Kunoros needs help

Standard Deck Help forum

Posted on April 25, 2020, 4:03 p.m. by Zylvanbane

Hey guys. I've been tinkering with a lot of new deck ideas since the release of Ikoria, and I keep coming back to Kunoros, Hound of Athreos from TBD.

Essentially, I'm looking to build something of a lock down deck, or sorts. Kunoros and Grafdigger's Cage will lock down so much of the new meta, as so many cards use the graveyard and library as their pull mechanic. Even cards like the Broodmoth are useless against them.

My best guesses so far are to use Menace or possibly build something around Yorion as a companion, but still working on it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Even so, I've found a few of problems I am running into. First, I can't find a suitable win condition. Locking down and countering an opponent is good, but they can still win with it by just attacking. Second, I need to protect my lockdown cards a little better. Lastly, I'm not sure what to build with them.

Has anyone else been tinkering with something similar? Does anyone have any suggestions that might help? I'm trying to focus on standard play above all else.

x12721 says... #2

Depending on how your manabase is, you could run some combination of Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Underworld Dreams as your win conditions. As for protection, I'd either lean into Alseid of Life's Bounty or Regrowth effects.

April 25, 2020 4:16 p.m.

Zylvanbane says... #3

I've tried implementing a control deck with some success. Prison Realm and Banishing Light are great at keeping larger threats off the board, while Pacifism can just ruin my opponent's strategy. With so many nutty combos though it's hard to really do it in a 60 card deck. I've also tried adding Yorion as a companion and expanding it to 80, but I run into issues with pulling what I need.

April 26, 2020 9:07 p.m.

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