Chandra Tribal (Everyone's Here!)

Commander / EDH AwesomeJMS5


Thematic Chandra Update —March 17, 2022

So, with recent suggestions on this website and other ones, and after looking at other builder's decklists for similar decks, I've decided to do a small update on the deck. Below, I will list out how the update happened and what was swapped for what, before then giving a quick explanation.

  1. Incendiary Command removed, added Mana Geyser

  2. Volcanic Offering removed, added Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs

  3. Vandalblast removed, added By Force

  4. Fault Line removed, added Arcbond

  5. Pyromancer's Goggles removed, added Liquimetal Torque

So, I'll start with a quick disclaimed for numbers 2 and 4: I really want to try out the new options, and these seem like decent switchs to give the cards a chance. Anyway...

Incendiary Command often felt disappointing to hold in hand. 9 out of 10 times, it felt dead in hand, and I'd simply discard it to something like Faithless Looting. So, I switched it to Mana Geyser. I don't know why I never had this in my deck, but it's a powerful card that could let me drop my hand. So, here it finally is!

Volcanic Offering is a good card. It's been helpful in the past, but not as helpful as I'd sometimes wish. Therefore, it will be leaving to allow Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs a chance to shine. He is a great creature that can really punish my opponents for trying to hit my Chandras. Volcanic Offering may return to the deck one day, but for now, it's out.

This next option is actually a no-brainer. Vandalblast is cool, but I normally never use it to overload. By Force lets me hit multiple targets without overloading. Plus, it fits the Chandra theme so well, I'm honestly a little embarrassed that I didn't include this long ago!

Fault Line is another of the cards in my deck that's actually really good despite it leaving. I haven't used it a lot, but it's been useful sometimes. However, like Volcanic Offering, it doesn't always feel usable in all games. Therefore, it is leaving to give Arcbond a shot. The new addition could be a powerful response, and could me my opponents very sad very quickly. We'll see how it works in practice...

Finally, we have a switch that actually makes me feel a little bad. Pyromancer's Goggles fits the theme of the deck so well that I really don't want to take it out. However, when a large portion of my deck is planeswalkers, and when it cost 5 mana to cast it, it really hurts casting it on my turn. Therefore, Liquimetal Torque is going to take its spot. A 2-mana rock is always nice, but its ability to turn things into artifacts could be very nice in the right scenario.

Padbras says... #1

I have a similar deck started from the same concept, allow me to link it Chandra and Friends

March 15, 2022 4:01 p.m.

AwesomeJMS5 says... #2

Padbras it's nice to see another deck similar to mine. Though mine is built to focus on all Chandras and is built a bit differently, it was nice to see you deck. I'm now considering Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs, Arcbond, and By Force for my deck. Kazuul is a great protection piece against combats that tend to kill my planeswalkers, Arcbond can be an excellent boardwipe and reaction spell, and By Force fits the theme very well, and will likely replace Vandalblast.

March 15, 2022 5:15 p.m.

Padbras says... #3

AwesomeJMS5 I just replaced Vandalblast by By Force so I agree with you here :) I also second Neheb a lot, he's a powerhouse in my deck! Also, the whole Sunstone/Glacial Crevasse package is a game changer :)

March 16, 2022 9:25 a.m.