Black Thorns

Modern* ruination27


July 13, 2022

Updated deck, please check it out and give feedback

wallisface says... #1

Some thoughts:

  • you should always aim to get your deck back to being 60 cards. Anything more than this leads to less consistent/powerful hands and draws.

  • you need a LOT more land. As an example, modern burn runs 19 lands in a 60-card deck, and they only play 1-2cmc cards. Your deck is running the equivalent of 13 lands (scaled to a 60 card deck), which is too low to do much of anything. Generally speaking you’ll want at least 20 lands (33% of the deck) for what you’re doing, though even that assumes you’re unlikely to be able to cast your 4-5cmc cards - so you’d have to ditch them, or go up to 22-23 lands (for a 60 card deck).

April 10, 2022 8:05 p.m.

wallisface says... #2

Another thing that feels concerning to me is that you appear to be trying to deal both regular combat damage, and infect damage. This us going to make you ineffective at doing either plan - because whatever route you choose, a portion of your cards won’t be helpful in achieving that (your infect cards can’t help you deal normal damage, and visa-versa).

Pick a plan and stick with it - if you want to win by infect, then ensure that ALL of the creatures you run have infect. If you want to play without infect, don’t run ANY infect creatures/cards

April 10, 2022 8:26 p.m.