Mr. Sandman

Commander / EDH azulryu


Trying out a Nightmare —Jan. 8, 2024

Trying something out and making some big mana decisions in order to do so. We'll see how this runs. Deck needs to be a bit quicker - so I added cards like Minds Aglow and Day's Undoing for thematic spice and some politics. Also increases my chance of getting the things I need or picking up a nifty Transmute card.

Added also Mirrorhall Mimic  Flip - plays as a decent copy skill but the disturb cost is like Helm of the Host which used to be in the earliest rendition of this deck - except it's faster. Sleep with the Fishes is thematic, puts a creature to sleep, and gives me an unblockable creature that I can make a Sandman with - albeit the cost is a little steep. It might be too gimicky but we'll see.

Nether Traitor is just such a good card - Haste and Shadow and return from Graveyard effects to keep it on the field. It's a win/win/win card in this deck.

Worst Fears is just a good way of controlling the field. It's also very thematic - we'll see how this card effects things. The 8 cost might be a bit too steep but we'll see.

In the end, took out Hisoka's Guard, Phantom Warrior, Royal Assassin, Peek, and Fogwalker - will keep them in the side board just in case I decide to add any back, though I'm doubting how useful Hisoka has been. Having Fogwalker out also hurts - the art is just so good and it's a great inbetween card. We'll see.