18 Roses

Commander / EDH JohnMichaelBushman


Ritual added —Dec. 3, 2021

Sacrifice proved to be far more powerful than I thought, completely replacing Soldevi Adnate.

MtgSalt says... #1

How has this deck played out? What are the average turns and wins? Also what is the power level?

August 22, 2021 5:29 p.m.

GreenHamma I have had games where I can drop the commander down by turn 2 and win, BUT my opening hand needs to be extremely good for that to happen. However, my experience with this specific build wins games around turns 4-6 and that's already with Doomsday in the deck basically being Plan A/B should the entire Top + Citadel + Reservoir line not come to fruition on top of all the tutors.

I feel like this is the type of deck that can show up in a show like I Hate Your Deck rather than Spike Feeders/Play To Win/Playing With Power because there are far more optimal builds than this. This is definitely too powerful for something like The Command Zone.

August 28, 2021 11:31 a.m.

MtgSalt says... #3

JohnMichaelBushman I know you mentioned top + citadel combo being your way to win but what has been your most common line of play? Doomsday is good but very fragile and the cedh players don't use it anymore for that reason.

I feel your pain, I also run a shadowborn krrik deck in the odd space of where does this deck belong. It's somewhere between 8 and cedh but have had people say 6 (those people don't understand the decks).

I do have questions and suggestions if you feel like strategizing on the deck. Also what system do you play? Paper, mtgo, cockatrice ect.?

August 28, 2021 1:06 p.m.

GreenHamma In my experience, I somehow always draw Doomsday without the help of tutors. So I always go with the Doomsday line. XD LOL

Also, I really prefer paper, but as of the current circumstances, I play mostly on Cockatrice.

As for strategies, am honestly comfy where this build currently stands. But hey, am always open to more suggestions. XP

August 30, 2021 10:35 a.m.