Kamahl, Fist of Krosa EDH

Commander / EDH Cariddis

SCORE: 89 | 119 COMMENTS | 21228 VIEWS | IN 29 FOLDERS

CORE 19 —July 12, 2018

It's been a long time since I last wrote an update. Dominaria didn't bring any new card that I found relevant (sadly, Kamahl's Druidic Vow is just a terrible version of Genesis Wave).

However, I've been playtesting some Battlebond cards for a while now, and I can show you the new change :)

IN: Bramble Sovereign

OUT: Solemn Simulacrum

The Sovereign is insane AF. It gives you both card advantage and political power. Everytime I played it I was happily satisfied.

Unfortunately, for every card I put in I must take out another... As stated in the previous updates, this deck reached the point when the cards left out are strong from different point of views. They get taken out just because new, better cards get printed. Simulacrum is a clear example of this: it is a powerful, useful, valuable card. But since I put in a 4 drop, the choice on which card take out fell on our poor artifact friend.

That's it for now. I hope that Commander 2018 will bring us new exciting toys! Maybe a foil version of nice stuff? A green mage can only hope :)

For any question, I'm more than welcome to answer you so feel free to comment my deck.

Long live Krosa!

Randomdeck101 says... #1

Have you considered Bear Umbra? Gives some protection to Kamahl in the form of Totem Armor, plus untaps your lands for another series of Overruns.

Really digging the decklist though!

June 12, 2018 10:15 a.m.

Cariddis says... #2

Randomdeck101 I considered it when I first built the deck, more than 3 years ago :) unfortunately, the problem I found out with bear umbra weere:

1) I don't know which card to take out in order to make space for it.

2) It can't be tutored.

I find it a good card, overall. Just that I rather have the enchantments that you can currently than having this aura. I'll do some testing since I might actually be wrong, but it will take me some time to figure out whether it is viable.

Thanks for the advice :)

June 12, 2018 10:32 a.m.

DecadeFire says... #3

Any updates since Magic 2019?

July 11, 2018 1:54 a.m.