The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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An update to the Manabase —April 19, 2021

Want to give a special thanks to abierto for suggesting I re-examine my manabase, specifically the Filterlands (pictured below):

enter image description here

I decided to swap in the previously mentioned for their color equivalent Painland because it requires no prerequisite to be of use (not requiring me to have access to a certain type of mana for filtering). I chose to omit the inclusion of Horizon Lands primarily because the cycle isn't complete. Also, the additional functionality of sacrificing a land to draw seems like a marginal benefit for this deck as it is not running any sort of land recursion - this is a far cry from a Gitrog deck. What do you think of this decision? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Mortlocke says... #1

How do you gents feel about Rewind taking one of the 'counterspell' slots?

bigrigroy - I absolutely have to weigh in on this. No. Not worth it in a 5c competetive Sliver deck. You need to go as low to the ground as possible when running competetive countermagic - holding up mana for a spell that may or may not be cast is always the least desirable outcome. And before you think "Well what do you consider competetive?" here's my list (in no particular order):

Mind you this list is pretty subjective, and should be adjusted to one's tastes and meta - but this is what I'd consider competetitive. The absolute best counter magic is free, as you can bait out the big spells.

June 29, 2020 7:39 a.m. Edited.

abierto says... #2

Mortlocke I'm not a big fan of spells with 2 mana of the same color as cost in a 5 color deck. But yeah, it might be worth some decktests. It's true that 3 generics for a Sliver looks more viable, for me, then 1BB but... You can still test it and let us know ;)

About Krosan Grip: is it there because you are into a Food Chain meta? Since Nature's Claim it's just 1 green mana for the purpose of destroying something.

June 30, 2020 5:18 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #3

abierto, Grim Tutor seems like an upgrade over Homing Sliver. It's nice to have a tutor on a body, but for as long as i've owned this deck, i've never actually used Homing Sliver's body. That sounds alot weirder than it did in my head. But yeah, I've never been interested in Homing Sliver's body - only it's ability. Grim Tutor on the other hand can get me any card in my deck for an adjustment in the CMC (from to ). I think the benefit outweighs the cost - and I will happily report in on my findings after thorough experimentation!

Oh, and in regards to Krosan Grip - you're correct. On occassion I do face a General Tazri Food Chain deck - (the commander could have changed now, as COVID has given people tons of time to brew). But i'll keep Nature's Claim in the back of mind as my meta will likely be shifting considerably in the near future.

June 30, 2020 8:02 a.m.

Slayroth says... #4

Yoo! just wanted to throw the new counterspell Miscast into the discussion in case you havn't noticed it until now.

June 30, 2020 2:47 p.m.

Zhugo12 says... #5

Question: why no Heartstone or Zirda, the Dawnwaker?

June 30, 2020 4:14 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #6

"Question: why no Heartstone or Zirda, the Dawnwaker?"

Zhugo12, thanks for asking that - I've already got an answer pre-baked in my head regarding Heartstone, and that's an easy one to answer - because if you read the card closely, it awards the cost reduction of abilities to all creatures on the board. Let me be clear - in cEDH you do not help your opponents under any circumstances - doing so is akin to either forfeiting or playing kingmaker. Before you even think "Oh, but you can use it with..." No. I'm not going to have a card in this deck that is essentially dead until I get Sliver Queen and Basal Sliver on the board.

As for Zirda...the short answer is that I would essentially have to cripple my deck in order to fit Zirda in as a companion. There's a sizable number of permanents in the deck that do not have activated abilities, namely Mana Echoes, Training Grounds, Mirri's Guile, Mystic Remora, Sentinel Sliver, Sliver Overlord (the list goes on, you get the idea) would have to be removed or substituted for just one card that provides a nominal boon at best. What's amusing is that even the other card that you mentioned Heartstone can't even be included alongside Zirda. Heartstone is a static ability (it's always on), not an activated one (which requires some sort of payment to activate - , pay , etc)

Additionally, Zirda is a filthy non-sliver. Yeah. I said it. I don't like non-slivers in my Sliver Tribal deck. I can't even tutor for it using the Commander's first ability. I'd have to waste a tutor to fetching it as opposed to getting a Mana Dork or an actual Wincon. Zirda doesn't contribute in anyway to the cohesive strategy that Slivers bring - not awarding any special abilities tha

June 30, 2020 8:35 p.m. Edited.

Mortlocke says... #7

Zhugo12, just realized I cut off the last bit of my conclusion. In summary - Zirda just doesn't do nearly enough for me to even consider testing in this deck.

June 30, 2020 8:43 p.m.

Zhugo12 says... #8

So I get not wanting to run Heartstone for fear of opponents using it to greater effect than you, but I didn't mean running Zirda, the Dawnwaker as companion (duh that would be stupid) you can run it in the 99 to great effect and it is a sliver! You run Amoeboid Changeling, so everyone is a sliver :D

In all seriousness, running Zirda, the Dawnwaker in the 99 as redundancy to Training Grounds does make some sense, even if it is a filthy non-sliver. It's just another great combo-enabler.

June 30, 2020 8:51 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #9

Figured you meant running Zirda as one of the 99, Zhugo12. But you weren't terribly specific so I had to cover all of my thoughts in two separate tangents. Sure, i'll agree that Amoeboid Changeling can turn ol' Zirda into a Sliver, but in doing so i'd be wasting a chance to make an opponent's creature a sliver that can be liberated by the Commander's 2nd ability. Zirda is a decent card, but it comes off as a bit jank within the context of this deck, at least. Honestly, I think it belongs in a casual kitchen table sliver deck.

June 30, 2020 11 p.m.

luca11rise says... #10

Hi there I have a question. Do you think Herald's Horn and Heroic Intervention Can fit in this deck? Herald's Horn seems a card draw to me and Heroic Intervention can help pretect my side of the board while a counterspell on a wrath cancel the effect on my opponents also.

July 7, 2020 8:42 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #11

Hi there luca11rise, I appreciate the inquiry. I'll address each card individually:

  • Herald's Horn: In this deck? No. It contributes exclusively to a more aggro playstyle which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The only issue is that late game (past turn 5) this is a dead card. Within cEDH you are trying to win as fast as possible. Getting more creatures out is good and all, but what you need are combo pieces that can further your boardstate - and secure you victory. Herald's Horn is a good card, just not necessarily a competitive one.

  • Heroic Intervention: Absolutely can fit in the deck. I personally haven't found a place for it - but it's a darn good card that is great at thwarting the aforementioned wrath and removal effects. It's CMC is low to the ground, and is relevant at any point in the game.

July 7, 2020 11:47 a.m. Edited.

abierto says... #12

Imho Herald's Horn is a good card draw and cost reducer. Will allow us to play more stuff since 16 out of 25 slivers in our deck require colorless mana to be cast (or 15 out of 24, since I'm still playing Homing).

For Heroic Intervention, I prefer a Teferi's Protection instead, but I guess it's a great card too!

July 8, 2020 6:34 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #13

abierto, Herald's Horn is indeed a good card, i'm not arguing that. But in the context of this deck I just don't see it performing very well. I won't tutor for it, and if I draw it after turn 3 i'd be hesitant to play it over a sliver, mana rock, or combo piece. Maybe if I had a mana rock like Sol Ring on the board already, sure i'd play it then a cost reduced sliver right after. But that is probably the only scenario i'd see it being useful. Again, i've got to emphasize that this is a deck meant for a competitive meta - each card has to have a significant impact on my board no matter what turn it's cast. Herald's Horn in my eyes simply lacks this property.

I didn't realize I could consider other cards in regards to Heroic Intervention. You framed the question as something more binary - sure, if I wanted to lean more into protection i'd definitely include Teferi's Protection, no doubt. But I could still see Heroic Intervention having a slot. I'm not going to try and include it now, as i'm actually quite happy with where the deck is at the moment. Thanks for the comments.

July 8, 2020 8:08 p.m.

Slayroth says... #14

Have you ever concidered running Nature's Claim over Krosan Grip? I'm debating about doin this swap in my list atm.

July 25, 2020 7:16 p.m.

abierto says... #15

Also, what about Dockside Extortionist?? This is a big mana guy in the current meta. Can break stax and can give you access ti your Commander like turn 2.

July 26, 2020 9:25 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #16


Thanks for the comments. I'll address them by individual.

Slayroth, as a matter of fact yes I have considered the highly versatile Nature's Claim over Krosan Grip. I mainly ran Grip because my friends' Najeela deck ran free countermagic out the wazoo. But, my meta has shifted considerably as i've moved overseas. Don't fret, there's a magic community here - haven't met them yet due to well...COVID...but i'm sure i'll make some adjustments after playing with them. For now, I need to get a copy of Nature's Claim for my "side board" trade binder.

abierto, I absolutely adore Dockside Extortionist. It's an amazing card - but unfortunately due to my quirks as a deck builder I simply cannot include it - it's a filthy non-sliver. Sure, I could look at it as merely an animated mana rock, but the thought will simply sting in the back of my mind. Honestly, i'm considering Carpet of Flowers - but it depends on my meta, and how many players I know make use of islands.

Thanks for the comments all. I hope you're keeping safe during these weird times. I know i'm definitely holed up in my Hive Cocoon.

July 28, 2020 12:54 p.m.

abierto says... #17

Mortlocke consider this: you play Amoeboid Changeling that can transform Dockside Extortionist into a Sliver! Isn't this enough? Haha!

July 29, 2020 10:55 a.m.

Slayroth says... #18

I have a very specific question that I am thinking about for quite a while now. I startet to play magic and commander 3 years ago and your List was a inspiration for my own list and first deck ever since, thanks for that :D. The thing is I don't have the original dual lands for obvious reasons and I will never get them.

So I upgraded my mana base bit by bit over these 3 years. The reprints of the shocklands where a blessing for me back then, that was a really huge buff to the manabase when I got all 10 of them at the same time. At the moment 1 run all 10 shocks, 10 5-color lands, all 5 bondlands, 5 Basic (1 of ervy type) and the rest ist a mix of pain- and filterlands to lean more towards blue and green. So now there is the possible reprint of the fetchlands on the horizon and I'm thinking about the next upgrade here...but I am a little bit hesitant here because of one simple problem... the selfdamg.

Do you think it is a good idea to run all 10 fetches in a 5 color deck without the original duals?

I am a little bit afraid that the selfdamg would be to high considering I can only target shocklands and 5 basics. The competitivelevel of my playgroup is like around a 7, there are still quite a number of creature and battlephase heavy decks and also a Nekusar and a Torbran. But then again I already had countless of situations where I would have been happy to have a shuffle effect on command...looking at you senseis divining top ^^'

August 11, 2020 8:25 a.m.

enpc says... #19

Slayroth: Fetchlands are almost always worth it. While you lose a little bit of life over the course of a game from them, you wouldn't be losing more life from the shocks than you already would be by playing them. Not to mention you can crack a fetch at EoT to get a tapped shockland if you don't need the mana immediately. But the ability to mana fix so efficiently allows your deck to be more consistent, which overall translates into being faster. So if you can get the win, who cares if you've damaged yourself. It's the same reason that Mana Crypt sees so much play. The life loss is worth the early game mana.

August 11, 2020 8:42 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #20

Always good to have a comment from you, Slayroth

In regards to your question, enpc pretty much hit all the points I'd make. But, to summarize - Fetchlands provide an overwhelming advantage to your deck by providing you best in class mana fixing on demand (Which is beyond a doubt the most important thing in a 5 color deck!). The cumulative life loss from fetching shocks in untapped is negligible in the long run because you will be able to consistently threaten to win at least 1 to 2 turns earlier than with your current mana base. Also, as enpc pointed out earlier - you don't always have to bring the shocks in tapped.

On a (slighty) unrelated note I am so appreciative and flattered that you chose to base your first deck off of mine. Slivers made a huge impression on me when I first encountered them back in Legions (during the Onslaught block). Their design, art, and lore really drew me to them - kind of like when you gravitate toward a specific character in a fighting game - you see them in the select screen, and without even knowing a thing about them you just know that's your main. This is my first EDH deck as well, and it has evolved with me as a player and a person over the years. Anywho, I appreciate the comment and the question - i'm hoping that the answer you received is satisfactory, and inspired you to make a decision - one way or the other.

August 11, 2020 2:49 p.m.

Slayroth says... #21

Thanks for the reply :) I kinda figured that you would say the fetches are a must have even without the original duals. I think i will get them this year...ofc depending on the way they handle the "reprint ouside of standard" ...I hope it's not an other premium product...

I also hope Cavern of Souls gets a reprint in Commander Legends! This card is way to expensive and I'm still missing it for my Deck.

Regarding my reason for Silvers in commander. I dipped into magic a little bit around 2004-05ish in school. A friend of mine had a sliver Deck and they always fascinated me back then. When I was introduced to commander by new friends 3 years ago I directly remembered the Slivers from back then and the cool Sliver Overlord and Sliver Queen my school friend had. The decision to build a commander deck out of them was a nobrainer at that point and the research lead me to this page really fast :D

Random side fact: when I was about to purchase my Sliver Queen in 2018 I first asked my friend if he still has his cards and if he is willing to sell them if yes..... yeah it's the same old story... he couldn't find them and thinks his ex-girlfriend tossed them away because she thought they were trash. facepalm A few weeks later I got my Sliver Queen as a birthday present from the parents of my girlfriend lmao funny how this goes :D Now the card is like 80€+ in europe in good condition. I think the next time new slivers are introduced fingeres crossed the prices will skyrocket even more then when modern horizons came out.

Btw any time I say "new slivers" at my table my friends are all like "why do you want even more" or "what can even be done, they already have everything" xD I bet you get those a lot to

August 12, 2020 3:21 a.m.


August 20, 2020 11:55 p.m.

Slayroth says... #23

hey, sry... me again ^^'

Would you mind explaining how valuable Engineered Explosives is to you? It just got reprinted and I'am thinking about grabbing one. Is it an all around good card for Sliver decks in gerneral or is it more of a meta pick for you?

September 1, 2020 6:05 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #24

Hey Slayroth,

Always good to hear from ya. So how valuable is Engineered Explosives? Well, it's more of a quirky mass removal option that I enjoy keeping on hand for political reasons. If someone is playing a token heavy commander like Prossh, Skyraider of Kher or is running Food Chain I enjoy just having an easy removal option that also makes an opponent think twice. It by no means is an essential card in the deck, but I've found it useful, especially for removing permanents with hexproof/shroud.

September 3, 2020 2:50 a.m.

gvazdaus says... #25

I’ve stumbled across Lifeline. My meta has become very small due to the pandemic and for a variety of reasons including Crystalline Sliver and Sliver Hivelord, removal has moved toward sacrifice/exile effects. Outside of Tajuru Preserver which killed the theme, there’s little recourse for recurring Fleshbag Marauder. I understand there’s symmetry, which I remember being a turn-off for you in relation to Intruder Alarm but Lifeline seems to be a sure fire way to keep slivers in play without relying on coin flipping or having Patriarch's Bidding.

September 17, 2020 4:14 a.m.