Rebbec and Glacian - Thran Ingenuity (v2.0)

Commander / EDH KBK7101


v1.9 - NEO! —March 3, 2022

OUT - Glacial Fortress, Thopter Spy Network, Wurmcoil Engine, Karn Silver Golem

IN - Roadside Reliquary, Research Thief, Cyberdrive Awakener, Runaway Trash-Bot

Wurmcoil was a hard cut but I think it'll fit better in my Feldon of the Third Path. Spy Network is good but the "one or more" clause makes Research Thief a much better option. Roadside Reliquary seems like a great land and Runaway Trash-Bot has the potential to deal insane damage.

Other cards from NEO that I'm considering are Brilliant Restoration and Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh. No idea what to cut, though. Thoughts?

kalanare says... #1

Hey! Really like your deck!

I also have a Glacian and Rebbec deck that is quite similar to yours. I wasn’t sure about including Mechanized Production cause it seems like a nonbo. If Rebbec and a 4 CMC artifact is on the board, wouldn’t the artifact be protected from being enchanted? Same if you control a 4 CMC artifact then enchant something with Mechanized Production then play Rebbec, the artifact would become protected and the aura would unattached.

How did it work out for you?

February 7, 2022 8:02 p.m.

KBK7101 says... #2

You raise a valid point. Protection is a rule I still admittedly have a bit of trouble with, hence the lack of equipment and auras. Mechanized Production is what I usually use as the "back-up plan" in case the main plan of milling and winning with Mirrodin Besieged falls through for whatever reason. You only really ever want to play it with a army of thopters or myrs or whatever on the board (since you don't have to have eight of the enchanted artifact to win) and only use if you you can win with it next upkeep. You do need to be very attentive to your CMCs, though. Luckily, the deck only has a few cards in the 4CMC slot that would conflict with it (and Mycosynth Lattice).

Long story short, it works well as a back up plan and probably should only be used as such.

February 7, 2022 9:02 p.m.

xram666 says... #3


Nice deck. I've found two errors in the description:

Anyway. Plus one from me.

February 9, 2022 6:11 a.m.

KBK7101 says... #4

Thanks for the heads up! This deck was the first primer I wrote on this website so I'm not surprised it has some errors. I'll make a note of it and fix them the next time I make an update.

February 9, 2022 1:01 p.m.