Kodama of the North Tree
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Kodama of the North Tree

Legendary Creature — Spirit

Trample; shroud (This permanent can't be the target of spells or abilities.)

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FauxFaux on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

As a side note, I must express my adoration for the Kamigawa block; A gorgeous set lore wise, and an even more beautiful aesthetic Plane as a whole. So damn nice. Real shame it was so comparatively weak compared to Mirrodin Block.

Consult the Kodama

Sorcery - Arcane

Search your library for a creature card, then reveal it. If that creature is a Spirit, you may put it onto the battlefield.

Splice into Arcane -

"To beseech the Kodama is tantamount to asking for Mother Nature herself to guide you."

So, we have multiple Kodama's of the various Trees, such as the new Kodama of the East Tree, and the rest being Kodama of the North Tree, Kodama of the South Tree, and Kodama of the Center Tree. We don't have a kodama of the West Tree though.....you should create one!

MontaukMonster on BaneOfLordran

5 years ago

Depending on which browser I use, I can't comment on the deck page so I'll post here though I dunno if you'll see it here:

Played a few more rounds:

vs. Ravager

Game 1: I'm on the draw. Dude drops a turn 1 Arcbound Ravager , sacs everything, and proceeds to swing away with an 8/8 starting on turn 2. I take a profound beating but respond with Emmara, Soul of the Accord and attack, making chumps to feed his monster. He doesn't draw anything else after that and I bust him ftw. 1-0

Game 2: He's a little slower and only makes Frogmite and Arcbound Worker on turn 1. Ravager comes out turn 2. I get Hero of Precinct One and make dudes with Tajic, Legion's Edge and spank for 6 right away. He responds with all out attack. I block the Frogmite and he sacs out, pumping the Ravager up to 6, brings me down to 5, and finishes with Shrapnel Blast . 1-1

Game 3: On the play again. I have to mulligan, keeping two land and a mox, but make Hero while he makes Ravager and a pair of Ornithopter . He swings, I try Response / Resurgence on the Ravager so he sacs everything and makes the Ornithopter 5/7, just outside Collision range (in my effing hand, no less!). Whatever. I make a Swiftblade Vindicator while he attacks me down to 1, I throw Colossus on the vindicator and swing all out, pummeling him for 14... he's at freaking 15. One more freaking damage OMFG!!! Ornithopter finishes me off while I stare at the same two land and useless mox. 1-2

vs. CopyCat

Game 1: On the play, I get no red mana but two mox and Emmara, and which allows me to drop her and Hero on turn 2. Next turn Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice and swing for 6. All I see on his end is Anticipate and Eldrazi Skyspawner . 1-0

Game 2: I lose one Emmara to Harnessed Lightning , a second to Thopter Arrest . Stuck on two mana and a useless Mox, I make Hero and lose that to another lightning. Everything in my hand costs 3. He makes Jace, Unraveler of Secrets . I find another land and make Legion Warboss , he responds with Eldrazi Skyspawner . This allows Tajic, who gets traded but I take Jace down to 1. Chandra, Torch of Defiance torches the Warboss, leaving me with a 2/2 and a 1/1 goblin so he makes Heart of Kiran which takes 6 from Collision / Colossus allowing me to polish off his planeswalkers. Tajic happens again only to fall under Thopter Arrest. Then Aurelia happens, pumping the goblin and this is the first time I actually damage this punk. Next turn, eleven, one Chance for Glory dies to Negate but the second gets through ftw. 2-0

Game 3: Vindicator dies to lightning, Emmara dies to Thopter Arrest, I drop a second Emmara and he plays Felidar Guardian to blink the arrest, kills one Emmara to the legend rule and arrests the survivor. I have Tajic but he's not going to bust through the 1/4, he topdecks Saheeli Rai . GG. 2-1

vs. Veggies

Game 1: I'm on the draw. Thunderherd Migration reveals Ghalta, Primal Hunger and pumped Vindicator takes down Steel Leaf Champion early. He then ramps while Tajic pumps Vindicator for 7 to the face when he drops 6/6 Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar . Tajic pumps the Vindicator again at a loss to himself while Warboss adds another, bringing him to 6. He then plays another Champion, then taps 2 for Ghalta. Colossus and the double-striker trade for the 12/12 and it costs me the Warboss and Emmara so I get him to 3 but I got nothing left but tokens. He finds a Gigantosaurus and sends 8/8 trampling Multani over. I've got 4 attackers, he's got 3 blockers and I topdeck the Planeswalker. I have another Vindicator so I offer him to the 10/10. We trade, then he throws down another Ghalta and my next card is a land. 0-1

Game 2: I keep two Clifftop Retreat and a hero and wait to draw a green while he ramps into Steel Leaf Champion , Gigantosaurus , then Aggressive Mammoth . I can make some dudes but not that much, he makes another 10/10 and Ghalta. 0-2

Game 3: Hero, Emmara, and Vindicator jump out the gate while he ramps into Gigantosaurus. I trade Vindicator plus Colossus for the big guy and cast Chance for Glory but it wouldn't have mattered since I had so many dudes out by that point. 1-2

vs. Stars n Stripes

Game 1: Early Tajic and Vindicator get in for sixteen before dying to Wrath of God . Hero dies to Incinerate , Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice eats a Force of Will , and Vindicator knocks him down to 1 before eating another Wrath. Out of creatures, Huatli sits there and adds counters until he finds Rainbow Efreet to eat away at her. I finally start to draw creatures again but by this time he's got two Thawing Glaciers being fed by Brainstorm and everything I cast gets burnt, countered, or nuked. Efreet ftw. 0-1

Game 2: Both decks get a slow pull, much to his advantage, not mine. Hero gets Incinerate, Aurelia eats a Force of Will while he digs for Glaciers. A second Aurelia + Huatli bounces off a Rainbow Efreet turn after turn when he finds his land. I drop Tajic and smash, pumping the angel and knock him down to 3. He kills Huatli with the Efreet, phases out, and taps out for Wrath. With nothing left I draw into a land clump while he goes crazy with two Glaciers, every creature I find gets swallowed by Hammer of Bogardan while hasty Tajic gets lost to a Dissipate . 0-2

Game 3: I gain some life early from Swords to Plowshares and then spank his mana-screwed ass with Tajic. Colossus saves him from the Incinerate and repeats the beats. Huatli grows while Tajic dies to a second Incinerate. Rainbow Efreet comes out and starts to eat Huatli, Legion Warboss makes a goblin before getting the Hammer. I'm forced to use Response to take out the Efreet though I probably should have done so sooner. He throws the Hammer at Huatli bringing her down to 5 and plays a second Efreet and Kjeldoran Outpost . Then a gross misplay leaves the wrong mana untapped, Tajic kags, gets fed by Colossus and Huatli sacs to add 1 for exactly his life total... his three land are two Island and the Outpost. Oops. 1-2 but he shoulda won that last one.

vs. Gazi-Glare

Game 1: I draw no red. He opens with Birds of Paradise and Wood Elves , equips Umezawa's Jitte so I kill the elf with Response / Resurgence and come at him with Hero of Precinct One and Tajic, Legion's Edge and spank for 7. He thinks he can stop me with Arashi, the Sky Asunder so I swarm him with tokens, save my dude with indestructible Chance for Glory , 5 damage get through and there's Colossus in hand. 1-0

Game 2: We both mulligan to six. He drops a turn-3 Kodama of the North Tree . Then Aurelia comes and pumps the Vindicator who eats a Saproling token. Kodama smashes again knocking me down to 3 while Llanowar Elves puts counters on Umezawa's Jitte to take out the Vindicator. No matter; with Aurelia, Hero, and tokens I've got 8 damage plus Chance for Glory and a +4/+2 combat trick on standby. 2-0

Game 3: Shanna, Sisay's Legacy comes, then Mox enables Aurelia to hit turn 3 and swing for 4. He answers with Loxodon Hierarch . I swing, he Seed Spark s the Mox and makes two Saprolings, I pump Shanna to save her and get through with two in the air, he answers with four on the ground. He then throws another Seed Spark at his own Pithing Needle to stack Shanna. I, pump to kill the elephant and he drops Yosei, the Morning Star . I play another Shanna and pass the turn. Yosei starts to beating and I make a Warboss. We trade blows, I get down to 6 and he kags a Selesnya Guildmage . My turn, I kag a Tajic and swing with just enough to force him to trade the guildmage along with the Saproling, he just made, leaving Aurelia to block the dragon ftw. 3-0


There were some cards I was thinking about that I no longer consider and others I'm more convinced of.

Mox Amber just didn't do much. 90% of the time it was just dead weight and even when it did do its job the best it did was bring me from 3 to 4. It doesn't give me colors I'm missing and when the Legends get killed it sits there worthless. I initially thought Lightning Strike would go here but now I think a simple Shock would do even better. Even if you don't draw it, the threat of instant damage should change the opponent's play to our advantage.

Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice I'm on the fence about. Sometimes she added just the right amount of damage, sometimes she looked pretty. Overcosted, she's the only flyer in the deck and sometimes that made a huge difference. I was thinking Gruul Spellbreaker . The advantages to him are haste, which was often the difference when Tajic, Legion's Edge , that it's not white though I don't see a lot of protection from white in Standard right now. He doesn't feed the combo, though that could be a plus. I dunno. I like the angel, just not as much as I'd like.


I request that you add this list to your sideboard so that it may be tested. There are dependent factors, such as are you more likely to go up against control/combo in which case Cindervines should be an absolute killer, or are you more bothered by the graveyard recursion in which case Return to Nature would be better. 4:2, 2:4, or keep it at 3:3.

Banefire I anticipate should be a control destroyer. Without testing we can't be sure, but I suspect it can double as a Teferi-blaster or a face-puncher just the same. It might be too expensive, not sure, but imagine playing Chance for Glory , bash with creatures, and then Banefire lets us throw the mana at him as well.

Unbreakable Formation is a total spoiler. The indestructible is similar to the Chance but if we don't have lethal on the table we can't take the Chance. (you like that?) Hold back in anticipation of Kaya's Wrath or even use in conjunction with Chance to pump creatures.

I put Shalai in there to protect YOU, btw; lot of the cards that killed us targeted the player.

Anyway so there we have a sideboard. If you try it out let me know how it works.

Snickles@EDH_only on Her Royal Fluffness

5 years ago

Love the concept! gota couple suggestions, figured I'll accordian them to keep from filling up the whole page.

Predator, Flagship is costly, but lets be honest - mono-green doesn't care about that. giving flight for troops to evade or block, anti-aircraft cannons, and the tractor beam to lift up enemy ground-pounders, this colorless removal engine is worth evey mana spent on it.

Arena + Combat step: Declare attackers. Before blockers, activate arena, Choosing one of your tapped attacking creatures. the creature picks a fight before blockers, potentially giving a 2-1 for you if they block afterwards, but otherwise taking out a blocker and still getting all their damage through.

Genesis is amazing for recusion, if that's your thing (I know it's mine, but not everyone elses), and it's a 3 drop if you hard cast it with Her fluffiness on the field.

Trolls of Tel-Jilad offers regen for your forces (or allies, in exchange for favors...)

Krosan warchief acts like a mini trolls of T-J for beasts, and reduces their cost as well. more a niche card, but worth mentioning if you end up going that route.

Weatherseed Treefolk is fragile, but returns to hand when killed.

Phytotitan is even more fragile, but returns for free

Masked Admirers is a card drawing chump blocker. while it doesn't get the cost reduction, it definatly will dish out the damage over a game with trades. and the card draw for ETB is icing on the cake.

Gurzigost is a wierd huge guy that smashes face, all for the low low cost of ... recycling your graveyard. oh no... /endsarcasm

Ulvenwald Hydra grows based on your land base, and fetches a land as an etb trigger. added bonus: has reach to deal with fliers.

Oran-Reif Hydra grows to monstrous sizes as the game progresses. not all that exciting, but cheap ($ wise)

Dungrove Elder is completely worth the G mana cost once you hit 4 lands, and will only get bigger as the game goes on.

Terra Stomper , Carnage Tyrant , Chameleon Colossus , Kodama of the North Tree , Kalonian Behemoth , Gaea's Revenge , and Ancient Ooze just do what they normally do with efficiency: smash. they aren't pretty or fancy, but they are cost efficient before your general's discount, so they smash hard for cheap.

Skysnare Spider has the two most important keywords for green multiplayer: vilgilance and reach

Hydra Omnivore lets you get damage through defenses of players by ignoring that player entirely and focusing elswhere.

Indrik Stomphowler and Conclave Naturalists might be good replacements for reclaimation sage, with you commander out they cost the same. Destructor Dragon acts the same on death, but hits planeswalkers and lands as well.

Woodfall Primus is a solid (abet later game) removal that returns to work again.

World Breaker acts as an exile, and is colorless to boot. added benefits are reach and recurrable.

Wickerbough Elder gets the cost reduction, despite being a 3/3 base when cast.

Cloudthresher acts a a Squall for 4, with a 7/7 reach attached to it.

Tornado Elemental will usually act as a mini Whirlwind , and comes in as a 6/6 Thorn Elemental . not cheap mana-wise, but typically less than $.50

Wolfbriar Elemental lets you dump green into a token army of 2/2s if you need to spread out the love or create some chump blockers. quantity has it's own quality sometimes.

Vorapede is a undying buggy with vigilance for 3 when your general is out

Thornling is a solid all-round stomper that is hard to deal with, via indistructable and increasable toughness.

Thrun, the Last Troll is another hard to deal with threat: hexproof, uncounterable, and regenerate means not a whole lot can touch him.

Spearbreaker Behemoth can act as a duribility booster by giving indistructibility

Krosan Drover is a good card for the really expensive creatures, giving another cost reduction.

Ulvenwald Observer is a solid card-draw engine for the deck when things die

Nessian Game Warden lets you sift through your deck based on forests in play

Ripjaw Raptor lets you draw off of combat (and even more off Arena )

Silverglade Elemental is a 4/4 Wood Elves with your general in play.

Brooding Saurian is typically just a sideboard card against control matchups, but worth mentioning all the same.

Stone-Tongue Basilisk is a cheap ($ wise) little guy that can field-wipe an opponent if you time a swing right.

Kamahl, Fist of Krosa should go in every green deck that he can. this goes double for mono-green. Overrun as an repeatable instant? check. wrath countermeasures? Living Plane that only hits opponents for G per land. totally worth it.

DaringApprentice on Captain Sisay & Tennille (Concept)

7 years ago

No problem, and thank you for the suggestions! I already have Yeva, Nature's Herald in the deck, so that's taken care of, and Akroma's Memorial and Champion's Helm are unfortunately out of my budget. I like the suggestions of Heliod, God of the Sun and Nylea, God of the Hunt, but I do already have a quasi-vigilance granter in Masako the Humorless (note that her ability allows creatures to block even after using tap abilities, not just attacking) and two trample granters in Dragon Throne of Tarkir and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa, so I'll probably just stick with those.

Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant is a pretty sweet card, but I really only have Dragonlord Dromoka, Bow of Nylea, and Swords to Plowshares for lifegain in this deck, so I have a hard time seeing myself flipping this. Thoughts?

However, I forgot how incredible Odric, Lunarch Marshal could be! Although I already have quasi-vigilance, trample, and deathtouch granters for my whole board, it would be great to have a way to share first strike, flying, hexproof, indestructible, lifelink, menace, and reach among all of my creatures. So many sick keywords! I have replaced Kodama of the North Tree with Odric, Lunarch Marshal.

Livingham on Mono Green Commander Choices

7 years ago

I'd also like to mention a commander you didn't include in your original post, I've always been interested in building a spirit tribal manned by Kodama of the Center Tree; there are actually a decent amount of green spirits and it definitely wouldn't be a competitive deck, but I feel like it would be viable and fun to play. There are also Kodama of the North Tree and Kodama of the South Tree and they could also be used but I always like the Center Tree the most as a spirit commander.

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