The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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The Sentinel has gone to Plow the fields —Sept. 29, 2017

To try and keep the deck from feeling stagnant I decided to try out Swords to Plowshares. It's a great card, and incredibly useful against big scary creatures that simply need to go away. However, in order to make room I decided to swap out Sentinel Sliver. Why? Vigilance is a good ability, but it isn't necessarily game changing. I'd prefer to have another option for removing an obstacle in my way as opposed to having a 2/2 with vigilance. I don't know if the change will be permanent, it all will depend on how often I find Swords to Plowshares to be useful. I also have to admit that I was entranced by the Judge Promo...I mean...just look at it!

Judge Promo Swords to Plowshares Show

Of course it wasn't cheap. $35.99, but with free shipping. If it doesn't work out at the very least it would be good trade fodder or could go into another deck that I own. What do you think of this recent change? Is it worth it? Should I have impulse bought a different/better spell? Let me know in the comments.

Icbrgr says... #1

Great deck... I just want to point out the combo potential of Quilled Sliver + Venom Sliver... Cheeky synergy that works out well for me.

September 21, 2017 6:58 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #2

Icbrgr, thanks for the comment and +1, the hive appreciates it. The combo potential of Venom Sliver is great, as Deathtouch is just a wonderful ability. Quilled Sliver's ability is also great, but it does leave much to be desired. The strict stipulation of having to target an attacking or blocking creature really limits the combo's viability. A similar Sliver, Thorncaster Sliver is also pretty lackluster. I wish for I could get a slightly improved Psionic Sliver. It's design simply falls short of a Prodigal Sorcerer, which I believe it's supposed to be, but a Sliver. Quilled Sliver isn't bad, but its not optimized.

September 21, 2017 9:26 p.m. Edited.

_Delta_ says... #3

Despite going 0-3 at a 12am prerelease, and my card pool leaving me with a pretty bad deck, I managed to open an awesome promo!

It was a promo growing rites of itilmoc, which I think is going right into slivers.

September 23, 2017 10:06 a.m.

Mortlocke says... #4

Delta-117, i've been there too, being 0-3 that is. What's worse is that it was to a bunch of children. It's embarrassing...but i'll tell the story: back when I was starting to get back into magic I went to a draft and decided to sign up for the 'casual' table thinking it was going to be more less experienced players, or players just getting back into the game. I was more or less right, but everyone else there was a child. Like...5 to 7th grade. I was the only adult, and it felt I was babysitting or something. I once had to tell one of the little ones to stop messing around with one of the other kids and let him play his game! lol.

The worst of it however came when the most adorable little kid asked if I wanted to play a few rounds. He was so cute it was awful. He had big ol' disney eyes and the little kid voice. That kid drafted some kind of monstrous red deck wins and proceeded to trample my face in both games. I was so embarrassed I couldn't really say anything. When his dad showed up I asked him "why don't you play with him?" and he responded "Because I can't take losing to him like that." It was pretty funny...and I had a good time anyway...sort of. Losing to kids hurts man.

September 23, 2017 4:21 p.m. Edited.