Destroy the Evidence

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Destroy the Evidence


Destroy target land. Its controller reveals cards from the top of his or her library until he or she reveals a land card, then puts those cards into his or her graveyard.

TheoryCrafter on

2 years ago

Have you considered cards that allow you to put lands from your graveyard into the battlefield? These include, but are not limited to, Crucible of Worlds and The Mending of Dominaria

Also, while Alpine Moon is not played often, between this and land destroyer cards including, but not limited to, Cleansing Wildfire and Destroy the Evidence, could take out your pieces before you can get the combo going. May I suggest finding counter spells to deal with those threats?

Hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

Gattison on U.S.S. Deathstar: NCC-1701-FU (Paunza)

2 years ago

taylorfisdboss: Had some time to fiddle with this deck some more, and this is where I'm at currently. I could only find 1x Contaminated Ground, 1x Destroy the Evidence and 3x Psychic Venom in my collection. So I'm using 4x Singing Bell Strike and 3x Ninja of the Deep Hours as placeholders. I like the ninja's ability to let me re-use Balustrade Spy, so he may stay.

(My LGS isn't good for pauper singles, so next time I buy cards online... I'ma spend like 80 bucks on 10 cent singles. At least I'll get my money's worth lol)

Beyond that, Duress and Dark Ritual didn't work out as well as I thought in "playtesting", I felt like I needed to be more of a dick and have some legit removal, so Vapor Snag is back. Preordain is back because this is turning out to rely heavily on a few key cards, which makes it combo in my mind, which in turn means I either need to find redundancies to use as backups, or add draw power to find my pieces on time. Since there are no redundancies for Balustrade Spy and Destroy the Evidence in pauper, I went with draw. It's not enough though, so I'm back to brainstorming. Not using Brainstorm the card, just you know, using my brain.

My bad for the wait for a response. Also, I assume you're last sentence that got cut off was something along the lines of "love what you've done with the place." To which I say, thanks!

taylorfisdboss on U.S.S. Deathstar: NCC-1701-FU (Paunza)

2 years ago

Gattison The pay offs you just mentioned for black actually synergize with the Cleansing Wildfire and Geomancer's Gambit in that by helping our opponent search up lands we leave them with less lands and make both Destroy the Evidence and Balustrade Spy mill our opponents for more. Black also has the diverse Befoul for land or nonblack creature removal. Another cool idea is to lean into your Psychic Venom and also run Contaminated Ground so that you can really make their spells cost them.

I totally get what you're saying about playtesting in a vaccum and not wanting to make people play against it a bunch XD - that makes building ponza all the more difficult! love what you'v

Gattison on U.S.S. Deathstar: NCC-1701-FU (Paunza)

2 years ago

taylorfisdboss: Hmm, yes, fair point. Part of my reasoning behind them is to make this degenerate paunza deck a bit more ... idk "fun?" It's harder to playtest in a vacuum, and since it's pretty douchy, I don't really wanna subject my playgroup to a bunch of playtests either.

Silverbluff Bridge is a good idea though, I'll get some and make that swap. It's always good to have backup plans.

You did make me reconsider my approach here though. I searched for cards that might have better synergy, but there are no pauper cards that care about your opponent's lands LTB or ETG. There is however Roiling Terrain and Destroy the Evidence which got me re-strategizing. If I add black and things like Duress and Balustrade Spy... and Dark Ritual... but then... Hm.

Dyrkus on Mill... Baby.... I just wish I could quit you...

3 years ago

A few of my favorites for mill could be useful here, and also work rather well amongst themselves:

Mirko Vosk, Mind Drinker

Trepanation Blade

Destroy the Evidence

They'd be good for a double-down on the ability you already have from Consuming Aberration.

tumamaenmondongo on

3 years ago

There's a fringe combo archetype call One-Land Spy. It basically plays a single forest, fetchable with Land Grant, a bunch of ways to ramp into Balustrade Spy or Destroy the Evidence to get your whole deck into the graveyard at once. From there, there are plenty of ways to win, typically casting a Haunting Misery for 20 something, retrieving it from the graveyard off Anarchist, casting it by flasbacking Morgue Theft, with mana generated from Songs of the Damned and rituals. That one is a more elaborate version IMO, which wins through looping songs of the damned, to pay for a second loop which could be either Gray Merchant of Asphodel to drain life, or Balustrade Spy to mill your opponent.

The only thing you should be changing from that version is Gitaxian Probe which isn't pauper legal anymore. Replacing those, players are using cantrips like Manamorphose or cycling creatures, mana fixers like Abundant Growth, Springleaf Drum or mana dorks, rituals like Culling the Weak, or even stuff like Commune with Nature to dig for spy.

FrancoisParfait on Murder all the Things

5 years ago

Thanks for the input! I agree with the suggestions, honestly I only had Assassin's Strike for flavor, but it makes more sense to replace them with more Murder s.

Same thing with Contract Killing , I'm a sucker for flavor.

Taking out Destroy the Evidence seems like a good idea, I like playing them, but having other things such as Duress seem to be the better option.

Thanks again!

Kjartan on Murder all the Things

5 years ago

I assume this is built out of cards you owned at the time of construction, and that's why you only run 2 Murder and 2 Asphyxiate /3 Assassinate , as well as having a 2/2 split between Ruthless Ripper and Hired Poisoner .

Even so, I have to question you on some of these other choices:

Assassin's Strike seems like a terrible option. This late in the game, your opponent likely doesn't even have anything to discard, essentially making it a 6 mana sorcery removal spell.

Contract Killing also seems bad, since your only 6+ mana card is Assassin's Strike . And unless you hold a lot of cards back, those clues, with 5 lands in play, or not gonna do a whole lot.

Destroy the Evidence definitely also seems bad. Most decks don't care about losing a land this late in the game, and milling them will more than likely just help them. Since you're not a land destruction deck, nor a mill deck, I don't think you have a way of capitalizing on this card.

As for suggestions, something to deal with non-creature decks, and some overall better spells. Doesn't have to be expensive, just Duress , more Murder s, Victim of Night n' all that.

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