Skysnare Spider

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skysnare Spider

Creature — Spider

Vigilance (Attacking doesn't cause this creature to tap.)

Reach (This creature can block creatures with flying.)

Snickles@EDH_only on Her Royal Fluffness

5 years ago

Love the concept! gota couple suggestions, figured I'll accordian them to keep from filling up the whole page.

Predator, Flagship is costly, but lets be honest - mono-green doesn't care about that. giving flight for troops to evade or block, anti-aircraft cannons, and the tractor beam to lift up enemy ground-pounders, this colorless removal engine is worth evey mana spent on it.

Arena + Combat step: Declare attackers. Before blockers, activate arena, Choosing one of your tapped attacking creatures. the creature picks a fight before blockers, potentially giving a 2-1 for you if they block afterwards, but otherwise taking out a blocker and still getting all their damage through.

Genesis is amazing for recusion, if that's your thing (I know it's mine, but not everyone elses), and it's a 3 drop if you hard cast it with Her fluffiness on the field.

Trolls of Tel-Jilad offers regen for your forces (or allies, in exchange for favors...)

Krosan warchief acts like a mini trolls of T-J for beasts, and reduces their cost as well. more a niche card, but worth mentioning if you end up going that route.

Weatherseed Treefolk is fragile, but returns to hand when killed.

Phytotitan is even more fragile, but returns for free

Masked Admirers is a card drawing chump blocker. while it doesn't get the cost reduction, it definatly will dish out the damage over a game with trades. and the card draw for ETB is icing on the cake.

Gurzigost is a wierd huge guy that smashes face, all for the low low cost of ... recycling your graveyard. oh no... /endsarcasm

Ulvenwald Hydra grows based on your land base, and fetches a land as an etb trigger. added bonus: has reach to deal with fliers.

Oran-Reif Hydra grows to monstrous sizes as the game progresses. not all that exciting, but cheap ($ wise)

Dungrove Elder is completely worth the G mana cost once you hit 4 lands, and will only get bigger as the game goes on.

Terra Stomper , Carnage Tyrant , Chameleon Colossus , Kodama of the North Tree , Kalonian Behemoth , Gaea's Revenge , and Ancient Ooze just do what they normally do with efficiency: smash. they aren't pretty or fancy, but they are cost efficient before your general's discount, so they smash hard for cheap.

Skysnare Spider has the two most important keywords for green multiplayer: vilgilance and reach

Hydra Omnivore lets you get damage through defenses of players by ignoring that player entirely and focusing elswhere.

Indrik Stomphowler and Conclave Naturalists might be good replacements for reclaimation sage, with you commander out they cost the same. Destructor Dragon acts the same on death, but hits planeswalkers and lands as well.

Woodfall Primus is a solid (abet later game) removal that returns to work again.

World Breaker acts as an exile, and is colorless to boot. added benefits are reach and recurrable.

Wickerbough Elder gets the cost reduction, despite being a 3/3 base when cast.

Cloudthresher acts a a Squall for 4, with a 7/7 reach attached to it.

Tornado Elemental will usually act as a mini Whirlwind , and comes in as a 6/6 Thorn Elemental . not cheap mana-wise, but typically less than $.50

Wolfbriar Elemental lets you dump green into a token army of 2/2s if you need to spread out the love or create some chump blockers. quantity has it's own quality sometimes.

Vorapede is a undying buggy with vigilance for 3 when your general is out

Thornling is a solid all-round stomper that is hard to deal with, via indistructable and increasable toughness.

Thrun, the Last Troll is another hard to deal with threat: hexproof, uncounterable, and regenerate means not a whole lot can touch him.

Spearbreaker Behemoth can act as a duribility booster by giving indistructibility

Krosan Drover is a good card for the really expensive creatures, giving another cost reduction.

Ulvenwald Observer is a solid card-draw engine for the deck when things die

Nessian Game Warden lets you sift through your deck based on forests in play

Ripjaw Raptor lets you draw off of combat (and even more off Arena )

Silverglade Elemental is a 4/4 Wood Elves with your general in play.

Brooding Saurian is typically just a sideboard card against control matchups, but worth mentioning all the same.

Stone-Tongue Basilisk is a cheap ($ wise) little guy that can field-wipe an opponent if you time a swing right.

Kamahl, Fist of Krosa should go in every green deck that he can. this goes double for mono-green. Overrun as an repeatable instant? check. wrath countermeasures? Living Plane that only hits opponents for G per land. totally worth it.

Spirits on You can't Touch That! Under 50$ format

7 years ago TCG Mid-Price $47.59, still have $2.41.

If you trying to get a big reach spider, maybe Jungle Weaver with his Cycling: might be better, that way he's still playable in the early turns, instead of the Skysnare Spider.

Perhaps get a Tainted Wood or Llanowar Wastes or a Commander's Sphere in to assist with your mana sourcing. A couple times now you've had that problem because of the limited draw / fetch. Evolving Wilds & Terramorphic Expanse are good in this format too for mana fixing.

Mycosynth Wellspring can also help. Or a Skullclamp to consume the 1/1 Snake tokens for 2 cards.

Muumio on Spider tribal

7 years ago

Thanks! Oh there is really good suggestions for that deck. I think im going to look forward with Metallic Mimic Gaea's Anthem Cryptolith Rite and Swarmyard

My idea with Skysnare Spider and Sentinel Spider is on power. Those are powerful creatures to keep attackers away but I think Kessig Recluses keep them away better because deathtouch. Like those cheap Deadly Recluse is worked fine.

Armaros92 on Spider tribal

7 years ago

I think there are a few cards to reconsider. For example, Raking Canopy and Needle Storm are cards that damage flying creatures. Either you know that you're facing a deck full of aggressive fliers, or these cards could sit quite dead in your hand. On top of that, every spider has reach, so you can block flying creatures. Instead of Raking Canopy you could consider Gaea's Anthem to buff up your creatures and have a bigger chance of surviving a block against both fliers and non-fliers.

I would probably cut the Skysnare Spiders because their cost is the same as that of Arachnus Spinner except the spinner has higher toughness and a free tap the spider for a free enchantment effect. The second Skysnare Spider and maybe even the Sentinel Spider could be switched out for more Kessig Recluses. The vigilance is nice to have of course, but it is up to you to decide whether it trumps the deathtouch.

Consider also Cryptolith Rite if you want to get more mana out of your creatures, this can also help get you to pay the cost for Ishkanah, Grafwidow's burn effect if you either have too little lands or lack a source of black.

One particular land that I find very satisfying to combine with Watcher in the Web is Swarmyard to just block 8 creatures and regenerate your blocker for free.

Olivvyia on

7 years ago

It's a good start. Removal in green is very hard to find so I like the small touches.

However, something about commander is you always want to have some sort of interaction with your general. It's certainly not necessary but with Multani, I think it's more fun. If you get some card draw in your deck, it would work really well with him.

Try Howling Mine, Font of Mythos, Collective Unconscious, Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Glimpse of Nature, Heartwood Storyteller, Fecundity, Primordial Sage, Regal Force, Rites of Flourishing, Shamanic Revelation, Soul of the Harvest, Triumph of Ferocity or Zendikar Resurgent.

Another important thing in commander is a solid mana base. Running 38 Forests is not all bad but you want some more interaction with your deck. Oran-Rief, the Vastwood and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx would go really well in your deck. You might also want to consider a Sol Ring and Gilded Lotus because those are commander staples.

Now, what to cut.

Let's start with creatures. One thing you have to think about when casting any kind of spell in a commander game is, "Is this spell worth the mana cost?" and "Does this spell have any kind of interaction in my deck?".

In my opinion, these are the creatures you need to cut. To the right of each, I will put some substitutes:

Ancient Ooze

Ancient Silverback

Awakener Druid


Crocodile of the Crossing

Duskdale Wurm ... Pelakka Wurm

Emperor Crocodile

Nessian Asp

Pathbreaker Wurm ... Nylea, God of the Hunt or Brawn or Thunderfoot Baloth or even Primal Rage

Plated Crusher

Prized Unicorn

Pouncing Cheetah

Quilled Slagwurm

Ridgescale Tusker

Scaled Behemoth

Shoe Tree ... This is illegal in commander.

Skysnare Spider

Woodborn Behemoth

Yavimaya Ancients

Yew Spirit

A lot of the creatures you have just don't have much synergy in your deck. Cut them and try out the other recommendations I've given you thus far.

Other cards to cut with recommendations:

Call of the Herd ... Not really worth it unless you're running a token deck which you are not.

Prey Upon ... It's just not very good in commander. Try Ulvenwald Tracker

Might of Old Krosa ... Meh. Try Giant Growth

Shed Weakness ... Unnecessary. Again. Giant Growth

Genju of the Cedars

Gift of Paradise

Living Terrain

Sheltered Aerie

Trial of Strength

Zendikar's Roil

TL;DR I like your deck. It's a good first time commander deck. Try to cut some of the creatures out that don't have any synergy with it. Card draw would go well with your deck. Mono green always has ramp.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Welcome to the format.

Spirits on You can't Touch That! Under 50$ format

7 years ago

Hi SolomonsEfreet,

Nice to have seen the 1/1 Snakes be set free on Thursday.

Black Sun's Zenith $3 would be all star.

Gale Force is a high CMC, it will kill 1/1 Thopter but little else in this format. Why not just Toxic Deluge for 1.

Really like Sorceress Queen, very cool.

Guul Draz Assassin is just -2/-2, he doesn't use counters so he's not right, won't make 1/1 Snakes. Why not just a Royal Assassin for 1/3 the cost.

Gladehart Cavalry for CMC 7, he adds +1/+1 counters, which actually remove -1/-1 counters, which you then won't be able to proliferate. He's counter productive with this Commander.

Rendclaw Trow has Wither and Persist, so he makes 2 1/1 Snakes when blocked, plus 1 1/1 Snake when he persists. 3 1/1 Snakes, a 2/2 wither, a 1/1 wither for CMC 3 is pretty OP for $0.25.

Alpha Authority, Enchantment based Hexproof (unless it's Bestow or something), isn't usually good, Swiftfoot Boots a far better option.

Never//Return could be a Hero's Downfall which is Instant speed and less than $3.50.

Carnifex Demon can keep making snakes for . CMC 6 for 4/4 Flying + 2 1/1 Snakes then for another 2 1/1 Snakes and he becomes a 6/6 Flying. Pretty decent. You have some other CMC 7 creatures that do much less for $0.60, like Arachnus Spinner, Skysnare Spider.

Midnight Banshee could create a few 1/1 Snakes, he doesn't hit himself or Hapatra, Vizier of Poisons. Just think of the poor 2/2 Wolfs though! He also is Whither, much better than a Arachnus Spinner or Skysnare Spider.

Grim Affliction the proliferate seems good, but not sure how many lingering -1/-1 there are. Definetely if you continue to pump up your -1/-1 counters through Wither and ETB's it would be useful. It's 2 1/1 Snakes but could be many more depending on the board state.

Deity of Scars CMC 5 for a 5/5 Trample is good, comes with 2 1/1 Snakes and for can make 2 more 1/1 Snakes and regenerate! $2.50 though, not sure if anyone of value can come out.

Some ideas anyway.

ThatGuy2dot0 on Spiders...Spiders Everywhere.

7 years ago

Have you considered adding Ember Weaver? If you do decide to add red then this is a pretty cheap spider that is a 3/3 with first strike as long as you control a red permanent. Skysnare Spider is also good.

Sellers126 on G/B elf deck trial (help needed)

7 years ago

One of my friends runs a mono green elf tribal and he runs Lead the Stampede. I think that might be a good idea, as you need to keep fueling your barrage of elves. I don't know about the Skysnare Spider or the Managorger Hydra. They're good cards, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if they really fit what the deck is, ya know? I don't know how competitive you're trying to make it, but Door of Destinies is always a fun card to use in a tribal deck as well. you could also consider Beastmaster Ascension if you wanted to. I might consider those over the Joraga Invocation. Elves are always fun to play with!! the deck looks cool

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