game citadel

bangor, ME

Past Events


Wouldve won the whole thing but i was missing the wurmcoils & ratchet bombs

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The Taxmaster

Commander / EDH Lhurgyof

SCORE: 143 | 50 COMMENTS | 30534 VIEWS | IN 50 FOLDERS

He's back!

Taxmaster is back, and now Oloro decides to take up the role of most-hatred general in the game!

It's so easy, he just sits back and watches as you lose your friends!

8 years ago

Temur Rage

Standard goblinlord5


Creatures like Elvish Mystic and Shaman of Forgotten Ways ensure you get the mana you need, and creatures like Sandsteppe Mastadon can boost creatures like Atarka, World Render and Yasova Dragonclaw, making their abilities stronger.

9 years ago

E. V. I. L.

Commander / EDH Lhurgyof

SCORE: 112 | 82 COMMENTS | 23819 VIEWS | IN 36 FOLDERS

Took the deck in a new direction, cut a few planeswalkers, cut some creatures, added in more mana rocks and card draw, as well as Teferi and Ob Nixilis.

Tell me what you think! I'll also be resetting comments.

9 years ago

Mono-Black Aggro

Standard jedc22

SCORE: 3 | 761 VIEWS

I went 6-0 at FNM with this deck for first out of 38 and 9 packs! Unfortunately i was unaware that you can't preorder boxes with store credit so i traded them in and now have to wait till i save up enough actual money to buy the box once …

9 years ago

Mono-Black Aggro

Standard jedc22

SCORE: 3 | 761 VIEWS

I went to the second game day event yesterday and there was only 8 people so they automatically cut to top 8, which was interesting lol. I beat USA control for my first match then lost to the same mono-red aggro from day 1 1-2. I got him down to …

9 years ago

Mono-Black Aggro

Standard jedc22

SCORE: 3 | 761 VIEWS

I went 3-1 in the main part of the tourny (could have gone undefeated if not for some mistakes in play against red aggro on my part) which was good enough for 4th coming into the final round. It had no effect on rankings so most people in the top …

9 years ago

Orzhov Midrange 2.0

Standard jedc22


I went 4-1 at FNM on 7/25 good for 4th place. the only deck I lost to was a BUG control splashing red for Xenagod. My goal now is to find a way to deal with aggro as that is really my only troubling matchup atm. I find myself taking …

9 years ago

E. V. I. L.

Commander / EDH Lhurgyof

SCORE: 112 | 82 COMMENTS | 23819 VIEWS | IN 36 FOLDERS

Picked up some goodies from M15- namely Jace, the Living Guildpact and The Chain Veil. The chain veil will be super strong in here, and how could I not include the new Jace?

So, changes are now:

-1 Cruel Ultimatum, -1 Mindbreak Trap

+1 Jace, the Living Guildpact, +1 The …

9 years ago