Chandra Tribal (Everyone's Here!)

Commander / EDH AwesomeJMS5


Commander Legends 2: Electric Boogaloo Update —June 30, 2022

Commander Legends 2, overall, felt rather lacking... at least, for me. As spoiler season started, and I saw the new rares and mythics, very few stood out to me. In fact, none of the new commanders stood out as "I must build this!". However, as spoiler season got further and further along, they revealed some cool new uncommons. Wild Magic Surge and Overwhelming Encounter in particular excited me. Flash forward, and after a few other revelations about my deck, I've switched some cards out. And so, here are the updates to my Chandra Tribal deck listed out, before I dive into my reasoning.

  1. Light Up the Night removed, added Wild Magic Surge.

  2. The Chain Veil removed, added Honor-Worn Shaku

  3. Arcbond removed, added Witch Hunt

So, we'll start with number 1. Light Up the Night, on paper, sounds like a great card with the deck. An X-costed burn spell, that can later finish a player by sacrificing my board of Chandras sounds very good. Unfortunately, in practice, the deck falls flat with this card. When I had it in hand, I had other things to do. And when it was in the graveyard, I often left it alone to focus on other cards. It fit the deck's theme and flavor well, but wasn't very helpful, so it got the boot. To take its place is one of my favorite new cards from Commander Legends 2: Wild Magic Surge. I love a bit of chaos and randomness, and Chaos Warp is one of my favorite magic cards. Though this card is usually worse, the few times I've used it have been game-changing. So, here, it'll have a chance to shine.

Next up is a little controversial. The Chain Veil is a very good card. I play it in my Liliana-Tribal deck where it fits the theme and flavor perfectly. Unfortunatly, it seems rather underwhelming in this deck when compared to the other. In addition, 4 mana to get some more burn off in a turn isn't as powerful as multiple additional discards and sacrifices in Liliana. I often ignored it on the battlefield and used my mana elsewhere. It may return in the future, so it's going to the MaybeBoard. Taking its place is Honor-Worn Shaku, a card I had forgotten even existed. Thanks to a friend, I rediscovered this card, and realized how good it'd be with my Chandras to untap it. So, it's getting a chance to do some good in the deck.

Finally, here's a weird one. Remember when I said I like a bit of Chaos and Randomness? Well, a while back I had a Zedruu the Greathearted deck. It eventually got the boot, but I had this card left over. And let me say... I love Witch Hunt. I think its a funny card that bounces around the table, and I knew I just had to find a home for it. And so, I took out Arcbond. Arcbond was a card I was excited to try out, which was mentioned in the previous update. I gave it a try, and it didn't live up to my expectations. And so, it will be leaving to give Witch Hunt some time to shine.

Icbrgr says... #1

In my opinion after Magic Origins came out/M15 I think that's when Chandra became WOTCs/r&ds favorite planswalker... I'm always excited to see chandra walkers +1

April 13, 2022 3:36 p.m.

SamyAran says... #2

I can suggest Luxior, Giada's Gift. it's a very strong card

June 8, 2022 2:45 a.m.

Padbras says... #3

Hi, quick question, how did Mage Contest and Light up the Night perform for you? I thought about adding Light Up The Night to my own Chandra deck but it seems really expensive in loyalty counters.

June 9, 2022 12:20 p.m.

AwesomeJMS5 says... #4

Padbras, Light Up the Night has done an okay job in the deck. It's done some damage, and has been useful once or twice, but it's more on-theme than anything else. Honestly, I'm considering cutting it from the deck to try something else out instead. Maybe I'll take it out to try Wild Magic Surge?

As for Mages' Contest, it's one of my pet cards, and has worked out pretty well for me so far. The biggest thing for me with that card is that I see it more as a burn spell than a counterspell. One time, I cast it in response to someone's commander, bid up to 26 life, they went to 27, and I let them have it. After that, I used Price of Progress to kill them, since they'd just taken 27 damage. The key is to use it on something you know your opponent wants to resolve. Either it counters one of my opponent's scariest cards, or it deals a ton of damage to them, and I burn them again shortly thereafter.

June 9, 2022 10 p.m.

Padbras says... #5

That's pretty fun. I'm modifying my list a bti, I might as well try those :) Thank you for the inspiration!

June 10, 2022 1:16 a.m.

Padbras says... #6

Also I can recommend Honor Worn Shaku to get mana from your planeswalkers and Chandra (who untaps) and Dual Casting (for Chandra, same idea she untaps herself)

June 10, 2022 1:36 a.m.