Sexy Vampires

Modern* jdarlin


Sept. 2, 2021

Went ahead and added a maybe board of other things I’ve stumbled across

wallisface says... #1

Some thoughts:

  • Mirri the Cursed doesn’t provide much impact for its mana cost, i’d ditch it in place for more killspells.

  • Similarly, Anowon, the Ruin Sage isn’t terrible, but he’s not great either - being quite slow and clunky. I’d suggest ditching him also, and going down to 23 lands.

  • the spell from the upcoming set Infernal Grasp seems awesome here, as an unconditional killspell. Victim of Night is also very strong (and on theme)

  • Sudden Spoiling doesn’t seem good, when black has access to so many ways to just kill a creature instead.

September 1, 2021 4:28 p.m.

jdarlin says... #3

Hey thanks for the input! Just getting back into this after a few years so I feel a little out of touch with what’s relevant. I was thinking of working in some Fatal Push that I could also use on Bloodghast to trigger Cordial Vampire. I’m gonna take out Anawon, but I had Mirri in there because I didn’t really have a finisher. I’m thinking about keeping my creature card at 4 cmc max now.

September 1, 2021 7:37 p.m.

jdarlin says... #4

Any opinions on Vampire Nocturnus? Seems like a fun card, but I’m not sure how reliable it’d be in a more competitive situation. I also like the look of Sanctum Seeker, maybe paired with Sanguine Bond?

September 1, 2021 7:39 p.m.