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I Am Hacking the Code... (Momir Vig cEDH)

Commander / EDH* Combo Competitive Elves GU (Simic)


As of January 2024, I no longer play this deck. I converted it into Ukkima Food Chain. I will not be making any further updates to Momir Vig. I had a lot of fun with this deck, but turn 4 is just too slow now.

"...pray I don't hack it any further." (Darth Vader, 3 ABY)

Power: cEDH

This deck is inspired by AverageDragon and Sickrobot's primer (http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/primer-momir-vig-hackball/), but with some of my own changes that I feel are better. There is an updated primer on Moxfield, but I still disagree with some of their choices.


Combo Chain 1 (bear with me... this section is long and complicated!)

The deck's main goal is to cast Momir Vig turn 3, hold up some kind of interaction (preferably a free counterspell or two), and win on turn 4. To win, Momir Vig and a "hack" card (Whim of Volrath, Beast Whisperer, Glimpse of Nature, Painter's Servant, etc.) need to be available. By switching every instance of "blue" in Momir Vig's text box to "green," for every green creature you cast, you will tutor a green creature to the top and then put it in your hand (this gets around Narset! The deck doesn't need infinite draw to combo out, either! YAY!). This enables the combo, as you now have infinite tutors once you have the infinite mana loop enabled. Note that with Painter's Servant as your hack, you should choose blue so that all your green creatures are treated as UG and therefore trigger both of Vig's abilities.

Turn 1: Ideally, land + dork.

Turn 2: Ideally, land + dork, hold up interaction.

Turn 3: Land + Momir Vig, keep up mana for interaction if able.

Turn 4: Combo!

Combo steps:

Line 1 (untapped dork): Find and play Quirion Ranger, find Heritage Druid, untap your dork with Quirion Ranger/bounce a Forest and play it again (assuming you haven't played a land). Play Heritage Druid and find Nettle Sentinel. Tap Quirion Ranger, Heritage Druid, and Momir Vig for GGG. Play Nettle Sentinel, find any 1 CMC G elf. Play it and find and play another, which will net G.

2 (2 untapped dorks): Find and play Heritage Druid, find Nettle Sentinel, tap Heritage Druid and elves for GGG. Play Nettle Sentinel, find any 1 CMC G elf. Play it and find another, which will net G.

3 (no untapped dork, land drop, or <2 untapped elves): Find and play Heritage Druid, find and play Nettle Sentinel, find any 1 CMC G elf. Tap Nettle Sentinel, Heritage Druid, and Momir Vig for G. Find and play any 1 CMC G elf, do it again, net G.

Once you have the loop going, you will eventually want to tutor out Phyrexian Metamorph. Unless you have another green creature in hand, you'll probably need a way to bounce an elf back to hand to keep the loop going, like Wirewood Symbiote. Cast Phyrexian Metamorph for 3 and 2 life and have it become a copy of Nettle Sentinel.

By the time you have finished assembling the loop and have generated a bit of extra mana, you will have Heritage Druid, Nettle Sentinel, Phyrexian Metamorph (Nettle Sentinel), Wirewood Symbiote, Temur Sabertooth, a 1 CMC G elf, and an elf you can untap with Wirewood Symbiote (Momir Vig works) available. If Wirewood has already been used, you need GGG (pretty easy since you're netting mana...). If not, just G.

Loop: Temur Sabertooth bounces Wirewood Symbiote for 1G. Replay Wirewood for G, untapping both Nettle Sentinels. Bounce the 1 CMC elf to untap another elf and then tap both Sentinels and that now-untapped elf to add GGG with Heritage Druid. Replay the bounced dork to untap both Sentinels. Tap it and both Sentinels for GGG with Heritage Druid. This produces 6 Green mana for every 1GGG spent. Birchlore Rangers can be substituted in once you have infinite G to make any amount of U you need.


Combo Chain 2

This chain is "easier," but it's still the backup because it requires a different board state and a Priest of Titania that can tap for mana. It also requires Glimpse of Nature or Beast Whisperer.

With a Priest of Titania on the board that can tap for 4+ mana, the deck can make infinite mana with Temur Sabertooth and Wirewood Symbiote. This nets 0 at first, but the deck has enough free mana to make up for it.

All of the pieces are tutorable, though this is a slower route. It wouldn't even be in the deck were it not for the fact that Beast Whisperer is a hack on its own.

1) Tap Priest for at least 4

2) Untap Priest with Wirewood, bounce a cheap elf

3) Bounce Wirewood with Temur Sabertooth

4) Cast Wirewood and the 1-drop elf (0 mana available now), draw 2 cards

5) Rinse and repeat. Once you hit the free rocks and have 5+ mana generated per loop, the deck produces infinite green. Green Sun's Zenith prevents you from ever decking out.

I want to thank my close friend Ifeno for pointing out this backup combo chain. He's definitely better at this game than I am and he knows much more about elfball than I do. This came from discussions about how Opposition Agent can completely neuter me if the opponent decides to use their tutor to get rid of one of my important combo pieces.


So... how does the deck win?

The loop makes infinite mana, so use Temur Sabertooth to bounce and recast all the creatures in the deck and cast Finale of Devastation for infinity. Then, SMASH!

If Finale isn't available for some reason, just recycle Pongify on Vig over and over to make infinite MONKE and swing next turn. Endurance can keep putting cards back in the deck, so with the various draw loops available, you can end your turn with all the counterspells you could possibly need. You just need to make sure there are cards in the deck to draw for turn!


Wait, no (insert card here)!? and Wait, why are you running (insert card here)!?

  • Vizier of the Menagerie: What costs the same amount, is an elf, and hacks the library by letting you draw a card whenever you cast a creature spell? Beast Whisperer! Being an elf is relevant for Heritage Druid and this makes it so that we don't need to run Spellseeker, as we can just draw into Finale of Devastation naturally.
  • Spellseeker: I just don't feel like she's needed. Yes, she does grab a hack, but the deck has many other cheaper or more synergistic ways to find the cards it needs.
  • Gilded Drake/Manglehorn/Ouphe/Stax: My build is designed to be more streamlined. I wanted to focus on speed.
  • Force of Negation: Force of Negation isn't free on my turn.
  • Sidisi's Faithful: This isn't really relevant in my meta.
  • Mana Drain: UU is a lot of mana just to say "no" once.


  • Gitaxian Probe: Sometimes, you need to grab Painter's Servant with a main phase Worldly Tutor. For the measly cost of 2 life, Gitaxian Probe lets you basically hack the deck for the same cost it would be to just play Painter's Servant as is. Besides, knowledge is power.
  • Coiling Oracle/Elvish Visionary: These are pseudo-hacks with additional elf synergies.


The banes of this deck are Aven Mindcensor, Stranglehold, Cursed Totem, Linvala, Ashiok, Drannith Magistrate, Opposition Agent, and Pyroclasm/Toxic Deluge/Fire Covenant. Kill/counter on sight.

With fire.


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100% Competitive

Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

17 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 1.54
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Construct 0/0 C, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Morph 2/2 C, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure
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