Gryfalia's aerie

Bloomington, IL USA

Weekly Events


Paper Pauper Tournament!

Using the MTGO banned list

$6 to enter, entry goes to the prize pool


Tuesday night legacy 7pm, every week!

This is a 10 proxy legacy tournament, meaning that it's not sanctioned, but will earn you planeswalker points

Cost of entry is $6 which all goes in the prize pool


Modern Proxy tournament, meaning that it's not sanctioned, but you do earn planeswalker points.

10 proxy modern

$6 to enter, entry goes to the prize pool


Soon to be league night, with some fine rules and details here: league rules

Also Commander Play night, no entry just break out those decks.



Draft and Standard available, sanctioned, prizes, free pack with entry.

Drafts are thieve's auctions, meaning that all rares and foils go to a pool at the end of the tournament, and players pick by standings.


Typically there will be a draft on saturday mornings, maybe around 11, firing when we have enough people.

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Total Record 3-0

vs. Mono Black 2-1 vs. Mono Blue 2-1 vs. Slivers 2-1

9 years ago

Total Record 3-0

vs. Mono Black 2-1 vs. Mono Blue 2-0 vs. U/B Faires 2-0

9 years ago