How Do Reflexive Triggers affect Multiple Players Dying?

Asked by Delphen7 2 years ago

This almost happened on Arena, and I was wondering what would happen.

Opponent controls The Royal Scions and Teferi's Ageless Insight. Opponent activates The Royal Scions' -8, drawing 5 cards before their library is empty. That satisfies The Royal Scions' reflexive trigger, dealing lethal damage to me.

Who loses first? Normally since it's the same ability, I would assume it's both of us, but since in this case opponent definitively drew from empty library before I was dealt damage, I'm just making sure

Rhadamanthus says... Accepted answer #1

Your opponent loses and you don't take any damage.

A player losing for trying to draw from an empty library since the last time state-based actions (SBAs) were checked is itself one of the SBAs that are checked and executed right before each time a player would receive priority. This means your opponent leaves the game right before the trigger from The Royal Scions' last ability is put onto the stack. Since that trigger would be controlled by someone who has left the game, it isn't put onto the stack.

May 23, 2022 1:49 p.m.

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