Alela, Tinker Faerie Extraordinaire

Commander / EDH jconeil1988


Faerie/Control focus —Nov. 26, 2019

While I am still keeping the Artifact theme, I'm thinking about adding a little more Faerie flavor with a touch of a little bit more control. This move is going to weaken the decks overall power, I feel, but the flavor win is more important to me, especially since I don't get to play much and when I do, it is mostly a very casual play.

NOTE not shifting to straight Faerie Tribal. Will keep the artifact over all theme. Any suggestions with that can complement the Faerie Artifacts theme would be appreciated.

Secret Lair Bitterblossom package will be gotten and added here. That art is saweet, it's blingy. Also, Cardkingdoms Faerie tokens are beautiful.

jasonkrivera says... #1

Anointed Procession would double your faerie tokens, thopter tokens, and gold tokens.

November 7, 2019 11:42 a.m.

jconeil1988 says... #2

jasonkrivera, thanks for the suggestion. I know Anointed Procession could be bonkers in this deck. I don't like that price tag, but that comes with good cards. As of now I have like 10 others in that price range. So, while I don't doubt Procession will most likely make it in the final build, there are higher priorities than it such as Cloud Key , Rhystic Study , and Kindred Discovery . In short, it's added to the list. Thank you :)

November 7, 2019 1:04 p.m.

LordTea says... #3

Hey I have a suggestion aswell: Go run Dire Undercurrents its cheaper then Kindred Discovery and in my oppionion a lot better. Instead of Coastal Piracy you could also run Bident of Thassa its cheaper and I dont see the downside there.

November 14, 2019 4:24 p.m.

jconeil1988 says... #4

LordTea I like Dire Undercurrents , but not more than Kindred Discovery since that will trigger on the summoning as well as attack, drawing alot more cards.

I have both, Coastal Piracy , which you saw, and the replacement you offered in Bident of Thassa . I had planned on replacing Piracy with Discovery, but can see having all three, Thassa, Undercurrents and Discovery.

Solid look and thanks for the Upvote.

November 14, 2019 9:44 p.m.