The Predator of Predators

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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Ikoria: A "meh" Dino tribal set. —April 30, 2020

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Unfortunately, Ikoria wasn't quite the expansion of Dino tribal I was hoping for. A majority of the Dinosaurs were...different from what I was expecting to say the least - focusing (not surprisingly) on the set mechanic as opposed to Enrage. I was even hopeful for something that could help enable Enrage triggers or give me more Dinosaurs with Enrage. The set overall is pretty cool, and definitely appeals to my inner Timmy, but doesn't provide much for Zacama to work with. But, there's one card that caught my attention - Bonders' Enclave. Since a majority of the creatures in this deck are power 4 and above, I have hope that this card can come into some good use as it's definitely an improvement over the previously included Arch or Orazca. Are there cards I missed in this set that would be a great fit for this deck?