Chimeric Idol and Zedruu, the Greathearted

Asked by kengiczar 8 years ago

If I activate Chimeric Idol and then in response hold priority and activate Zedruu the Greathearted to give the idol to an opponent does the Chimeric Idol tap my lands or that opponent's?

Furthermore are there any isntances where I would need to hold priority other than if I suspect my opponent has Trickbind? Even in that case they can just stifle Zedruu the Greathearteds ability so it's not the best play for me to make, but I'm curious.

From what I understand the Chimeric Idol will check for ownership on resolution resulting in my opponent's tapping down their lands. This will be a great strategy to use with my Winter Orb > : )

hyperlocke says... Accepted answer #1


Once an ability's effect is on the stack, it exists independently from its source.

If you activate Chimeric Idol's ability, the effect will go on the stack (under your control!). If you give the Idol to your opponent in response, you will still control the effect on the stack, because it's independent from the Idol. When the effect resolves, you will have to tap all your lands and your opponent will have an animated Idol with summoning sickness.

January 15, 2016 7:32 a.m.

Gidgetimer says... #2

As for the strategy advice you asked in the second paragraph, there are plenty of reasons to hold priority but here is not the place to discuss that.

January 15, 2016 8:27 p.m.

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