Fists of Ironwood

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fists of Ironwood

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

When Fists of Ironwood enters the battlefield, create two 1/1 green Saproling creature tokens.

Enchanted creature has trample.

zachz on Aren't You Getting a Little Briared?

1 year ago

More blockers huh? In that case, maybe consider Trestle Troll and Tukatongue Thallid. Some spells that serve as blockers/summoners would be Fists of Ironwood and Hindervines.

zachz on thrun the last troll

1 year ago

I'd second that you have a shortage of creatures in the deck. Right now an average card draw would be 16% creature, counting Batterbone. This limits a lot of options when 33 cards (15 artifacts, 4 instants, 10 enchantments, and 4 sorceries) in your deck require a creature you control.

There is a lot of mana ramp and card draw in this deck, which is great! Running low on cards midway through a game kills the momentum. But the odds are that you will draw cards that augment your creatures, more than you will draw an actual creature.

Additionally, you have three cards that deal with flying creatures, not counting the five fight cards. This feels low to me but you will know your competitors better.

For card suggestions, I would look into cards that summon creatures as a side-effect. Dreampod Druid, Fists of Ironwood, Fungal Sprouting, Jade Mage, Sporemound come to mind. These are just examples that bring in Saprolings, but your 33 cards that augment creatures would easily beef up the tiny 1/1 tokens.

TheVectornaut on Old Fungus Deck

1 year ago

Since you're in casual, there's a lot of heavy hitting cards you could add (budget permitting). Doubling Season improves the turnaround rate of spore counters and gets you more tokens, although it is itself expensive. Something cheaper with proliferate like Evolution Sage could accomplish a similar goal. Aura Shards is a potent alternative to single-use Naturalizes for Selesnya, with Nullmage Shepherd being a more budget pick. Skullclamp is an insane draw engine if you keep your tokens at 1 toughness. Or if you don't want to, Intangible Virtue can stack with Sporecrown Thallids to get out of hand quickly. As far as creating tokens, there's Aura Mutation, Dreampod Druid, Fungal Sprouting, Korozda Guildmage, Saproling Migration, Thelonite Hermit, and the powerful lord Tendershoot Dryad. If you want generically good Golgari removal, cards like Assassin's Trophy and Fatal Push tend to see a lot of play. Personally, I like Crippling Fear for tribal decks and Tragic Slip for decks with sacrifice synergy. Speaking of sacrifices, I know from experience in commander that both Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and Ghave, Guru of Spores make for nasty combos with Mycoloth. Such a strategy would also make creatures like Tukatongue Thallid more valuable than spell counterparts like Sprout or Fungal Infection.

The cards I'd look to cut first would be Rending Vines, Wear Away, Wrap in Vigor, Wurm's Tooth, Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, AEther Web, and possibly Fists of Ironwood unless you add more cards like Dreampod.

Setakat on Updating old Fungus deck (Casual)

1 year ago

Looking for some help/advice with updating my old Fungus deck to use in some casual 60 card wind down games on Commander Nights at my LGS. Old Fungus Deck.

Current ideas

There's a lot of good creatures in this space to fill a tribe, easily enough to easily fill the 36 available slots, and then some. But I also need to keep in mind that I'll probably want some instant speed removal/protection, so there's plenty to add, which first requires me to remove plenty.

Planned wincons are either overrun with Saproling tokens, swinging with a Mycoloth enchanted with Fists of Ironwood, or pinging my opponents to death with Slimefoot via mass saproling sac.

ClockworkSwordfish on BG Token engine

2 years ago

I really like the concept of the deck - get a big bruiser like Daemogoth Titan out and feed him tokens to keep him happy! The problem is... I don't feel like your deck is quite geared towards that. Firstly, you only have one Titan - in a 68 card deck, how often do you expect him to show up? The other is that I think you might need a few more ways to make tokens or otherwise low-value creatures: a number of your critters, like Dragonsguard Elite, Moldering Karok and Augmenter Pugilist  Flip are quite nice but maybe take away from the focus of the deck.

I'd definitely lock in three of the Titan as well as a full four of Eyetwitch, who can be fed to your big guy and lets you keep your lessons in the sideboard rather than taking up space in the deck. Other good ways to pump out tokens include Awakening Zone, Jadar, Ghoulcaller of Nephalia and Creakwood Liege, depending on your budget. With all these tokens flying around, Bastion of Remembrance or Zulaport Cutthroat are options for trimming your opponent's life down, and Vampiric Rites gives you a way to draw into what you need if you have a bunch of tiny little creatures but no way to win.

One other issue with the Titan is that while he is fantastically big for his cost, he has no Trample. If your opponent is also playing tokens, they can hold your Demon at bay all day with a procession of 1/1 chumps. Some good ways to get your Titan past chump blockers include Rancor, O-Naginata and the two-birds-with-one-stone Fists of Ironwood.

The last thing I'd suggest is more general advice. Whenever possible, always try to get your deck down to 60 cards. It will really make your game a lot more consistent - and don't forget you can keep Lessons in your sideboard for all those Learn cards to pull out! The other is that you'll want more lands, even with the deck trimmed down to 60 cards. 24 lands is kind of the classic guideline, but you might be able to trim down to 23 or even 22 if you ensure the Daemogoth is the most mana-intensive card in there.

Anyways, I hope the advice in here helps you out! The Daemogoth is a very intriguing card to build around and I wish you all the best in piloting this deck.

BrassLord on Pauperauraggro

3 years ago

Looks like a fun start! Reminds me of a Slippery Bogle or Gladecover Scout deck! Could be worth exploring, even if it's a few copies in the sideboard for more controlly matchups. Young Wolf could be another option if you're running into a lot of removal.

In terms of sideboard, it depends on what you find yourself up against Natural State can be really good against a mirror match and Affinity. Epic Confrontation and Cartouche of Strength for more targeting, as it also buffs your creature. Battlefield Scrounger is another overlooked finisher, as you can "recycle" your used spells if the game goes on for longer. Fists of Ironwood should also give you more resilience against sacrifice effects!

ellie-is on Ellie's Saprolings

3 years ago

HalbrechtHalbrecht: Thank you for the very detailed comment!!

Sprout is just sadly not good enough! I used to run it back when I also ran Parallel Lives and I think that's the only case where it's worth it - one mana for two creatures (making it slightly better than Tukatongue Thallid, which's that but over multiple turns). Otherwise, it's a 1/1 with flash and nothing else, which... Well, for comparison lets look at Spectral Sailor. It's blue, arguably the worst type for competitively costed creatures, and not only it has flash, but it also has flying, card draw, and two types with a lot of tribal support. And yet it's still a super cheap common that doesn't see play. So getting a card that does one third of that, in a green deck, not that great. If I'm making Saprolings I want to make more than one per card, so while Sprout is a nice card, it doesn't make the cut. (that said, I kinda wanna build a casual spirit deck with a playset of spectral sailor now)

You're right about Tukatongue Thallid's primary purpose, but it ended up not being relevant often enough to the point where I actually haven't missed it at all since I removed it! Which's why it's important that its replacement needed to be clearly doing more than it was.

I like Fists of Ironwood a lot, it's of course worse than Saproling Migration or even Krenko's Command, but it's what we have when we can get to make 2 Saprolings for 2 mana and have four migrations already, haha. Getting 2-for-1'd is definitely a risk, but I think it's worth it despite that, especially if I stick to my rule of never enchanting my own creature if I can help it. That said, as soon as they release something that can fulfill its purpose of getting as many Saprolings as possible out of a single card for a reasonable mana cost, I'll be sure to replace it.

I used to have Druid's Deliverance on the sideboard (and even the mainboard way back in the day), but it was just so rare for it to be giving me a significant enough advantage compared to other cards I could have. People tend to agree that Fogs aren't a good idea outside of casual environments and I have a hard time arguing with them (though I do love seeing a well played Fog in a kitchen table, lol). Populate is nice, but it ends up being a small bonus in a Saproling deck. You get a lot more out of it when you're doubling Rhinos or Wurms. (I do love that new art, though!)

Flash Foliage is a mix of Sprout and Druid's deliverance - but it's a weaker fog effect, and the saproling is almost always going to die. Drawing a card is nice, but the whole thing is a little too situational for me. Cards that require opponents to do a specific thing are a gamble, and they need a really good payoff to be worth it. And even if this let me make that Saproling and draw a card outside of combat, I'd probably not be sure about whether or not to run it, and that helps me realize that since it's worse than the hypothetical version I still might not run, I probably don't want to run it as it actually is.

Pallid Mycoderm is an interesting one! It's been so long since I gave spore counter fungus any consideration, that I hadn't thought about this particular card since before the deck was even white, haha. I'm going to do some serious thinking about it! I'm always wary of sacrificing tokens but it might be worth it.

Thanks again for everything! I'm always happy when people pay attention to my decks and look at them closely. And the world of Magic needs more unique builds, heh. Nothing wrong with wanting to win tournaments and play top tier decks, but... well, unique decks are a lot more fun!

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