The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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Did I just buy a fake card from ebay? pt. 2 —Dec. 5, 2017

So, for those of you who were keeping tabs on updates from this story I'm sorry for being so lazy about sending what happened next. So, onward with our story. So when I purchased the card I was roughly 70% sure the card was legit, but naturally I contacted the seller and requested additional images before it was sent out. Here's the back of the card and a better image of the bottom (focusing on the anti-counterfeiting holofoil stamp) half of the card. After that, I can honestly say that I was 95% convinced this card was the real deal. Once I received it I performed the light test. I could try and take pictures, but i'm kinda lazy about it. BUT, if someone actually requests it i'll do it in another update. So this is it. I'm up to the final boss for pimping out my prized EDH deck, the one and only Masterpiece Sol Ringfoil. At this point I do have some powerful trade fodder, but I almost want to try and keep it. Who knows what deals ebay may have? Stay tuned for further updates!

_Delta_ says... #1

Oh i'm sorry, I thought I had got back to you on this, I admit I had completely forgot because of school and all. Negate I think is fine to stay with for the reasons you listed, being able to hit creatures could be useful and all, but unless your seeing a lot of high impact, need to be dealt with creature threats in your meta then I think the cost reduction will be helpful. Plus you now will have Disallow already anyways.

I went to an Iconic Masters draft the other day and anyways, a friend beside me opened a Mana Drain, and meanwhile I opened a Thundermaw Hellkite :(

November 25, 2017 10:31 p.m.

Mortlocke says... #2

Delta-117, I decided to just stick with the Negate. I'm done making changes to the deck- all that's left is acquire the foils. I just purchased a foil Mana Drain from ebay for $158. I'm anxiously waiting for it to arrive. For the price it was A steal, but still expensive as hell. I'm sorry to hear about your draft woes, I know your pain. This is why I don't buy boxes and rarely do drafts. Normally, I just buy singles. After reading up on the subject I've gotten pretty decent at spotting counterfeit cards.

Thanks for your input on Negate though, I had my doubts for a moment, but it's a solid spell worth keeping. I think this list is it. Once I get Sol Ringfoil icon, i'm done. No more high-priced least until more Slivers arrive.

November 25, 2017 11:15 p.m. Edited.