Kamahl, Fist of Krosa EDH

Commander / EDH Cariddis

SCORE: 89 | 119 COMMENTS | 21228 VIEWS | IN 29 FOLDERS

ADDED spot removal for creatures —Nov. 13, 2019



While testing, I noticed that we struggle a lot vs commander-centric decks. Furthermore, stacks pieces like Grand Arbiter Augustin IV can be problematic. Therefore I decided to include those 2 cards.

Taking out wasteland was a suffered choice, but I still believe it is better to have as many different effects between your utility lands as possible, since you can answer to a bigger variety of threats.

Acidic slime was the logical choice for making the swap with stag: similar CMC, similar effect. Furthermore I felt slime was a little bit under performing in a full-optimize deck like this one.

Till next time, long live Krosa!

So, The Great Henge seems like a shoe-in. Question is what to replace it for.

October 5, 2019 11:16 a.m.

Cariddis says... #2

Austin_Smith_of_Cards it is a very powerful card. I am testing it but question is: is it an auto-include or is it a win-more? You cannot tutor it, and the only effect you really care about is the one that lets you draw cards. I think it is better to have cards like Beast Whisperer and Genesis Wave : one is fetchable, the other one is one so powerful that lets you win on the spot.

We'll see :)

October 5, 2019 2:23 p.m.