Back and forth from the grave they go!

Commander / EDH Venara828


Feb. 28, 2019

I used this deck against my two best friends, one had a Geist of Saint Traft, and the other used an Adaliz deck. The match lasted for about 3 hours because I held everyone off with my Nevinyrral's Disk while accumulating tokens and the such. Sadly, I still lost due to a friend forcing my hand to wipe the board and then he won by essentially milling out both me and the other player. It did work though, but still currently a work in progress.

untraceablez says... #1

The deck looks pretty fun! It's definitely a cool way to do these colors outside the normal Breya deck. That being said, take a note from breya's book and go all in on artifacts if you can. You don't need to shell out for the expensive stuff, but Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots would both be great includes in this deck, as well as ripping all the enchantments out and getting Sigarda's Aid and Land Tax, the latter which should be down since the Battlebond printing. They're kind of expensive, but they'd absolutely make a world of difference in this deck. Look at builds for stuff like Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist, Nazahn and others on EDHREC if you need more ideas on how to fine tune the deck though.

Seriously though, this is a solid start!

November 12, 2018 9:05 p.m.

Venara828 says... #2

I was actually thinking of getting those two equipments as well as they would help me get Commander damage across. Thank you though for also telling me about those two enchantments. Tbh i didnt know about them before but now i will think about getting them.

November 13, 2018 12:23 p.m.

harbingerofduh says... #3

I like this partner pairing. It seems way more interesting than Breya, and I like it when artifact decks don't go the boring "dump a boatload of artifacts on the board and engage in sacrificing shenanigans."

As for suggestions, Commander's Sphere is strictly better than Manalith, and it combos well with Silas Renn to boot!

In general, I think you need more land and mana rocks in this deck. Since you're planning to win through commander damage, your commanders are liable to get killed a lot, and you don't want to wind up in a situation where you don't have enough mana to pay the commander tax. Since bounce and creature-tapping spells are pretty low-impact in the format, those would be my first cuts, probably followed by some of the Auras such as Dark Favor. If you want cards that pump your commander's power, there is tons of Equipment out there that gets the job done without the inherent card disadvantage of Auras.

December 5, 2018 1:07 p.m.

WhichKing says... #4

Since it's your first deck you may want to check out this deckbuilding framewodk.

December 12, 2018 11:07 a.m.