Affording Legacy

Legacy forum

Posted on Sept. 18, 2016, 9:32 p.m. by ChordFor15

So, I'm attempting to enter into Legacy with a Maverick deck (One of my favorite legacy archetypes) and I recently bought the shell (Knight of the Reliquary, Green Sun's Zenith, Stoneforge Mystic and friends, you know, the usual) and I would like to know an efficient way to buy the rest of the deck, any ideas? Right now, I've portioned all my needed cards into 80-200 dollar "packages", if you will, to buy with paychecks as I get them, is this wrong? Is there a better way? Would love to hear feedback

skmbc says... #2

I use other hobbies to fund my expensive decks. Things like playing music on the street, training other people's dogs. little bits of cash build up. If I can make 20 bucks a day playing music that's a nice chunk of change 5 days out of the week. more if i have a goal to it. There's also trading out cards you're not thinking of using any time soon. Or you could just become a bank robber!

September 18, 2016 9:48 p.m.

ChordFor15 says... #3

skmbc Sadly bank robber seems the most likely. Maybe I could get back into doing actual magic for little parties and what not, I have a decent collection and only play EDH, so selling cards seems very lucrative. We'll see in the coming months

September 18, 2016 10:17 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #4

Actual magic for parties? So like, combo decks?

But for real, you're already half way there for those of us that can't just buy a new deck. Pick a deck you love and build it over time. Trading helps, but if you don't have much of a collection then it wont get far.

The way I started playing legacy (and modern, really) was to just go to FNM, get prizes, and just either never collect packs and accrue store credit, or use packs as trade fodder. If you're good at the game, but just poor (So a fair number of people still in school), then this is a highly advised route. If you aren't capable of taking down an FNM then you probably shouldn't be building a legacy deck yet; just keep grinding until you can guarantee an X-2 FNM at the bare minimum, then start to make your move up the ladder.

September 18, 2016 11:35 p.m.

ChordFor15 says... #5

DevoidMage Thanks for the ideas, but the problem is my "Local" Game Store is by Lansing and Northern Michigan has a startling lack of game stores within a 4 hour drive radius. I've been playing the game since I was 10, and I'm sixteen now, and I've played a whole freaking lot, it's just a matter of getting money together, I might be able to trade up for a dual or two with what I got while still keeping my 3 or 4 main decks together. And since school has started, paychecks will slow down. But who knows, Christmas is soon, I got a birthday in February, a paycheck could get me a Horizon Canopy or Verdant Catacomb, who knows? Maybe by next Summer I'll have a good Legacy deck, guess we'll find out

September 18, 2016 11:52 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #6

Alright, well that's all good info.

Basically my advice is just don't buy anything. It'll suck, a lot, but getting a deck that you can play forever (should you stick with the game forever) is totally worth. But I totally feel for ya, trying to play competitive magic while still in highschool is almost undoable. For now, just grind it out and you'll get there. Don't get caught up in trying to make a budgetized version of the deck either. I've lost a good chunk of value by trying to play a deck early by making it worse. Just be content in knowing that you'll have the deck done at some point.

September 19, 2016 12:07 a.m.

MollyMab says... #7

Honestly packaging them up is probably the best thing. However, don't go for the best quality cards. A shitty savannah does the same as a NM one and costs a fraction of the cost.

Scour ebay and stuff for cards people have mispelled. There are numerous apps and sites that do this for you. Set up a snipe too where possible.

Trading is always good too. I lucked out on double expedition which I've turned into 2 of my duals. There are good places on facebook for it.

September 19, 2016 4:36 a.m.

ChordFor15 says... #8

Ah yes, Dual lands and Nobel Hierarchs

September 19, 2016 6:46 a.m.

kyuuri117 says... #9

The best way to get a legacy deck is to save up and buy the dual lands, and any other expensive reserve list cards the deck needs, and to over trade for the rest. Buying the Knights/sfm/gsz etc migjt be wasting money, because while they're hard to find for trade, they're much easier to trade for than stuff like dual lands or zen fetches.

October 24, 2016 8:40 p.m.

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