Wojek Halberdiers

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Wojek Halberdiers

Creature — Human Soldier

Battalion — Whenever Wojek Halberdiers and at least two other creatures attack, Wojek Halberdiers gains first strike until end of turn.

NyxDragon on

6 years ago

I agree, Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer isnt really needed, but I do like Delver of Secrets  Flip. The Wojek Halberdiers is just a simple 2 drop.

Pieguy396 on

6 years ago

Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer isn't that great of a card unless you're playing multiplayer. Assuming you aren't, I'd replace them with 4x Remand. I'd also probably cut the Wojek Halberdiers for Delver of Secrets  Flip, or perhaps Monastery Swiftspear.

AmAuron on Holy Crusading Legion

6 years ago

@Dave-writer90 Another nice deck, after some analysis, i'm asking, since you have alot of things with first strike, why don't replace Wojek Halberdiers with Fiendslayer Paladin...I find it better in my oppinion.

Best Regards

Hyperalgialysis on Heavenly Armies

6 years ago

This deck would greatly benefit from more copies of the same creature. A decent portion of your commons are pretty hard to play. 3 examples would be Wojek Halberdiers (pretty bad unless you have 2 other creatures), Voice of the Provinces (6 mana for a 3/3 flier and 1/1, this could be a Seraph of the Sword for 4 mana and have more value) and Gavony Ironwright (has little value unless your life total is 5 or less). I would try and get more copies of your solid creatures. If you are trying to keep a somewhat low budget, you can search for rares and mythics that are less than $1 or so and pick some that fit well. Seraph of the Sword is a good creature, and while a high cost Assembled Alphas at least has a good combat ability. It would help people on here if we knew if you were trying to play a competitive modern deck, or if you play more casual kitchen table magic. While you are looking for upgrades try and avoid conditional cards like Massive Raid it is removal, but if you have no creatures it is a dead card. One last thing, your deck needs to be 60 cards, anything more and you are just decreasing your chances of drawing something useful, and try not to go above 24 land unless you are running a control deck, which this is not.

BrenoSulz on Soul's Starting Deck

6 years ago

Hi. I'll comment assuming this is not meant to be a standard legal deck.

Me and my friend came back to magic in the first innistrad block as a form of gathering again. We established some rules: each one choses a pre-constructed deck from the innistrad block and we could buy 2-3 booster por month and only use those cards to build our decks and we could only trade with each other. That aside, I choose the WR agressive humans deck and my all-star card was (4 copies, of course) Brimstone Volley.

The deck objective was to aggro early on and put my friend down to 10 life or less. After that it was pretty easy to close the games since I would have 3-4 week creatures and they would have 1-2 bigger ones, allowing me to attack with all and putting them in the spot where they needed to block but knew I would have Brimstone Volley with morbid online! (I actually won a game dealing 13 damage with 3 Volleys. Wasn't 15 because I didn't need the morbid in the last one :P)

If you manage to have tons of humans, then Champion of the Parish is your men. Boros Elite, Wojek Halberdiers, Ash Zealot, Thalia's Lieutenant, Stormblood Berserker, Glory-Bound Initiate, Unruly Mob, Lightning Mauler, Silverblade Paladin, Nearheath Pilgrim.

No blocks: Ahn-Crop Crasher is awesome and I see you already listed him. Earthshaker Khenra, Fervent Cathar.

Legion Loyalist, Goblin Guide, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Thalia, Heretic Cathar (yeah, I know what you said about budget, but I'm just listing), Bomat Courier, Skyknight Legionnaire is nice (and actually remembers me about the new dude from Ixalan Sky Terror). I love Hellrider, especially if you can get wide. Maybe build around Oketra's Monument? Charging Monstrosaur could be the top end of the deck's curve. In my deck back in the day, Zealous Conscripts was the top end. Speaking of 5-drops and top end of curve Glorybringer, Urabrask the Hidden, Thundermaw Hellkite and Stormbreath Dragon.

Tricks: Boros Charm is ridiculous, it does it all. Unfortunately we stopped playing right after the release of Gatecrash, so I couldn't have Brimstone Volley AND Boros Charm. Good old Lightning Bolt.

You need to change your mana base cause there are too many taplands. Some Sacred Foundry would be nice, there is Kaladesh's Inspiring Vantage. Otherwise I would say to use a few taplands, like 2-3 and get some Evolving Wilds. If the land is going to be tapped, at least Evolving Wilds will thin your deck so you have more chance to draw spells rather than lands.

GoneWithLaw on Pretty Boros Angels

6 years ago

Saw your decklist on the EDH discord, figured I'd drop in with some suggestions.

The first one is regarding your commander. I think Iroas may be better off as part of the 99 as support for Aurelia, the Warleader. Giving your creatures menace and protecting them from battle damage is nice, but it's somewhat tricky to have a focused win condition built around that. Aurelia, on the other hand, gives you access being able to untap your creatures an extra time each turn, which can lead to many neat interactions. Repeating cards like Sun Titan, Tajic, Blade of the Legion, and Hanweir Garrison nets you massive value, not to mention the fun times with Combat Celebrant! Iroas is important support in that deck, as your opponents will heavily struggle with two bouts of menacing creatures thrown over their way.

With that in mind, I'll take time to cover some card choices that I don't think are pulling their weight in your deck. These comments will be guided by working around Aurelia, whom I strongly feel is a better fit for what your deck is trying to accomplish.

Basandra, Battle Seraph: I absolutely adore the artwork on this card, but the effect is underwhelming. On hand, it's nice to lock down your opponents' spells during combat, but that means you can't play your own either! It's a double-edged sword you have to be careful of. If you're interested in the force to attack function she offers, consider goad cards like Grenzo, Havoc Raiser or Disrupt Decorum . They provide defense for you while forcing your opponents to go after each other, AND Grenzo's abilities work wonderfully with Aurelia.

Boros Elite as a 1-drop is rather overwhelming. In limited, a 1-drop 3/3 is pretty nice, but given how vanilla it is otherwise, I can't say it warrants a spot over something with more versatility.

Bruse Tarl, Boorish Herder: I believe there are better ways of enabling Double Strike. You already have one of them in your deck, Duelist's Heritage, but instead I'd run True Conviction. Higher CMC, but it applies to all of your creatures instead of just one at a time!

Firemane Angel's massive CMC gives me cause for concern. The lifegain is minimal, and for 6 mana we can be doing a lot more (see True Conviction!)

Honored Crop-Captain is a tad on the weaker side when it comes to pumping. Getting more utility through cards like Spear of Heliod or Marshal's Anthem may be worth looking in to. While harder to cast, Captain of the Watch generates multiple bodies and gives your Soldiers (which you should be running quite a few!) a nice boost to boot.

Speaking of Soldiers, most of the ones you'll be running will be humans. Angel of Glory's Rise is an angel that gives you back your humans (likely to be soldiers), and can hose many black decks. Put this card on your radar if your local meta has zombies!

Iroas's Champion is another card thats a little on the weak side. Double strike is nice, but without consistent pumps it's not going to be a game-winner for you.

Jareth, Leonine Titan is a bit too defensive for my liking, especially when this deck very much wants to be on the offensive. Given the step casting cost, we may be better with either something cheaper, or a card more powerful for 6 mana, like Sun Titan.

Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas is MUCH better as a commander than as part of the 99. Given your lack of current recursion, I can't see this card surviving long enough to make use of its experience counters. That, and you currently only have 4 creatures with 5 or more power!

I do like Nobilis of War, but Balefire Liege is similar, pumps your creatures for blocking too (important!) and gives you extra value to your spellcasting.

Nyx-Fleece Ram is far too defensive for this kind of deck. If you're going to go for a defender, Wall of Omens at least nets you some card draw. In multiplayer, that kind of life gain isn't going to make a massive difference, so I believe you'd be better off trying to dig for more resources.

Razia, Boros Archangel is another card I love, but Aurelia truly leads the guild so much better than she does. Preventing damage is totally against what this deck is trying to do. If you're going for keyword soup, either Akroma would be a better fit (loss of Haste is annoying, however).

Thundersong Trumpeter has a good effect, but we can do better. You're already running Master Warcraft lets us pick and choose blockers, but we have Odric, Master Tactician that follows closely behind and would love to be in your 99.

Weapons Trainer is another weak anthem, in my opinion. You'd be better off with something giving a boost in addition to other utility, like Shefet Dunes.

Wojek Halberdiers is another card that only boosts itself... we want to share the love! Odric, Lunarch Marshal spreads around keywords like mono after high school prom. Just one instance is all you need for everyone else to get better all around!

Your mana base is mostly fine, but I'm not a huge fan of ETB tapped lands. You're getting pretty good utility out of yours, but look into getting Battlefield Forge as a cheap upgrade.

Swords to Plowshares is an immediate upgrade to Devouring Light, Reprisal, or Angelic Edict. It's seen recent reprints, so it should be too bad to get ahold of, plus it's great in any deck that runs White! For artifact/enchantment hate, a simple Disenchant or Forsake the Worldly is all you need.

If you like Deflecting Palm, you'll LOVE Comeuppance. I run it in every single White deck of mine, and it can totally steal games out of nowhere for you!

If you are looking for card draw, Reforge the Soul is nice, but there are a few more options to consider. Mentor of the Meek works well with the 1/1 soldiers you'll be creating. Skullclamp is another classic option for turning weenies into cards.

If you're running Sunforger, you're going to want a much larger package! Dawn Charm, Silence, Wear / Tear, and Wild Ricochet are some of my favorites in these colors.

Another instant to consider is Aurelia's Fury. It's great for controlling your opponents during your turn, or shutting down combos out of nowhere.

Finally, I'd like to suggest some generally good cards that can give you more solid win-conditions, or otherwise provide great synergy.

If you end up going with Aurelia as the focus, Felhide Spiritbinder gives you as many combat phases as you have mana to feed into it.

Manabarbs puts extra pressure on your opponents, while if you get Gisela, Blade of Goldnight out, you don't take anything.

Assemble the Legion is one of the most Boros cards out there, and even with your strong Angel focus, a slow and steady wall of attackers and get out of hand for your opponents. Martial Coup also gives you a bunch of soldiers, while also serving as a Board Wipe if necessary!

I know I gave a lot of suggestions, but I do hope this helped a bit. I'd love to hear your thoughts on Iroas vs. Aurelia for the commander of your deck!

3InchMeatMonster on Red and White Boros Aggro

6 years ago

boros is fun. i would recommend 4 Boros Reckoners, 4 Akroan Hoplite (these do a ton of damage), and 3-4 Hanweir Garrison + 2 Hanweir Battlements.

Mentor of the Meek for card draw. 2x Elspeth, Sun's Champion and 2x Assemble the Legion. these cards get out of hand quickly.

Iroas, God of Victory is a good card.

i would take out Wojek Halberdiers and Firefist Striker. i would keep your creature curve at 4 mana tops, and a few higher mana noncreatures.

Shwang on Dollhouse of the Heavens ($85)

7 years ago

This deck is very cool! I don't play modern, so I don't know what kinds of decks you'd be playing against, but the theme is very fun. Stuffy Doll was one of my favorite cards in Time Spiral.

One thought is that Pariah's Shield might be a good one to have one or two of in the deck. If the creature with Pariah dies, you have to wait for another Pariah!

Another thought is that, even though this deck is budget, you should still find lands that can tap for both, or find ways to search for lands. It's risky to have nothing but basic lands, especially with cards like Wojek Halberdiers and Cerodon Yearling. It's worth it to have one of them come into play tapped to prevent you from getting mana screwed. You could play Battlefield Forge (<$1/piece) or even Evolving Wilds for serious budget.

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