Aztec Death Whistle (Songs of the Damned Combo)

Pauper VeggiesaurusRex


Moment's Peace —March 29, 2020


-2x Fume Spitter

+2x Moment's Peace


-1x Fume Spitter

+1x Moment's Peace

Altoman says... #1

Reclaim ?

I think dredge would be faster for self mill. Maybe Stinkweed Imp ?

July 23, 2019 10:58 p.m.

Thank you for the suggestions, Altoman. Here's why I'm not currently running either of those cards:

Stinkweed Imp - In order to effectively use dredge, I would need an easy and repeatable way to get the dredger back into my graveyard. Tortured Existence could work, but it's very mana hungry and would require the addition of six or more lands and ways to quickly find TortEx. At that point, you wouldn't have enough creatures to effectively utilize Songs of the Damned and would be better off playing a traditional TortEx deck.

Reclaim - its effect isn't necessary, especially since I've dropped Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage . Milling critical copies of Songs won't happen unless you find two or more on a single casting of Ransack the Lab .

July 24, 2019 7:06 p.m.

Thank you for the suggestions, Altoman. Here's why I'm not currently running either of those cards:

Stinkweed Imp - In order to effectively use dredge, I would need an easy and repeatable way to get the dredger back into my graveyard. Tortured Existence could work, but it's very mana hungry and would require the addition of six or more lands and ways to quickly find TortEx. At that point, you wouldn't have enough creatures to effectively utilize Songs of the Damned and would be better off playing a traditional TortEx deck.

Reclaim - its effect isn't necessary, especially since I've dropped Satyr Wayfinder and Grisly Salvage . Milling critical copies of Songs won't happen unless you find two or more on a single casting of Ransack the Lab .

July 24, 2019 7:08 p.m.

killer_eye says... #4

hi veggiesaurusrex! it's me again, just want to share Barrier of Bones which i'm liking a lot in the slot of Fume Spitter . infect and faeries are nowhere to be seen in the current meta for Fume Spitter to shine. what i like with Barrier of Bones is the surveil, also not a bad topdeck because of this and it's 3 toughness enough to block aggressive X/2 creatures which we have a lot in pauper.

any feedback with Ransack the Lab ? i've been enjoying Winding Way and up my count from 2 to 3.

July 26, 2019 12:25 p.m.

Hi, killer_eye! Between work and summer break, I haven't gotten to play as much pauper as I'd like so I haven't actually played any games with Ransack the Lab yet. My goldfishing suggests that it's worth playing, but I don't know whether or not four is the right number. As for Barrier of Bones , I'll be sure to give it a shot once I can start playing again because, like you said, Fume Spitter looks really bad in the current meta.

I'm also seriously considering dropping Krosan Tusker in the near future. Do you have any suggestions?

July 26, 2019 12:57 p.m.

killer_eye says... #6

i drop Krosan Tusker since the printing of Horror of the Broken Lands . i find it slow specially in the early games wherein we are building our graveyard and cycling our deck, as much as possible i want that early turn to have that 3-open mana for gnaw + extra mana for cycling which can't do with a tusker in hand. in terms of it as a beatdown aspect, i think horror of the broken lands is the better card at the job. i add the 18th land in the tusker slot.

July 26, 2019 10:29 p.m.

Altoman says... #7

I think the best way to put Stinkweed Imp in the graveyard would be with Wild Mongrel . It's such a good card for offense and defense and it gives you free discardS. Think about it. You start the turn, instead of drawing, Dredge 5. Then discard it. Pay one too cycle Horror of the Broken Lands Dredge 5. Discard it again. Thats 11 cards for one mana. Don't forget you have a 4/4. And it's doable on turn three.

July 30, 2019 7:59 p.m.

killer_eye says... #8

Altoman, you're missing the point of the deck. it's not just about binning cards in the graveyard, it's about "cycling" your deck, drawing your wincons while at the same time filling your graveyard.

August 1, 2019 8:12 p.m.

killer_eye says... #9

hi! i'll be playing in a 16p tournament and i expect there would be atleast 2 ponza players, just want to ask what's your gameplan against that deck or we're just relying with duress and also with luck not to be paired with them. thanks!

August 22, 2019 12:44 a.m.

killer_eye, I haven't actually played Songs against Ponza, but my advice is to side in Duress and hope for the best. We're not running many lands so if they get a fast start and blow up our first couple of land drops, we're probably dead in the water. That said, Ponza is a slow deck and doesn't run counterspells so we actually have a pretty good chance of winning if they have a slow start or we Duress their Dark Ritual ( Utopia Sprawl / Wild Growth if they're on Mono-green) while we're on the play.

August 22, 2019 7:36 a.m.

killer_eye says... #11

hey! it's me again, have you seen Witch's Cottage from ELD? i think it's good with Twisted Abomination , though i'm not sure if the number of our swamp will suffice to have a good chance for witch's cottage to get down untapped. what do you think? is it worth it?

October 2, 2019 3:05 a.m.