Rebbec and Glacian - Thran Ingenuity (v2.0)

Commander / EDH KBK7101


v1.2 —March 11, 2021

OUT - Mirrormade, Thopter Assembly, Austere Command, Military Intelligence, Condemn

IN - Steel Hellkite, Scourglass, Mirage Mirror, Thran Foundry, Lux Cannon

Brutal_B says... #1

March 6, 2021 3:37 p.m. Edited.

Brutal_B says... #2

Oh yeah...copying Powerstone Shard will give you a good bit of . Use Mechanized Production with it for lots of

March 6, 2021 3:45 p.m.

KBK7101 says... #3

carpecanum Not into the theft theme, personally but I'll add them to the maybeboard for anyone else who might be interested!

Brutal_B I think I have a Mirage Mirror around somewhere. Might replace Mirrormade with it. Would Master Transmuter take the place of Arcum Dagsson , as they both have similar abilities (getting rid of one artifact and replacing it with another)? Wurmcoil Engine is a good idea as I was looking to maybe replace Thopter Assembly as they have the same CMC. I was thinking of replacing it with Steel Hellkite , though (same CMC again). What would be a good card to cut for the Wurm?

Copying Powerstone Shard sounds hilarious by the way. lol

March 6, 2021 5:50 p.m.

Brutal_B says... #4

Personally, I'd run Master Transmuter over Arcum Dagsson just for the fact that you don't have to sac with Transmuter. The upside to Dagsson is that you get to search your library; and if you had some death triggers or synergies (like Wurmcoil Engine or Scrap Trawler ), Dagsson would be the go-to. It's a bit easier to abuse ETBs with Transmuter plus she has the potential to help you play big artifact creatures for a small price.

Try to find a slot for Wurmcoil Engine and Steel Hellkite . Toss aside Thopter Assembly unless you plan on extra turns with Time Sieve .

If you're interested, you can check out my artifact deck for some ideas.

March 8, 2021 8:55 p.m. Edited.

KBK7101 says... #5

To be fair, I'd usually only sacrifice tokens to Arcum Dagsson . The payoff wouldn't necessarily be death triggers but more of a "sac a token and find whatever CMC I need protection from at the time" type thing. That's why I think the tutor effect would be more useful than the from the hand effect. You make some valid points on Master Transmuter , though. I'll order one and do some playtesting and see which one works out better.

Agreed that Thopter Foundry needs replacing. It was only in here to be a 6 CMC artifact and I happened to have one lying around. Steel Hellkite will probably take it's spot. Wurmcoil Engine would likely replace Ingenuity Engine .

Thanks for the advice!

March 9, 2021 7:52 p.m.