Curse of Chains

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Curse of Chains

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

At the beginning of each upkeep, tap enchanted creature.

RiotRunner789 on How to kill a resolved …

1 year ago

Curfew doesn't target. Curse of Chains is technically multicolored. But my favorite is Serrated Arrows, though obviously not the best option.

Neotrup on Equipped creature question

3 years ago

Yes. Protection means that the permanent can't be damanged, enchanted/equipped/fortified, blocked, or targeted by objects of those characteristics. DEBT for short. So Sword of War and Peace prevents Curse of Chains both from from being targetting the equipped creature and from being enchanted by it. In this case, it would remove the enchantment, but it also prevents the enchantment from entering the battlefield attached to the creature if it enters through a means other than the stack.

Wbg1415 on Equipped creature question

3 years ago

If I play enchantment Curse of Chains on an opponent creature the color of enchantment is white. Can my opponent play Sword of War and Peace which states equipped creature has protection from red and white, will this remove my enchantment thats already attached to creature because its a white enchantment?

ZendikariWol on Niv's 59 Dualcolored Hits

4 years ago

Bring to Light may be pretty good, Fight to the Death , when revealed, serves to say "wanna make a big attack? ban plan." Flower / Flourish or Safewright Quest is good two-color mana fixing. Putrefy and Mortify are both pretty strong. Thrash / Threat is pretty all right creature removal if Niv is out. I am partial to Archon of Valor's Reach - I just like the card. Armadillo Cloak is def all right if Nivvy's your main wincon. Artifact Mutation and Aura Mutation are awesome, as is Hull Breach . I know one of my friends has a Kresh the Bloodbraided deck that would be utterly demolished by a Backlash . Bedevil is absurdly versatile removal. Blightning has a special place in my heart for taking any deck that doesn't know how to draw cards directly out of the game. Mostly a 60 cards, 20 life thing tho. Boros Charm can fizzle a removal spell, or it can make Niv into a really big meat stick. Burning-Tree Shaman and Cindervines are absolute murder for spellslinger decks. Casualties of War might help with those planeswalkers you seem to want to make disappear. Cauldron Haze is an... unconventional way to eat a removal spell. Clan Defiance is pretty all right, though it is an X spell that doesn't just kill a player directly. Countersquall is a good not- Negate , as is Dovin's Veto . Curse of Chains is a cool removal spell. Deathsprout is removal and ramp. A bit costly but Murder and Rampant Growth combined (minus one mana) is worth considering for casuals like me. Debtors' Knell can be a nice finisher.

Defiler of Souls is one of my favorite cards of all time. I just love playing colors and I like turning downsides into upsides.

Despark and Deputy of Detention (not to mention the D-Sphere itself) is pretty good removal. Destructive Revelry is pretty good removal as well. Dimir Doppelganger would fuck a reanimator deck six ways from Sunday. Divinity of Pride is a big, lifelinking threat. Djinn Illuminatus is sneakily very strong. Imagine duplicating all your removal spells as many times as you bother to pay for them. Domri's Ambush is even more good removal (this time creature removal). Dragonlair Spider is just quite good at making tokens. Dreadbore kills two relevant types. Dromoka's Command is sweet removal but not many of its other options are relevant. Dueling Grounds is Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist (or Mirri is Dueling grounds- whatever). Both are awesome pillow fort. Escape to the Wilds draws cards. The color-matters auras from Eventide and Shadowmoor are strong with Niv and also on-theme.

Fossil Find alluded to graveyard order... in a 2008 set... huh.

Identity Crisis just discards your opponent's... everything. Ionize is a pretty all right counterspell. Justice Strike , another pet card of mine, is just very a flavorful removal spell. Mindleech Mass is crazy cool. Mirari's Wake is a really conventionally strong card. Mistmeadow Witch is more expensive and more timely Soulherder (fizzles removal!). Mnemonic Betrayal is just a gem. Mystic Snake and Frilled Mystic are both counterspells. Necrogenesis makes tokens and screws up reanimation. Palliation Accord is pretty freaking pillow forty. Pillory of the Sleepless , Anguished Unmaking , and Vindicate are more solid Orzhov removal. Plasm Capture isn't great, I don't think, but it feels like a card that has some wild stories attached to it, don'tcha think? Rakdos's Return seems like another really fun spell. I want to make a RB casual Rack deck. Silumgar's Command is a good card. Thought Erasure is a perfectly suitable discard spell. Trygon Predator is good. Wheel of Sun and Moon ensures that every card in your deck is just a few Niv triggers away.

And BAM, I've looked through every two-color card in Magic. There we go. That's what stood out to me, but I find that many players are more competitive than I am and therefore have different definitions of what a good card is. Feel free to take some or none of my advice. All would likely prove disastrous for your deck- a lot of the cards I suggested were removal.

Ziusdra on Card creation challenge

4 years ago

Hmmm perhaps its mana cost should've been . Its ability gets better and better with each commander tax though :)

Ready thine Pacifism and Lawmage's Binding and Demotion and Luminous Bonds and Curse of Chains and Sleep Paralysis ! We're going to make our enemies groan! (maybe if we're really mean we'll run some Abduction or Control Magic )

Cipher001 on Tap-Down Control

5 years ago

Flooremoji I think you're right. It pains me to get rid of one of the cards that inspired the idea, but it's just removal fodder at best in most matchups. One mana to get rid of a three mana card that doesn't do anything but possibly get bigger isn't a great trade-off from my end.

Demarge I went ahead and looked at the mtg goldfish meta page as well. Humans is the most popular deck, which uses a ton of creatures, but it's pretty much the only one, yeah. Right now, decks are very non-creature spell oriented. I think Gideon Jura would fit if I can justify his being a finisher for the deck. Tamiyo, the Moon Sage can at least keep lands and troublesome artifacts tapped down, and serves as draw power when enough creatures are tapped down. If you had to choose one, which would you choose? I'm leaning toward Gide on for the 6/6 indestructible for 5 mana.

aswordforthefallen As Demarge pointed out, the bulk of the decks right now aren't going to be focused on using creatures, so using creatures for them is a good way to go, I think. Hunted Phantasm is a good way to ensure that I can still get value from Verity Circle . That does incur the question for whether I should go wide with temporary effects that hit multiple creatures like Downpour and Feeling of Dread , or whether I should keep a smaller number of creatures consistently being tapped with enchantments like Curse of Chains . As for all-around value planeswalkers, what do you have in mind? I see Narset, Parter of Veils , Teferi, Time Raveler , and Teferi, Hero of Dominaria used a good deal.

Gidgetimer I don't think Pickles is what I want to go for. It's a neat way to work tap-down control, but I'd rather focus on cards that work specifically with tapping rather than abusing the morph mechanic. Thanks for the suggestion, though! It is a really interesting deck.

Funkydiscogod Quiet contemplation is a really good fit for the deck. The only problem I have with it is that by freeing up space for more traditional cards, I move away from my preferred aesthetic. Part of the problem here is that I've chosen a really inefficient form of control. For the one mana I could use on Gigadrowse , I could spend it on Path to Exile . What cards would you suggest to complement Quiet Contemplation while staying true to having tap-down effects being the primary method of control? Opt , for example, is a one mana draw card that can turn into a two-mana Frost Breath hybrid. I can't think of much else other than draw cards, though, that fit in the control scheme that don't remove the need for tap-down effects entirely. Do you think Frost Titan is too expensive to play, or is its built-in protection enough to warrant using it at 6 mana?

Thank you so much, everyone that's contributed! It means a lot to me that you're helping me out. I've had this idea for the longest time, but I just haven't been able to make it work by myself. You people rock!

Cipher001 on Tap-Down Control

5 years ago

Flooremoji those are great suggestions! I really like enchantments, too. Curse of Chains and Narcolepsy would be great answers to the problem at hand. What planeswalkers would you suggest? Gideon Jura works to blow up tapped creatures as well as a beatstick himself. Do you think Gideon's Avenger is a viable card, or just removal fodder?

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