The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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Johannes Voss' Sliver Tokens —Feb. 2, 2019

Many thanks to Nephs for telling me about these sweet tokens

Hey all, sorry about the radio silence - I've been busy with life. But that didn't stop me from making a few foil acquisitions here and there. Speaking of shiny - Johannes Voss, an incredibly talented artist who has created art for Magic the Gathering has a kickstarter featuring custom art for tokens. I purchased three of his Sliver tokens pictured below:

Sliver Token

What if you want to get Sliver tokens of your own, but missed out? No problem. Here's his other kickstarter where you can pick up some of the shiny tokens from his previous releases!

Johannes Voss - Sparkly Token Collection

Also, if you want to check out his other kickstarter (where he releases his new tokens):

Johannes Voss is creating Tokens

Mortlocke says... #1

Hey Slayroth,

How often and in what way do you use it (Homing Sliver) is it used?

So at first glance it's fairly easy to miss the value in this little guy. To answer your question I never ever cast this Sliver. I don't see it as creature, but as an instant speed: : Discard this card, search your library for target sliver and put it into your hand. It's a Gemhide/Crystalline/Heart Sliver on demand. It's great because you can use this Sliver to tutor while not having to have your commander on the field (in case you don't have access to ). Yes, it's a one time tutor for the exact answer you need at the time. At least, that's my two cents. Thoughts?

November 6, 2018 9:14 a.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #2

Hi Slayroth and LVL_666!

Completely agree with the value of homing sliver. Has helped me out in a pinch on a few occasions. Also, the ability to counter cycling is really really limited, so it super helpful.

November 6, 2018 9:41 a.m.

zatz says... #3


I found your deck when trying to find some inspiration on making a Sliver deck. I used to play Slivers in high school, and recently just got back into the game. I built myself a deck based off stuff I had in my old Sliver deck, plus some extra cards I have. If you'd like you can take a look at it, I'd like to know what you think. I know it can probably use some improvements haha.

Sliver Hate Train

November 12, 2018 12:05 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #4

Hey zatz,

Thanks for commenting on the page. I'm honored that you based your beloved Sliver deck off of my design. Currently, i'm trying to push it toward a more competitive posture so that may mean less and less Slivers. With the removal of the lifelink and "triggered lifelink" Slivers I slotted in more spells that can deny opponents their important (and hopefully) game winning pieces. If you're trying to do the same, then i'll keep that in mind when I give your deck a once over.

November 12, 2018 9:33 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #5

Hopefully a quick question - apart from the obvious use of granting your slivers first strike, is there another interaction that warrants Striking Sliver being in here? Perhaps to be a deterrent alongside Venom Sliver?

November 12, 2018 3:10 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #6

Hey Forkbeard,

Is there another interaction that warrants Striking Sliver being in here?

Outside of it's great synergy with Venom Sliver, Striking is nice to play when Dormant, Basal (Striking is usually one of the first Slivers I sac for the ), Gemhide or Harmonic Sliver is on the battlefield. Even better, is when you're trying to go off with Mana Echoes or Paradox Engine. I guess what i'm trying to get at is that Striking fills a gap, a need when you want a drop to get value.

November 12, 2018 4:31 p.m.

Forkbeard says... #7

Sound logic, thanks!

November 12, 2018 4:50 p.m.

Doombeard1984 says... #8

LVL_666 and Forkbeard, totally agree with what you are saying. As far as being a turn 1 play, it's excellent and can easily be sacked later on if needed. Venom Sliver turn 2 and you have a really awkward blocker very early on. And LVL_666, the changes have started to be made to my own hive. Slivers will take over the world soon enough

November 12, 2018 5:44 p.m.

Seventy7INa45 says... #9

What do you think about Misdirection? I know you aren't running it, is it not included because there are better options, or you don't think it works out that well. It can be better than a straight counter in certain situations if someone is removing one of your key pieces, but it's limiting as well. I recently shifted my deck to include counters, and its a card I've been kicking around. Since your deck is much more established being more control, I thought I would get your take on it.

November 18, 2018 1:17 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #10

Hey Seventy7INa45,

What do you think about Misdirection?

In my meta I witnessed a player target another player's Time Warp then immediately play a Reverberate right afterward. I think Misdirection can be as degenerate or more than a Mana Drain under the right conditions. It's an amazing spell if your deck has a lot of spell interaction and uses it as a primary strategy. My deck wouldn't include Misdirection because it doesn't really have much spell interaction outside of counterspells.

November 19, 2018 10:25 p.m.

Nephs says... #11

Hey there Lvl_666. I think your deck is incredibly sweet and you have done one hell of a job on this writeup. While I don't necessarily have any suggestions at the time(other than maybe Teferi's Protection), I did want to stop by and link to Johannes Voss Sliver token you can get on Patreon before the end of the month. Seeing it has reinvigorated me to make my Sliver deck! Sliver Token

December 20, 2018 3:33 a.m.