The Queen's Egg

Commander / EDH Mortlocke

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Did I just buy a fake card from ebay? pt. 1 —Nov. 24, 2017

So, it's come down to the last two foil cards I want my deck: Mana Drainfoil and Sol Ringfoil. I just found (and bought) a Mana Drain on ebay for $158, including shipping. Incredible deal right? Well, there are some concerns I have with the listing. So, lets start with issue number 1: The Photos. Front of the Card, Top of the Card, and The Set Symbol. They're all taken with a cell phone, and don't have very good quality. The set symbol image is legit though, as I was capable of replicating the grainy/pixelated effect by simply taking a similar close up shot. number 2: The seller. So the seller hasn't sold many items on ebay, and the only other listing is just for a bunch of "blank" foil cards. It doesn't mean that they're counterfeiters or anything, it just bothers me a little that they haven't done many sales.

I requested additional images of the card before it's sent out. Hopefully the images will be of better quality, as I want to see the back of the card as well. When I get those images, i'll make another update. Stay tuned for pt. 2 of my adventures on ebay.