Close the beaches #seamonsters

Commander / EDH Dangerwillrobinson79


Changed commander and several supporting cards —Nov. 12, 2023

Played against an infuriating solitaire player rocking an Aesi deck. Afterwards, decided I never wanted anyone to feel that way about my deck. Aesi is now in the 99 and Kenessos is the new General. OUT: Gush , Braids, Conjurer Adept , Phychosis Crawler , Kodama of the East Tree, Island , Sakura-Tribe Elder , Sakura-Tribe Scout , Jeweled Lotus , Llanowar Scout IN: Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep , Scourge of Fleets , Koma, Cosmos Serpent , Simic Sky Swallower , Misty Rainforest , Sensei's Divining Top , Training Grounds , Select for Inspection , Preordain , Curate , Otherworldly Gaze

Ear_Wyrm says... #1

Awesome deck! Seems like a strong and flavorful one to play!

September 12, 2021 12:23 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #2

If you're looking to capitalize on the landfall theme more, I recommend more land ramp to get the triggers. I'd ditch the Simic Signet for another spell like Nature's Lore or Kodama's Reach/Cultivate. I'd ditch Jungle Basin and Coral Atoll for some other fetch lands like Bant Panorama and Naya Panorama. Gush is a fantastic draw spell in a deck like this. Psychosis Crawler is a great payoff for drawing a bunch of cards.

January 4, 2022 9:47 p.m.

bushido_man96. Thanks for the suggestions. I pulled psychosis crawler out to test something else and now it’s back in there.

Problem with this deck is it plays too slow and turns take too long. I’m gonna give it another go tomorrow and if it still feels boring it’s getting torn down.

January 6, 2022 7:08 p.m.