Interaction with multiple cards affecting discard

Asked by Anneto 9 years ago

If I have on the field a Library of Leng, Solitary Confinement, and a Necropotence would discarding at my upkeep go to exile or does Library of Leng stop the discarded card from ever hitting the graveyard?

rorofat says... #1

From what I can see, the Library of Leng never allows it to hit the graveyard in the first place, and Necropotence only affects cards that hit the graveyard, so I think it would go on top, but I'm not entirely sure...

May 14, 2015 2:36 p.m.

TheRedMage says... Accepted answer #2

The discarded card will never hit the graveyard.

The ability in Necropotence works differently than most similar effects, in which it's a triggered ability that triggers when a card is discarded and hits the graveyard. However, Library of Leng replaces the card going to the graveyard with it going to the top of your library. So

  • You discard a card. Necropotence triggers.
  • Library of Leng replaces it going to the graveyard with you putting it on top of your library.
  • The Necropotence trigger is put on the stack
  • The trigger resolves and tries to exile the card from your graveyard, but can't find the card in your graveyard at all, so it does nothing.
May 14, 2015 2:38 p.m.

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