An Old-School Nightmare

Commander / EDH EnbyGolem

SCORE: 130 | 74 COMMENTS | 10744 VIEWS | IN 38 FOLDERS

Wishes Do Come True! —Aug. 31, 2021

Okay, we are not even remotely close to budget-land anymore! I recently acquired three cards that have long been on my wish-list: Hellfire, Knowledge Vault, and Lake of the Dead. They've been on my list so long because they are all very, very expensive - far more than I have ever paid for a card! Hellfire's near mint price tag alone is double many of my deck's entire budget! Luckily, some random cards in my collection recently gained in price and, as luck would have it, Card Kingdom happened to have some well-loved, relatively cheap copies of all three of my wish-list cards in stock! Everything lined up perfectly and I was able to cash in some cards sitting on a shelf for some pieces I've wanted for over a year now!

Hellfire should be a really fun card to mess around with. Will I blow-up in the processes? Perhaps. But we sure will have fun with it! Timed correctly and with the right board, it can actually lead us to some wins too! Late game (and with one or two players already gone) this card can single handedly clear an opponent's board so our big spooky monsters of the dark can swoop in for the final kill!

Lake of the Dead is a card I've actually wanted for a very long time. That art mixed with the unique ramp is incredibly cool! I am so excited to finally start blowing up my own swamps! :D

Knowledge Vault is so weird and unique! The mechanics of the card are so flavorful too. I think it will pair really well in the deck since it also has an interesting discard ability stapled on, even if we don't get a ton of cards 'drawn' from it. Also, I'm a huge sucker for Amy Weber art and this one might just be my favorite!

I've also added a couple new cards to the deck as well! Ebon Dragon will be a sweet flying beater to the deck. It can also help disrupt opponent's hands a little too, especially after a couple reanimations. Life Chisel enables us to actually gain life now! While not the most reliable sac outlet, its unique effect will hopefully payoff! The last newbie is Banshee . While technically inefficient, Banshee's damage effect is really interesting because it gives us a way to directly kill Plansewalkers, a huge rarity in old-school Black cards!

To make room for these new additions we did have to cut quite a few cards. Though it pained me, I did end up removing Gravestorm for the time being. It is an awesome card but its effect does not do super well against my playgroup since graveyards are regularly full of ramp cards and cracked lands. Another one I am really sad to see go is Ashen Powder. I've actually used this card to get some really great pieces out of the graveyard - it's just that I have other similar effects in the deck already and wanted to make room for more variety. In this same line of reasoning, I also benched Phyrexian Ghoul and Cateran Overlord. As I mentioned in my last update, sac outlets are very important, and these two cards do that quite well; the only problem is I had other, more unique (and in my eyes, interesting) cards that needed a space.

Staples removed: Mutilate (though its status as a 'staple' is certainly debatable)

KiefyWonder says... #1

August 4, 2021 9:03 p.m.

EnbyGolem says... #2

Really cool suggestion, KiefyWonder! This is a really powerful card; my hesitation is that I usually have to go 'all in' for my big reanimation to have a chance at getting a win. I'm usually spending the game trying to pack my graveyard with as many creatures as I can and having creatures sit in my hand is usually something I want to avoid as much as possible. It is a really cool effect so I may have to try it out anyways and just see how it plays!

Thank you again :)

August 5, 2021 12:05 p.m.

griffstick says... #3

Change all the lands to snow-covered swamps and add Sunstone

August 13, 2021 11:23 p.m.

EnbyGolem says... #4

Wow, that's a great suggestion griffstick - Thank you!

August 14, 2021 5:23 a.m.

Asgeren says... #5

This deck is becoming such beaut!

Always interesting looking in on it! Looking at your lands, I have a small suggestion - there are some good cheap old-school lands like Temple of the False God, Terrain Generator and Barren Moor that you might find interesting.

August 17, 2021 12:04 p.m.

griffstick says... #6

I second all those lands

August 17, 2021 12:31 p.m.

EnbyGolem says... #7

Thank you, Asgeren - I always love hearing from you and your suggestions are always much appreciated! :)

Those are great recommendations! I actually didn't even know TOTFG was so old! Those are some very affordable pieces too, which is always good. The land I really want for it is Lake of the Dead but it's just so expensive right now. I'm actually in the midst of selling off some random pieces in my binders in the hopes to get some of the expensive wish-list cards I've been wanting for it. Finger's-crossed!

Anyways, thank you again for all your help! Shout-out to griffstick for your input as well!

August 17, 2021 1:37 p.m.

KiefyWonder says... #8

Oppression would seem to fit thought it's a lil spendy.

August 22, 2021 8 p.m.

EnbyGolem says... #9

Ooh, I like it KiefyWonder! Thanks for another suggestion!

August 23, 2021 12:30 a.m.