Rebbec and Glacian - Thran Ingenuity (v2.0)

Commander / EDH KBK7101


v1.95 - minor update —July 1, 2022

OUT - Brainstone, Prairie Stream

IN - Esper Sentinel, Sea of Clouds

Really happy that CLB reprinted the Battlebond lands. Been wanting to add Sea of Clouds in for a while. Esper Sentinel was a card that I foolishly buylisted a few months ago and have recently repurchased. Also added in a handful of foils.

v2.0 update will likely come out after Dominaria United/The Brother's War. I might redo the primer around that time as well. We'll see!

Katreyasaunt says... #1

I just finished reading "The Thran" and made my own Yawgmoth deck because I was so inspired.

I love Rebbec and Glacian and the idea behind them being in a deck together.

Time to read The Brothers War!

March 4, 2022 6:33 a.m.

KBK7101 says... #2

The Thran is such a great book. Brother's War is no different!

I also have an Urza deck that's based off the final battle of the Brother's War. It's a bit different from most Urza builds as it focuses on tokens and combat rather than stax and combos.

Here's a link if you are interested -

Urza, Lord High Artificer - Critical Mass (v1.2)

Commander / EDH* KBK7101


March 4, 2022 11:18 a.m.

markbeloit says... #3

Some suggestions. I didn't look through all your comments, so if some of these have been suggested/cut already, I apologize.

Shimmer Dragon - This card seems to be gross in almost any artifact deck.

For mana ramp, you could consider Arcane Signet and Worn Powerstone in addition to what you have/in maybeboard.

Clock of Omens is often ridiculous in artifact deck, but you'd have to decide if you'd want/need it.

Phyrexian Metamorph is standard good artifact tech.

Also I'd get that Enlightened Tutor when you get a chance.

March 4, 2022 2:43 p.m.

KBK7101 says... #4

Thanks for the comment!

Shimmer Dragon is great but I'm going to be mainly tapping all my artifacts with Glacian, so I won't get as much use out of him. Plus, I only have one copy of it and it's in my Urza deck (where it's really strong!)

Arcane Signet is already in the deck and Worn Powerstone, which I'm pretty sure was something that was in previous versions of the deck and was cut. You have to be really mindful of CMC/MV of your artifacts with this deck, so it isn't something that I think I'd add in.

Clock of Omens targets the artifact it's untapping which won't work with Rebbec on the board, sadly.

Phyrexian Metamorph is awesome, but my 4CMC slot is packed and I don't know what I'd take out for it.

Enlightened Tutor is great but I'm waiting for a reprint on that one. (I also thought it only grabbed enchantments, but that's on me lol)

March 5, 2022 4:57 p.m.