Bugged-Out Weed Zombies (B.O.W.Z.)

Commander / EDH* Game_of_Cones


Giant Frog & C-C-Combo —April 3, 2018

The Gitrog Monster got invited to this golgari hoedown!

So remember I added the Gate to the Afterlife a while back? Well, I found a nifty way to fill your graveyard w/ creatures to activate it: Liliana's Indignation. Set value of "X" to between 1 and 6, depending on how many dead you already got in there, and there you go! A Haunting Misery played right after that would really be a great follow-up.

Cards removed to fit these 3 in were Carrion Crow, Nim Shrieker and the Big-ass Pestilence Demon.

bmagicguy says... #1

this is so great! have you considered playing Corpsejack Menace? That card would work so well with this deck

January 29, 2018 12:56 a.m.

Game_of_Cones says... #2

Corpsejack Menace was in here for a while,bmagicguy, but I removed that card because I didn't see a whole lot of counter-adding to creatures potentially happening... and also, the copy of CM I have seems to be blurred, and possibly maybe a misprint??

February 10, 2018 6:26 p.m.