Life After Death

Commander / EDH* literaturecult46


2020 Latest —May 9, 2020

alright, so this is how my deck currently is set up, I will be removing Terminus because it's a non-bo in my deck, likely with better removal sorry, haven't updated in a bit, my LFGS closed a year ago and I just got back into magic

nickelphoenix says... #1

This is a solid list.

This however is a unique commander.

My way way back roots in the game are Orzhoz and Esper. I’ve been playing on and off for 23 years.

Everyone is going coo coo for coco puffs over this commander but, I have yet to look at one list that includes the most important cards that need to be in these decks. Anti-graveyard hate.

Feldon's Cane , Elixir of Immortality etc...

We don’t need to go crazy, black can tutor like nobodys business, a few good peices really need to be included IMHO.

It might seem like dead weight when there is so much value to be had, but you will be happy it’s in there or at least sideboarded close by.

January 25, 2019 5:06 p.m.

nickelphoenix thanks for the suggestions. I don't know anyone who has Feldon's Cane but I should be able to find an Elixir of Immortality in my collection somewhere, I would ask my LGS but they are closing in February. Any suggestions on good OG death triggers?

January 27, 2019 11:13 p.m.