
Noble* gnikrul


More updates —March 9, 2024

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Shambleshark and Brineborn Cutthroat look so good on paper but they just don't work that well in this deck. Maybe there's an aggressive flash deck out there that wants 'em but in this one you're just taking a beating trying to race instead of stabilizing, which constrains your plays so badly that the whole point of playing a draw-go deck is essentially lost. Back to the "cheap control cards early, fatties later" plan.

Some nice new tools printed since M20. Bite Down and its various cousins are much better than Prey Upon when we don't have to leave up mana for it. Return to Nature is the perfect 2-of problem solver. Grey Havens Navigator is a better rate for flash creatures that previously seen. Quandrix Campus lets us scry away land in the late game.