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Foxinator ... MAXIMIZE!! *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH Enchant Equip Mono-White


Welcome to Foxinator … Maximize! !

Hi there! Welcome to the primer of my mono-white, foxy, aura-voltron deck; commanded by Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice. She’s furry. She’s fluffy. She gives you a serious stare while waggling half a dozen tails in silent contemplation. She gives an impression of being a thinker, not a doer, but that’s all a ruse lulling you into a false sense of security. My foxy friend is deadly. Very … very … very deadly. She sees you as a threat, you have about three seconds before she analyzes your capabilities, casts an entire web of defensive and offensive enchantments on herself and then proceeds to pounce on you like there’s no tomorrow. This deck is meant to be played casually. It’s not meant to be used in a competitive fashion, but of course I welcome anyone to try! Feel free to comment on anything you (dis)like throughout this primer; I hope you will enjoy it!

This wonderful being allows me to tutor for an aura whenever I cast one onto the battlefield under my control and then attach the aura to her for free. This is a ridiculously strong ability because it’s amazing value for mana and it doesn’t require all that many auras to make her almost invincible. Couple that to the fact that white offers by far the best auras a creature could possibly wish for as well as offensive auras that disable opposing creatures (or players as a whole) and you’ve got a winning combination.

I use the following ten parameters to determine the strength of the deck. For each, I allocate a score of 5 (very good), 4 (good), 3 (mediocre), 2 (bad) or 1 (very bad); when totalized this score represents the power rating of the deck (maximum score is 50 points).

  • Mana: indicates the availability of mana sources within the deck.
  • Ramp: indicates the speed at which mana sources within the deck can be made available.
  • Card Advantage: indicates availability of filter- and draw resources represented within the deck.
  • Overall speed: indicates the deck’s potential for pace, based on resource availability and mana curve.
  • Combo: indicates the measure of combo-orientation of the deck.
  • Army: indicates the deck’s creature-army strength.
  • Commander: indicates how much the deck is commander-oriented/dependent (less dependency is better).
  • Interaction: indicates how much this deck can mess with opponents’ board states and turn-phases.
  • Resilience: indicates whether the deck can prevent and take punches.
  • Spellpower: indicates the availability and strength of high-impact spells.

Mana: 3

Though the average CMC of this deck is pretty low, I thought it would be still be good to add a decent amount of mana resources in here. Reason for this, is if this deck can make a lot of moves early on in the game, it will be very hard for opposing decks to maintain pace. Hence I decided to include six cheap-to-cast rocks, a cheapener and an enchantment that taxes others treasure-tokens for drawing.

Ramp: 1

Chose not to include actual ramp, as white’s ramping options are usually one-shot deals without any other uses and I didn’t want to waste slots on this. What I did include are two land-fetching mechanisms, which is not ramping perse but I include land-availability-enhancers in this category too.

Card Advantage: 5

Light-Paws herself is a tutoring enabler. There’s some back-up tutoring options available as well. Since I’ll be casting lots of enchantments, I figured draw triggered by enchantment-ETB would probably work wonders; so I’ve included three of those. To that I added more regular draw engines as well as a couple of one-shot draw deals that help out in a pinch. Last but not least, two heavy-duty recursion spells ensure that I can come back strong should someone manage to knock me down.

Overall speed: 5

This deck gains traction fast; mostly due to its very low average CMC, but also due to enough mana, ramp and draw resources available to kick off quickly. It’s perfectly feasible to have an enchanted fox available doing some considerable harm as early as turn 3. Due to the kind of auras Light-Paws can tutor for, it’s also easy to have her penetrate defenses and put my opponents on the defensive; thereby also gaining an advantage in terms of completing my objectives.

Combo: 1

This deck is one of the few EDH decks I’ve built without any (infinite) combos.

Combat: 4

Foxy-Voltron is able to adapt in great detail to her environment while also gaining strength in the process. This allows her to smash some serious face during combat and in some ways become almost unstoppable. Token generators (based on enchantments (-ETB’ing)) provide her with some backup.

Commander: 1

Not gonna lie; without Light-Paws this deck’s strategy is doomed. This is why it is filled to the brim with methods to keep her from harm as much as possible. Aside from aura’s she can tutor to keep herself safe, support-creatures and equipment have been added to help in this regard as well. Fortunately, Light-Paws’ casting cost is not high, so recasting her (especially the first few times) will not prove difficult.

Interaction: 3

The deck’s toolbox contains four options to disable opposing creatures/permanents, as well as four options to outright remove them. There’s also a few ways included to benefit from actions made by opponents, such as them tutoring or drawing cards

Resilience: 5

Though most of the deck is focused on its commander, its staying-power should not be underestimated. A lot of measures have been included to protect Foxy from harm, including but not limited to seven mechanisms to significantly increase her power/toughness, four cards that make her (temporarily) indestructible, five cards that grant her protection from colors and/or creatures and a few options that allow me to flash or phase her when she’s in trouble. Against opponents that go wide against me, I’ll be taxing attackers and life-loss can be compensated for through the use of four lifelink options. Also, let’s not forget the three solid options to recur permanents/enchantments to the field.

Spellpower: 4

The deck features some very powerful protection- and recursion spells/auras; some of which allow me to survive full blown wipes unscathed. Some of the auras meant for Light-Paws give her such an edge that under most circumstances they are enough to disable opponents (or their armies) completely.

Total power score: 32

I love white. I love Voltron-themed decks. This beauty came into being very recently but I managed to test it out a few times and it performed very well. Overall, it’s very fast and Light-Paws has a lot of staying-power, which helps me out in needing few resources to re-cast her all the time.

The goal of this deck, is to win by applying commander damage to my adversaries. The way in which I want to accomplish this, is by creating a version of Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice that can do this effectively with impunity in as short a time as I can manage. Foxy lady needs to be summoned early (turn one if possible) and become the beneficiary of enchantments early. This allows me to use her passive ability, which is key to victory. I use it to find auras that disable my opponents’ ability to cause harm to Foxy. Then I strengthen her with win-more enchantments to finish the opposition quicker. The end.

I want to start with at least three land cards or two lands and a Mox Amber. Two lands and a Land Tax, Sol Ring or Weathered Wayfarer would also be ok. This is basically a must-have requirement; I’m not going to start a game without this hand (even if I have to mulligan down to three cards). The ideal hand would also contain some CMC1 or CMC2 auras and/or early opportunities for card advantage.

A bit of resource build-up is nice to start a game with. Some early land-fetching or a cheap mana rock can really accelerate my game plan. Other high priority castings within the first few turns, are cheap card-advantage enablers like Esper Sentinel, Kor Spiritdancer, Mesa Enchantress, Sensei's Divining Top and Sram, Senior Edificer. Last, but certainly not least, are non-aura cards that help me to protect Light-Paws, of which some of my favorites are Giver of Runes, Grand Abolisher, Mother of Runes and Swiftfoot Boots.

Once a few resources are in place, it’s time to activate my commander and start causing some serious havoc. To do this effectively, I want to make her more durable right after her arrival on the battlefield. Best way to accomplish that, is by summoning her and casting an aura on her straight away. This activates Light-Paws’s triggered ability, and helps me to search for an enchantment that best suits my tactical needs. Some great examples that can be fetched early are Felidar Umbra, Flickering Ward, Mask of Law and Grace, Shield of Duty and Reason and Spirit Mantle. Once her presence has been established and some of her staying power has been implemented, the mid-game phase begins.

During the mid-game, the most important objective becomes to eliminate the most dangerous opponent. I would say that this is the opponent that can either still stop Light-Paws (even with her magic enhancements) OR it’s the opponent that’s most capable at outpacing me for value. While doing that, I need to stay alive long enough to deal with the other opponents. This can be achieved by slowing them down through the raising of taxes (Ghostly Prison, Smothering Tithe, Sphere of Safety) or by taking out key components to their strategy with removal spells (Heliod's Intervention, Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares) or auras that reduce them to complete uselessness (Heliod's Punishment, Darksteel Mutation, Minimus Containment, Prison Term).

Victory can only be achieved through combat, so I need to make foxy stronger if possible. Really good auras/equipment to achieve that would be Ethereal Armor, Daybreak Coronet, Thran Power Suit and Armored Ascension. Then there are auras that will make her more versatile, like Spirit Link, Triclopean Sight, Battle Mastery, Katilda's Rising Dawn   and On Serra's Wings. Equipping her with Helm of the Gods will also help.

Finally, it’s possible to provide Light-Paws with some aid by summoning additional creatures, which can be obtained by summoning additional auras. The cards I want to use for this are Ajani's Chosen, Archon of Sun's Grace, Hallowed Haunting and Sigil of the Empty Throne. Then there are also ways in which I can

Once my most dangerous adversary is out of the way and my other opponents are contained, it’s time to mop up. By now I should have a thoroughly terrifying fox at my disposal. Should someone manage to get rid of her in the meantime, there are ways to get her AND her auras back fairly easily. Sun Titan can bring stuff back with every attack, and then there’s more expensive means to get everything back in bulk, with spells like Retether and Replenish.

Reliable sources of mana, and some utility:

The cards I use to accelerate mana-availability:

  • Arcane Signet: cheap-to-cast, doesn’t come into play tapped and grants me any Azorius mana whenever tapped.
  • Land Tax: many of the successes I’ve had in games featuring white, are owed to the presence of this card. In my view, arguably the best non-green land-fetching device that was ever created and it’s a staple in all my decks featuring white.
  • Mox Amber: dependent on the presence of my commander, but that’s not a deal-breaker because Foxy can be summoned for cheap.
  • Pearl Medallion: cheaper white spells, yay!
  • Smothering Tithe: pay taxes for drawing! You don’t want to? Thank you for the mana!
  • Sol Ring: are there EDH decks without this card?
  • Weathered Wayfarer: fetches any land for me, not just basics, provided someone else currently controls more lands than I do.

The mechanisms that provide me with more (or better) cards:

  • Archivist of Oghma: searching libraries is an activity lots of deck undertake regularly, so this little guy is a great investment.
  • Endless Atlas: great draw-engine in a mono-colored deck.
  • Enlightened Tutor/Idyllic Tutor: bread-and-butter for an aura-focused deck (and some nice redundance for Light_Paws’ tutoring ability.
  • Esper Sentinel: you pay or I draw.
  • Kor Spiritdancer: can become a bruiser in a pinch and provides me with more opportunities for draw based on aura-casting.
  • Mesa Enchantress: bound to provide me with some useful draws in a deck filled to the brim with enchantments.
  • Sage's Reverie: fun to cast in the mid/late-game because of the draw-potential. Even funnier to combine with Flickerform for repeated draws.
  • Sensei's Divining Top: awesome filter- and draw mechanism for hardly any cost. I try to include it in the majority of my decks.
  • Smuggler's Share: not just additional draw, but a way to create some additional mana as well, in case I run into some heavy (green) ramping.
  • Sram, Senior Edificer: more aura/enchantment-based draw.

These spells will stop stuff in its tracks or get rid of it all together:

  • Darksteel Mutation: your commander is now weak, can’t attack, can’t defend, has no powers and can’t be destroyed. Have fun with that!
  • Flawless Maneuver: uh-uh! You’re not hurting my creatures this turn.
  • Ghostly Prison: before your creatures can get at me, they have to pass the toll-gate.
  • Grand Abolisher: stops opposing spell casting during my turn dead in its tracks.
  • Heliod's Intervention: gives me the choice to kill off a bunch of enchantments and artifacts; or just gain a whole lot of life.
  • Heliod's Punishment: disables an important creature (like a commander) for four rounds, which is an eternity in a game of EDH.
  • Minimus Containment: very versatile removal that works on any permanent.
  • Path to Exile/Swords to Plowshares: in exchange for a minor boon, your titan over there has been atomized into nothingness forever!
  • Prison Term: helps me to contain the most dangerous creature out there at any time.
  • Sphere of Safety: in a deck built around enchantments, the amount of tax this demands can get crazy quickly.
  • Teferi's Protection: someone comes at me with some kind of crushing attack, this will stop it from having any effect.
  • Winds of Rath: the most perfect wipe for this deck.

The stuff that enchants the fluff:

  • Armored Ascension: ow boy, this creates a very nice bonus in mono-white.
  • Battle Mastery: Going once? Nah, going twice!
  • Daybreak Coronet: superb bonuses and with this many auras around, the prerequisite for this enchantment is easy to obtain.
  • Ethereal Armor: more power and more toughness based on the presence of other auras combined with first strike, for a next-to-nothing cost.
  • Felidar Umbra: provides lifelink AND a one-time shield against fatal damage.
  • Flickerform: allows me to blink my creature for a fee, which can be useful to evade hostile spells or profit from ETB effects.
  • Flickering Ward: protection against the color that seems most threatening to Foxy any time I have the resources to blink it.
  • Gift of Immortality: great way to keep Foxy around; opponent will have to get rid of the enchantment instead of Foxy, which is much harder to do.
  • Katilda's Rising Dawn  : exceptionally powerful, if somewhat expensive, aura that grants Foxy a lot of power, toughness and a number of strong abilities.
  • Light of Promise: combine this with some lifegain auras to make something very big.
  • Mask of Law and Grace/Shield of Duty and Reason: a lot of protection for next-to-nothing costs.
  • On Serra's Wings: turns Foxy into a creature with angelic attributes.
  • Pariah: one of the yankiest auras this deck has; combined with indestructibility this aura makes me almost impervious to harm.
  • Shielded by Faith: indestructibility, yay!
  • Spirit Mantle: protection from all creatures and a little bonus to strength and toughness.
  • Spirit Link: lifegain never hurt no-one.
  • Timely Ward: especially good at making Foxy indestructible.
  • Unquestioned Authority: makes Foxy unblockable and impervious from creature-based damage or effects.

Some additional benefits that come with running this aura deck.

  • Ajani's Chosen: allows for the generating of quite a few cat tokens in this deck.
  • Archon of Sun's Grace: a pegasi battery based on enchantment ETB; sweet.
  • Hallowed Haunting: generates ghosts when I cast enchantments.
  • Helm of the Gods: so cheap to use, yet capable of granting such a huge bonus!
  • Holy Avenger: double strike! Gotta love it. Hitting something allows me to cast an Aura on the wielder for free!
  • Replenish/Retether: the answers to the question: How do I return all my enchantments from the graveyard with a single spell?
  • Starfield Mystic: cheapens the casting of my enchantments and is a potential bruiser.
  • Sigil of the Empty Throne: angelic allies when I cast enchantments; heaven yeah!
  • Sun Titan: helps me with the recursion of my enchantments/auras and is a great combat creature to boot!
  • Swiftfoot Boots: Foxy likes my spells, but not your spells!
  • Thran Power Suit: a Helm of the Gods on steroids! Even grants protection against opposing spells.

I appreciate the time you took to read my primer. Hopefully it was entertaining and useful to you. If so, feel free to leave a +1 and/or feedback of any kind in the comments below. Thanks again!


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66% Casual

34% Competitive

Date added 2 years
Last updated 6 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

5 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.46
Tokens Angel 4/4 W, Cat 2/2 W, Copy Clone, Pegasus 2/2 W, Spirit Cleric */* W, Treasure
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