Death Touch Green Boi

Modern twechsler


CUT —April 16, 2021

Finally made cuts to the deck to get it down to 60. Thank you to those who helped out. If anyone else has suggestions to optimize I would appreciate it.

libraryjoy says... #1

Definitely work on cutting towards 60 cards. I will make suggestions to cut, but I need to know what you like best about the deck, how you want it to play, what other types of decks you often play against. Then I can tailor the cuts toward the strategy you prefer. What cards do you absolutely LOVE? Let me know!

April 13, 2021 11 a.m.

twechsler says... #2

libraryjoy the way I want it to play is getting ahead on mana enough to drop one of the heavy hitters like Liege of the Tangle or End-Raze Forerunners . I mostly play just with friends who primarily rely on creatures. This is why I agree with the above comment suggesting I add more Lure and deathtouch creatures so I can easily wipe their defense. I also really like Engulfing Slagwurm and I feel like that fits well with how I play so I'm most likely going to get one or two of them and toss one or two of the high mana cost creatures I have. So basically the ideal strategy is to get tons of mana play tons of creatures, don't let them get a chance to block. Doesn't always happen that way but that's the goal. Thank you for helping me out!

April 13, 2021 11:15 a.m.

twechsler says... #3

Also I'm considering tossing alot of the reach cards that I have for Gravity Well . I pretty much only have them for my one friend's all-flying deck. Im sure that card will throw him for a loop. Let me know if you need more details about specificity.

April 13, 2021 11:22 a.m.

libraryjoy says... #4

So if that's your strategy, then dump a lot of your low cost creatures and build a ramp package. There's two ways I've found that work with that - Elves, or Defenders. As Vectornaut mentioned, the Axebane Guardian , Overgrown Battlement , and Traproot Kami (also can add in Vine Trellis if you need more) ramp package multiplies quickly. A few elves like Elvish Mystic and Llanowar Elves plus Elvish Archdruid (or Karametra's Acolyte for a cheaper option)go nuts fast. Arbor Elf plus ramp land auras like Elvish Guidance can also do the trick. Another option is Gyre Sage with the larger creatures.

Tell me where you feel like going in terms of ramp package, and I'll start making a proposed list for you.

April 13, 2021 11:46 a.m.

libraryjoy says... #5

Ok, I'm seeing your ramp package a little now with just having lots of land, (Sakura tribe elder et al) so stand by while I streamline....

April 13, 2021 12:09 p.m.

libraryjoy says... #6

So here's the deck I made with cuts: Boi, I say Boi! The Wurms are coming! Hope you find it helpful, but feel free to adjust it more to your taste.

April 13, 2021 1:52 p.m.

twechsler says... #7

Wow! Thank you so much for putting that together. It pretty much looks like a more concise version of what I got going on now. I was wondering what would be the best way to use Rogue's Passage. My first thought would be for liege of the tangle or a huge heroes bane but just wanted to hear your reasoning. Once again thanks for taking the time to help me out.

April 13, 2021 2:17 p.m.

libraryjoy says... #8

Yes, Rogue's Passage gets through a giant Heroes' Bane, a Leige of the Tangle, or a Worldspine Wurm to avoid blockers and hit for all 15. Or just to get those last through points of damage through. It doesn't always work, but on more than one occasion, it's won me the game. It's also something they can't see coming, as it can be used on the turn it's played, and is difficult to remove unless your group uses a lot of land destruction. And there's not a lot of competition for the land slots in a mono-green deck. There's really no reason not to include it, and plenty of reasons to!

April 13, 2021 3:14 p.m.

libraryjoy says... #9

After fiddling with your list all day, I also ended up putting together a deathtouch list that I'd been thinking about - Poisoned Tip, or How to Make Your Friends Hate You. I will never actually build this deck to play with, but it's a fun mental exercise.

April 13, 2021 7:13 p.m.

twechsler says... #10

I just checked it out. Definitely a cool concept to just never let your opponents have creatures with the deathtouch viridian longbow combo.

April 13, 2021 7:31 p.m.