Curse of the Blind Eternities, Budget Eldrazi

Casual Cyrrus


Ghostkitten2 says... #1

May i suggest Tower of Fortunes ?

October 11, 2014 11:20 a.m.

Lutachris23 says... #2

Traveler's Amulet is a slight improvement, in terms of mana, from Expedition Map .

Mind's Eye or Temple Bell could be used to replace Jayemdae Tome .

October 12, 2014 11:23 a.m.

lookoutimscary says... #3

Lutachris23: No its not, Traveler's Amulet only gets basics. RTFC

October 12, 2014 2:45 p.m.

Cyrrus says... #4

@ Ghostkitten2 I like that idea. I'll definitely play test it.

@ Lutachris23 As lookoutimscary pointed out Traveler's Amulet only fetches basic lands. This deck doesn't have any... As for Temple Bell I'm not sure I like the idea of helping my opponent draw cards since in a situation where I need to draw cards it will be because I'm having a bad game. They will likely have less cards than me due to my high mana costs. I do like Mind's Eye though :)

October 12, 2014 3:03 p.m.

FortFade says... #5

Hey there Cyrrus! +1 for combining excellence and relatively cheap.
What would you think of Spellskite as a replacement for Ichorclaw Myr ?
I get the impression that you want to use the Myr as a deterrent for opponents to attack you in the early game (i.e. as a blocker), but I think it is at it's best when attacking. In my opinion, Spellskite provides ample toughness for it's cheap price, and it can also protect your eldrazi cards when they make it to the field.

October 14, 2014 10:47 a.m.

Cyrrus says... #6

@FortFade I like that idea! Thanks man. Time for some play testing!

October 14, 2014 10:49 a.m.

Cyrrus says... #7

@Lutachris23 It turns out that Mind's Eye isn't for a budget deck.

October 16, 2014 9:17 a.m.

I'm not sure if it will help you much, but Ghostfire Blade from KTK might be good to buff your smaller creatures, since everything is colorless.

October 21, 2014 2:35 a.m.

Cyrrus says... #9

Thanks NegativeRainbow. That would definitely help me out if I get stuck relying on my infect creatures. I need to make sure that doesn't happen, but you idea is definitely worth considering!

October 21, 2014 9:09 a.m.

JetUppercut says... #10

Swiftfoot Boots so you can attack on the turn you get your Eldrazi out and protect them easily.

A single Eye of Ugin to tutor your creatures and make them a fair chunk cheaper. Frees up deck space since you can tutor it with Expedition Map and you don't need the other tutor effects.

October 21, 2014 9:18 a.m.

Cyrrus says... #11

I do like that Swiftfoot Boots idea JetUppercut, but Lightning Greaves might be a better choice in that scenario. Eye of Ugin might be too expensive, even if it is just for 1. 1 card is a dodgy amount for a legendary land. Either it clogs up your hand, or you have a near to 0% change of drawing it.

October 22, 2014 3:19 a.m.

JetUppercut says... #12

Lightning Greaves is almost 6 bucks. And it doesn't matter if you don't draw into Eye of Ugin since you can use Expedition Map to tutor it out. Once it's on the field it'll be doing it's job quite nicely.

October 22, 2014 4:26 a.m.

Cyrrus says... #13

@JetUppercut: Cool, I bought my Lightning Greaves for $3.25 AUD in Feburary 2013 (from I didn't realise their value went up so much! :)

You are right about Eye of Ugin . I'm just not sure about the price.

October 23, 2014 4:50 a.m.

This is amazing!!! I would recommend Tower of Fortunes over Jayemdae Tome though.

October 26, 2014 12:09 p.m.

I think you'd be a lot more consistent without the UrzaTron lands and just running 12 Post. Vesuva completes the 12 Posts. A single Eye of Ugin is quite worthwhile. Glacial Chasm is great for the pillow fort until you're set up to swing with your fatties.

All Is Dust is a worthwhile consideration, as is Steel Hellkite . Amulet of Vigor can get nuts with Cloudpost ...

If you run , you'll have access to Crop Rotation and Ancient Stirrings . Moment's Peace is also good. You could also run Primeval Titan if you're budget grows.

October 26, 2014 12:10 p.m.

Cyrrus says... #16

@theGentlemanSeal I like both those cards but there have been games where I wanted to draw a card and still have mana left over for something else (early game). You're not the first person to suggest Tower of Fortunes so I might trial a combination of the 2.

@aeonstoremyliver Vesuva is too expensive which is why I replaced it with Thespian's Stage . I do like the Eye of Ugin idea and now that you mention it, 1x probably wouldn't break the budget. The problem with Glacial Chasm is that I would need a way to take it off the field when I'm ready to attack.

October 28, 2014 2:37 a.m.

Cyrrus says... #18

@FortFade I just noticed how expensive Spellskite is. I'm pretty sure that's no longer an option.

October 28, 2014 2:44 a.m.

@Cyrrus Glacial Chasm and be removed at any time. As long as you decide not to pay the life it will be sacrificed, so there should be no problem getting it off the field to attack. That being said, cumulative upkeep could get very annoying very fast. On the salvation wiki it states that "At the beginning of your upkeep, if this permanent is on the battlefield, put an age counter on this permanent. Then you may pay [cost] for each age counter on it. If you dont, sacrifice it." That means if you play it turn 1, turn 2 you will pay 2 life, turn 3 you will pay 4 life, turn 4 you will pay 6 life and turn 5 you will pay 8 life. BAM! Already dead. I'm not saying that you would play it turn 1 but still, that life loss could be detrimental against burn. At most, sideboard it. And if you do play it, Only keep it in for a couple turn before you sac it and play an eldrazi. Once again, I love this idea of budget eldrazi.

October 28, 2014 7:26 p.m.

Yggdrasil60 says... #20

I like this deck a lot, good job dude !I would suggest you to replace Plague Myr with Palladium Myr

October 30, 2014 10:03 a.m.

Cyrrus says... #21

Thanks Yggdrasil60 :p

and good suggestion! but like every suggestion I like, I'll do some testing first.

November 1, 2014 8:01 a.m.

xzypher says... #22

You need 4x Vesuva to complete the 12 post fulfillment. Replace the Thespian's Stage

November 1, 2014 2:17 p.m.

Cyrrus says... #23

or, xzypher, you could just read the description/title and realise that this is a budget deck. Thespian's Stage is the budget alternative of Vesuva .

I'm not meaning to sound harsh but,

November 2, 2014 1:23 a.m.

Ghawn says... #24

I think I found my 3rd deck idea o.o

Awesome deck, Cyrrus c: +1

November 12, 2014 5:07 a.m.

Cyrrus says... #25

Thanks EnividWodahs :)

November 12, 2014 7:51 a.m.

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