more even.

Any suggestions, guys?

August 1, 2017 8:10 a.m.

FadingReality says... #13

This deck absolutely needs Dack Fayden. One of the most powerful 3cmc walkers ever. All three of his abilities are relevant in commander.

July 19, 2018 7:12 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #14

FadingReality, good suggestion. I had Dack Fayden in other drafts of this deck. His +1 and -2 are most useful in EDH yes, but his emblem doesn't help me really, as I have no spells that target a permanent (without bouncing them or killing them anyways). What would you suggest as a cut for it?

July 19, 2018 5:38 p.m.

Hexapod says... #15

Really like the Super Villain theme you have going on!

I agree that you do not nearly have enough artifacts to make either Tezzeret remotely interesting in this deck. I know it was suggested before, but I also wondered why no Liliana of the Veil; can't you switch her when you are changing decks? Also agree with Dack Fayden.

New suggestions would be Liliana, the Necromancer from the recent core set and Jaya Ballard that can help with your awesome but expensive sorceries.

You can probably lose Darkness and Disrupt Decorum.

July 24, 2018 12:32 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #16

Liliana of the Veil just feels underpowered in Commander. The only way for her to gain counters forces me to discard, which is not something I often want to do. On top of that, she starts at very few counters and takes a long time to get to her ultimate, so I can't see myself doing much other than her -2. I also happen to have her in my Malfegor deck where self-discard is beneficial. The same can be said about Liliana, the Necromancer. Her +1 is very weak in commander, and her -1 seems really weak as well in a deck with 11 creatures. Her ultimate is really good, but I feel like the other tezzerets would be more useful than her.

Dack Fayden is a pretty solid choice, as is Jaya Ballard.

Thanks for the input. I can probably lose Disrupt Decorum and one of the tezzerets for now. The question is, which tezzeret should I cut first? Master of Metal seems like the most useful.

July 24, 2018 8:39 p.m.

FadingReality says... #17

I too was looking at which Tezzeret to cut. In doing so I was looking at your artifact count. You have 11 (under the default "artifact section"), + 2 creatures, + 3 lands (the esper artifact lands) for a total of 16 artifacts. You could cut a basic mountain to add a Darksteel Citadel. Your land base is quite solid and I think you've done a great job at optimization. You only have 2 colorless producing lands, which means that if you add a third one you'd still be well within an acceptable threshold for colorless lands in a 3 color deck. It will up your artifact count even further and (although usually not relevant), it will protect against land destruction. I recomend dropping the basic mountain because, aside from Back to Basics (a card usually unseen outside of cedh), you'll generally only be up against Blood Moon or Ruination and mountains aren't that important (if at all) against those over other basic land types. With Blood Moon on the field, all you get are mountains anyway!

But on to the Tezzeret question... I think you should cut Tezzeret, Master of Metal and keep Tezzeret the Seeker .

Master of Metal

  • 1.) Costs more mana
  • 2.) Requires more colors
  • 3.) His + and - care greatly about total number of artifacts (and thus total number in the deck). His + will have you digging through large portions of your deck without lots of artifacts and his - won't do a lot of damage unless you have a ton of artifacts currently on the field.
  • 4.) His ult, while good, shouldn't be considered as a primary factor for running him. Additionally Dack Fayden does a partial, minor version of his ult for merely a -.
  • Tezzeret the Seeker

  • 1.) cheaper to cast in terms of color and cmc
  • 2.) his + can act as ramp and a substanial amount of the artifacts you run (including lands) can be tapped for mana
  • 3.) his - searches for a card which is great because it doesn't rely on having an artifact heavy deck.
  • 4.) his ult (while not as powerful as master of metal's) can easily be achieved in most games and that makes it better than it looks
  • 5.) His + and - don't care about total artifacts in deck or on field.
  • To me, the only real point of running Master of Metal is his ult, which won't happen in most games. Additionally, adding Dack Fayden gives you access to a lesser version of that ult that you can get off in 100% of games where he resolves and isn't countered.

    July 24, 2018 9:56 p.m.

    Lhurgyof says... #18

    Very solid reasoning there. I'll probably make the following swaps then:

    -1 Tezzeret, Master of Metal

    -1 Disrupt Decorum

    -1 Mountain

    -1 Island or Swamp

    +1 Jaya Ballard

    +1 Dack Fayden

    +1 Darksteel Citadel

    +1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All (I can't believe I forgot about this, it's so important to my big sorceries)

    July 25, 2018 7:58 a.m.