Titania EDH

Commander / EDH Ashcashcash


Deck List Update —July 18, 2020

Intervention gives more lands for the same amount of mana. Whim hardly ever matters because your opponents get to choose what they sacrifice. I'd rather have more lands in hand than one more on the field.

Profet93 says... #1


Whats the reasoning behind your recent update? Also, thoughts on Noxious Revival > Reclaim as it can be free and you can set up an opponents draw as well?

December 31, 2019 9:21 p.m.

Ashcashcash says... #2


Thanks for noticing! I should really document my reasons for deck list updates, but I haven't in a long time.

I removed Blast Zone because the card has never done what I wanted. I thought the card would be a great form of recursive removal with Titania at the helm. Instead, Blast Zone is over costed, doesn't remove tokens, and as a colorless source, hinders the early gameplay by restricting my access to colored sources. I replaced it with Desert of the Indomitable as a place holder for now because cycle lands help to dig for better cards, but sucks that it enters tapped. I'll probably replace it with Harmonize or a Forest in the future to be honest.

I removed Natural Affinity because it was more of a gotcha card. It wasn't a bad card. There were several times that it won me the game. Other times, you use it to fuel a Craterhoof Behemoth or have instant speed blockers. I've had my fun with Natural Affinity, but I would rather have more recursion in the deck, and removing it doesn't hurt my deck. That's why I replaced it with Reclaim.

Thank you for your suggestion of Noxious Revival! I didn't know that it worked on any graveyard. That makes it a lot better than I thought. I'll most likely swap it into the deck when I get a hold of one, which I just did through TCGPlayer after reading your comment!

January 2, 2020 3:32 a.m.