Tasigur Seasons Past / Season Pastigur

Commander / EDH LabManiac_Cameron

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War of the Spark Updates —May 19, 2019

Inline updates...
-Stubborn Denial + Narset's Reversal. This spell is bonkers.
-Chains of Mephistopheles +Narset, Parter of Veils. Its a solid replacement and Narset is doing work without warping our own gameplan as much.
-Ad Nauseam +Bolas's Citadel. This a toss up between Seasons Past and Ad Naus. I went with Ad Naus cause of the life payments overlapping, but I see reasons for going the other way. This is where I am at for now, but this may change in the future.
-Counterbalance +Ashiok, Dream Render. This was finding a slot for it. The inline replacement slot may have been Shadow of Doubt, however, Shadow has the ability to act as a proactive counterspell for certain spells and can be placed on a isochron tutor to act as a constant draw source.
-Imperial Seal +Karn, the Great Creator. As Ashiok becomes more a part of the meta, top deck tutors are getting worse, Imperial Seal is not 100% where we want to be anyways and having that card milled and then exiled by Ashiok is even worse. Karn as a one sided null rod is amazing and can also get back artifacts from delve. He's been fantastic in testing.

Kross33 says... #1

Where's your Mental Misstep ?

March 19, 2019 1:46 p.m.

Legion564 - Betrayal was in as a tempo swing, it has come out. In my latest update it and Seeds of Innocence came out for a Dark Confidant and a Runic Armasaur. You were on a good track!

Kross33 - Its too narrow for a counterspell.

March 19, 2019 7:54 p.m.

Legion564 says... #3

Sounds good. I'm trying out incubation druid and thousand year elixir also for a little more consistency after a big ad naseum in case I don't hit isochron so I'll report on how that goes.

March 20, 2019 11:47 a.m.

Dango says... #4

I've been following this list for a while now and I really dig your new changes to develop more card advantage by cutting the dead weight. Your Primer is very well thought out and you really inspired me to build my own Tasigur list for my 75% meta. I adopted a lot of your competitive lines and worked them into my build while implementing some meta calls as well as goodstuff in favor of value and longevity rather than speed. I'm not going to leave a shameless plug and link my deck on here, but if you wouldn't mind I would really appreciate it if you could look over my list that I have up on my page. I'd love to hear what you have to say. :)

Keep up the good work! I really like the content that you and the LabMan crew put out!

March 20, 2019 12:47 p.m.

WisdomComes says... #5

I agree with the Betrayal+seeds cut, I tried it briefly and they almost always sat in hand unlike any other cards in my deck, over multiple games always the same thing. Only ever had the combo of the two go off once, which was cool but too narrow to include.

Betrayal usually ended up being used alone for removal+tutor 99% of the time it was cast for me, still may include since my playgroup only has 1 twister player at the moment.

March 21, 2019 6:47 a.m.

Dango says... #6

WisdomComes Betrayal has been lackluster in my experience testing as well. I may board it in again in a graveyard heavy matchup one night, but for now, I've been testing out Scavenging Ooze for a body and grave hate mana dump as a bit of a meta call on my part. Unfortunately, after at least ten games after slotting it in, I still have yet to even draw into it for some reason. There are a lot of graveyard strategies floating around in my meta, so I think it can work well but I can't speak on behalf of its performance quite yet.

March 21, 2019 7:41 a.m.

Aladdin says... #7

What are your thoughts on Mox Opal? Do we run enough artifacts to successfully turn it on reliably?

March 24, 2019 1:54 p.m.

Dejadal says... #8

Any tips for modifying the deck to fit a less competitive table? Counterbalance probably has to go since there's much more variance in CMC

March 27, 2019 8 a.m.

Chillerpillar says... #9

Hey Cameron I have a couple of questions

I hope you find these questions interesting enough to answer. Have a good day :)

April 2, 2019 10:07 a.m.

Aladdin - not enough artifacts yet. You want 16-18 for opal to be a solid consideration if you aren't wheeling a lot.

Dejadal - More board clears, less spot removal. There has been a ton of discussion regarding this in our discord. However, I personally have played my older lists into Battlecruiser metas and had a good time. The big thing is that the deck is strong but aimed at different things. One of the core concepts of the deck is that a 4/5 will cover all your combat needs. In less powerful metas, people are dropping 6/6 keyword soup creatures pretty constantly and Tasigur just doesn't cut it. I've actually lost most of my games with this cEDH deck in Battlecruiser games. Specifically because it wasn't designed to play in the same meta. You will find yourself really heavily pressured. If you do tune the deck with more board control, the deck is really solid and can get to an oppressive point.

dennisdegooijer - Tezz isn't great. Unlike Teferi or some Izzet decks, there are no silverbullets that you would be grabbing. He doesn't ramp enough to replace himself. He's just too much for too little.

Incubation druid is a solid budget replacement for bloomtender.

Underrealm Lich is just too slow for cEDH. Its a 5 mana do nothing until you draw a card.

Dimir Charm is a versatile answer to lots of various issues. It can stop tutors, it can stop timetwisters/windfalls or wraths. It can kill almost all the relevant commanders that may see play and want to stay on the battlefield, i.e. Tymna, both Selvalas, Thrasios, Vialsmasher, Captain Sisay, Yisan, Arcum, Baral, Brago, Circu, Grand Arbiter Augustin, JVP, Mizzix, Momir Vig, Rashmi, Tana, Varolz, etc. It can mill out top of deck tutors, if you feel that is the appropriate answer to them. And once you go infinite if you have no other win option, you can use it to mill out your opponents except for their last card. For the Necro and Ad naus discussion, you actually want to add Notion Thief to that mix. For Mass Card draw cards, most cEDH decks run two of those three. Necro just has fallen behind as it is hardest to cast and the slowest of card draw. As the game gets faster, you need to speed up the card draw sources and being able to leave up interaction then Ad Naus or Notion Thief on someone else's Windfall/Timetwister really makes a big difference.

Mystical tutor doesn't have enough targets and there is a balance between tutors and interaction that pushed it out. Also the fact that it is card disadvantage really adds to it falling away. Chain of Vapor is on the edge of coming in and out a lot. The real spot for it is in the Beast Within slot, however Beast Within is part of a infinite win. Frantic Search, while it is selection, it is also card disadvantage and is something we don't want to get back with Tasigur. The only non-land cantrip we have is Brainstorm. It is leaps and bounds above all the others. Nature's Claim is solid, but we need more universal removal in the general list, it would be a fine include if you are seeing a majority of stax elements that you need to get rid of in your local meta.

April 8, 2019 11:43 a.m.

procy says... #11

I have enjoyed all the contents above and all videos on youtube of your guys, I like them so much, as well as this control tasigur deck. The question is about the card crop rotation there, is it only for bog/strip mine, or it can be made use of other situations, I think it is narrow for only a one or two land tutor.

April 10, 2019 3:12 p.m.

procy says... #12

I saw burgeoning from your S3E1 video, which is not on this list. Which do you think better of exploration/burgeoning in this deck or you just run them both?

April 10, 2019 3:44 p.m.

procy - Exploration wins out between the two, it is more consistent in the late game when you are looping LftL. The video was filmed back in December and it was in the middle some of the major changes I have documented in the change log.

April 13, 2019 3:05 p.m.

Hi, I’m a huge fan of your build and was curious of your opinion on Ashiok, Dream Render’s effectiveness as another control option in the deck.

April 15, 2019 11:41 a.m.

thatGuyneedsAusername - it is really solid. It is probably an auto include in every UBx midrange and control deck. It will most likely replace Counterbalance or Shadow of Doubt.

April 15, 2019 11:46 a.m.

2l84that says... #16

Hello Cameron,

As a dedicated Tasigur player and a fan I have a few questions I hope you can answer sometime.

Between Day's Undoing and Windfall which one do you think makes a better Ti metwister replacement? (Timetwister and OG duals lands are likely the only cards I will not be able to afford in the foreseeable future) I am leaning more towards Day's Undoing, but I have heard arguments both against and for it, I would like your opinion on that.

Also, what are your opinions regarding inclusion of Misdirection? Is it good, bad, or more of a metacall? Also with the removal of cabal coffer's a few version back don't you think the utility of crop rotation has decreased and perhaps that it could be replaced with more interaction, such as muddle the mixture?

April 15, 2019 6:10 p.m.

2l84that - Windfall or some other piece of card draw like a Fact or Fiction would be better. Day's Undoing just hurts in that it ends your turn. If you are able to give it flash in some way, based on existing cards in your deck, then it might have a spot. Misdirection can be a narrower free counterspell, but it also is really hard card disadvantage. It you are in pods with all combo decks, it may be of use, but otherwise, we have better counterspells. For Crop Rotation, the graveyard hate is still relevant. Also it can mana fix you or feed your LftL by getting you a fetch land in play. It hasn't lost its spot yet.

April 22, 2019 12:50 p.m.

Jt5525e10 says... #18

Hey Cameron, how do you feel Thrasios and Silas Renn compares to Tasigur as a sultai control pairing?

April 23, 2019 7:45 p.m.

Doveyy says... #19

How often is freed from the real a dead draw for you? Like the deck a lot and am considering building jt.

April 26, 2019 11:35 p.m.

steven11788 says... #20

love this primer and you keep up with it, this will be my cedh deck from now on

April 28, 2019 9:36 p.m.

Jt5525e10 It isn't great. I'd put Tymna in Silas's place any day if you were running Thrasios for a similar deck.

Doveyy Not often.

steven11788 Thanks!

May 1, 2019 5:25 p.m.

Doveyy says... #22

Good to know, my gold fishing had a bad playtest but i didnt do it many times. Love the deck man.

May 1, 2019 5:28 p.m.

lmsmq says... #23

What is the purpose of the Season's Past loop? I get that with infinite mana you can tutor for your combo, but couldn't you just repeatedly activate Tasigur at that point to achieve the same thing?

May 2, 2019 11:48 p.m.

skaterajfst says... #24

Hello LabManiac_Cameron, I’ve been following your deck and I have a question for you. It’s clearly the Ashiok, Dream Render ’s effectiveness but what about the Narset, Parter of Veils ? It will be good too?

Best regards.

May 4, 2019 10:24 a.m.

atlimar says... #25

I'm putting this deck together for a newly established 3-player cEDH meta.

I'm in love with Palinchron, but I get that Dramatic Scepter is almost strictly superior. However, with Neoform the deck would have 2 ways of turning Tasigur into Palinchron. With Phantasmal Image and Utopia Sprawl already in the deck, it seems like a fairly card effective addition for more redundant infinite mana generation. Thoughts?

I suppose that once we start adding more high cmc creatures to the deck, Tasigurs mill becomes worse and worse, and I don't want to turn the deck back into a reanimator list.

With Neoform and Eldritch Evolution, I'm tempted to add a few "fun-of" 7cmc cards like Diluvian Primordial, to see how they work out in my meta :)

May 5, 2019 6:18 a.m.